
In Vilcabamba you can do as much or as little as you like, it is all up to you ! Find a hammock somewhere and watch life go by or go crazy doing millions of things

Massage and Energy Therapies

Why not take advantage of your stay in Vilcabamba to just look after yourself a little?

Please refer to our Health sections for up to date information.
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Below are a few options that we reviewd in 2009 in the field of massage, energy therapies, beauty care.
They may not be up-to-date.

Jan Wallace

I have had sessions with Jan, she knows her stuff, she is lovely and she is dedicated. Once my neck was so stiff and sore and she spent almost two hours on me.

She is trained in a variety of massage techniques, including Swedish Massage, Shiatsu/Acupressure, Reflexology, Sports Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue, and Pregnancy Massage.  She has 30 years experience in this field and has even worked with famous celebrities in Southern California.  Massages are offered in 1, 1 ½, and 2 hour lengths.

Additionally, Jan is one of a select few individuals in the world who practices Bio Energy Therapy. Bio Energy Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can help with may chronic problems that are often considered incurable. This therapy has been scientifically researched and validated, and has shown to be effective on ailments ranging from Pain to Parkinsons.
Jan also is a practitioner of Psych-K.  This is an energetic balancing of the subconscious.  Since the subconscious controls 90% of how we behave (habits, tendencies, fears), then removing old beliefs that no longer serve us and replacing them with healthy beliefs can be life-changing.  Rebalancing each belief takes only 5 minutes and is permanent.

Piedad Massage Parlor

Piedad advertises as having 9 years experience in relaxation.
She offers:

  • relaxing back massage (1/2 hr)
  • up-lifting foot massage (1/2 hr)
  • all natural rejuvenating facial work
  • full or partial body waxing
  • revitalizing full body massage

One of my friends who no longer lives in V used to frequent this massage facility for her regular massage and said that it was the best in Vilcabamba. 

Beauty Care

Beauty care offers full body, back and foot massages, facials, hair treatment, body exfoliating, waxing and Reiki.
