Real Estate Vilcabamba Ecuador - Rio Uchima -
Quinta 14
Q14 is a secluded riverfront paradise
Access is via the private road shown as a black dotted line on the map below.

There are two areas suitable for building: the area marked "Las Ruinas" which is
elevated and the area by the river. The area located by the river is larger and
flatter than the elevated area.
By the river, there is ample space to build any type of house. The flat area is
2 meters above the water level well protected from any potential flooding.
Below are the main features of Q14:
- absolute riverfront living - the public road is on the other side of the river
- very large building site suitable for any type of home
- access via private road
- second elevated building site further away from the river (location of the ruins,
see photo tour)
- beach, swimming hole
- lots of trees, some fruit trees (citrus)
- abundance of the purest drinking water on earth
The photo below shows both parts of Q14 : the low part, large and flat by the river
and the elevated part with the ruins along the neighbour's gum tree forest (see
photo tour).

Photo tour
Photo tour
Click on the picture below for a photo tour of Quinta 14