
The first team

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Watch the team in action below:

Daniel Gortaire, from Guayaquil
maestro, team builder, italian cuisine chef and musician (among other things)

My Spanish was almost non existent in these early days. Daniel was a great help being fluent in both languages


Daniel and Jorge making steps to improve access to the spring

Making good walking trails with 2 simple tools: a machette and a baretta



The workers use only simple tools to clear and cut trails and basically do everythinga: a shovel (pala), a metal bar (barreta) and a machette (Here is a full list of tools in Spanish, very useful for those like me who need to interact daily with workers):


  • Pala de punta redonda

    Pala de punta redonda.

    herramienta número uno para cavar, levantar y arrojar tierra. La punta redondeada se clava y penetra en el suelo. La parte superior de la hoja de la pala tiene un reborde que permite hacer presión con el pie al excavar hoyos. Piense en sus pies y busque una pala con un reborde más ancho si tiene que cavar mucho.

  • Barreta excavadora/ apisonadora

    Barreta excavadora.

    es la herramienta adecuada para cavar a fondo. La hoja, de cinco pies de largo aproximadamente y fabricada en metal macizo, realiza un delicado trabajo de excavación y corte de raíces. La parte superior chata sirve como pisón.

  • Machete



Bringing and spreading the "lastre" , all by hand with a small truck

Left to right: Sergio, Jorge and Ramon

Alex, Ramon and Jorge: we need river rocks for a Sacapo community project

Byron and the other Jorge with Sergio in the background