
We spend time wandering in Loja, exploring places, talking to people and ... eating icecream. It is all part of my job. We are often impressed by the quality of what is on offer and the level of commitment of the people who manage these businesses.

When we visit these places, restaurants, hotels, businesses, most of the time without appointment and not knowing anyone, they greet me with courtesy and interest. We tell them about the "todoloja.com" web site and they are interested in being part of it. They want to be better known and more recognized especially at international level. Their level of English is often poor and we can definitely help them with that and give them a better international web presence.

To see a list of some of the best businesses that we have reviewed click here

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Todoloja ayuda a los negocios Lojanos a superar la crisis económica

Promociona tu negocio a nivel local, nacional y mundial en las paginas de todoloja. Proponemos redacciones detalladas con fotos de buena calidad, redacciones en Español y en Inglés profesional, vídeos y entrevistas, publicación efectiva en el Internet con técnicas de optimización de motores de búsqueda.

Emprendedores Lojanos Leer más
