
Una colección de artículos para los buscadores de verdad - Buscando la joya preciosa en medio de la basura.

Esta pagina es nueva. Se agregará mas material pronto.


El mundo está lleno de basura! Los medios de comunicación (corriente y alternativo) estan llenos, el Internet está lleno, FB está lleno. No quiero decir que de vez en cuando no haya algunas cosas buenas, aunque pocas.

Me gusta leer. Me gusta aprender. Y quiero la verdad, nada menos.

De vez en cuando leo algo profundo, algo diferente, fuera de las normas, fuera de lo aceptado, que quiero almacenar en mi mente, compartir con los demás, lo que sea, archivarlo, preservarlo para las generaciones futuras ...

Este material aunque sea "irrelevante" al tema de estas paginas sobre Ecuador y Loja será almacenado aquí bajo el titulo "irrelevantisimo"...

La mayoria de este material esta escrito en Ingles. Para traduccir al idioma Español por favor utilce el boton de idiomas (boton rojo arriba)
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US War Crimes or ‘Normalized Deviance’
US War Crimes or ‘Normalized Deviance’

Not much to do with Ecuador or Latin America? Wrong! Every single coup that has happened on this continent fits the "normalization of deviance" pattern and it is still going on today more than ever (Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela) and Ecuador next. A must read.

This great essay gets to the gist of most of the problem of the violence inflicted on foreign governments. My whole life I’ve wondered why this nation is always at war which is almost 62 years of continuous conflict including the cold war. What could all those trillions of dollars have done instead of building and deploying a military of galactic proportions? Where do all those sociopathic ‘officials’ come from and what could be done to reign them in? Votes matter not because the US govt does what it always does which continues it’s aggressive destruction of the planet. How does a peace lover such as myself live in a violent world without heavy medication that has already shortened my life? All I hear is how the main candidates will build our insanely obscene military even more. When is enough, enough? Thanks for all the good essays that perhaps the leaders should read also, and I wish everyone peace.

What a brilliant catchphrase. And an excellent article as well, one of the best I've seen all month.


In addition, this excellent documentary about the battel between Chevron and the Amazonian forest illustrates even more how deviance is being normalized

To watch absolutely

Chevron vs the Amazon

A U.S. court just handed another victory to the oil giant Chevron Texaco, in its decades-long battle to avoid paying damages it owes in one of the worst environmental disasters in history.
