Ademas de un techo y una cama para dormir, el mas importante de los servicios que necesitamos en cualquier lugar donde vayamos es por supuesto la comida.
Hablamos de restaurantes en otra sección. Aquí se trata de tiendas, mercados, mini mercados, supermercados...
Es la costumbre de la gente propia de comprar lo mas cerca posible de su casa. Por eso, en cada esquina hay una tienda, un mini mercado o algo mas grande.
Los extranjeros tienen otras costumbres. Lo mas importante para ellos no es de comprar en la tienda mas cerca sino de comprar lo que quieren y al mejor precio.
En Loja
El Supermercado Galtor en la 18 de Noviembre (casi frente al centro comercial) es un lugar donde se encuentra muchísimo y casi siempre a buen precio. El servicio es de primera, siempre amables y pendientes.
Muchos extranjeros hacen sus compras en el Supermaxi. Es cierto que es mas cómodo, pero los precios son a menudo mas altos.
El centro comercial en la 18 de Noviembre es un lugar indispensable en mi opinión donde se encuentra lo mejor de la cultura ecuatoriana. "El que no ha pasado algunas horas en los mercados ecuatoriano no sabe nada de este país".
Mega Frigorifico del SUR
Productos de calidad y servicio personalizado
Carnes, Embutidos, Lacteos, Bocaditos y Mas
Somos una empresa, dedicada a la venta de productos de consumo masivo, en especial carnes de res, cerdo y pollo, con cortes especiales que ofrecen la posibilidad de preparlas de manera facil y en poco tiempo.
Nos diferenciamos de los demás negocios porque atendemos a nuestros dintinguidos clientes de forma personalizada, prestamos atención a sus necesidades y sugerencias; además les ofrecemos ayuda con recetas para preparar sus alimentos.
En nuestro local también encontrará mariscos ( tilapia, camarón pelado y desvenado, corvina, trompeta), derivados lácteos ( leches, yogures, quesos), salchichas, mortadelas, jamones, productos ahumados (pollo, chuletas, alas, salamis, costilla) bocaditos de sal y dulce, bebidas (aguas, gaseosas, vinos) y otros productos para preparar las carnes.
Entregamos su compra en su domicilio sin recargo alguno.
Llámenos con gusto le atenderemos.
07 2561432 / 0996600998
En Vilcabamba
Una ventaja de la presencia de una gran poblacion extranjera en Vilcabamba es la disponibilidad de una gran variedad de comida que normalmente no se encontraría en un pueblo ecuatoriano de este tamaño.
Supermercado Marisol - Productos orgánicos en Vilcabamba
El Supermercado Marisol es un lugar siempre lleno de personas de todos los países del mundo, extranjeros viviendo en Vilcabamba y turistas visitando Vilcabamba. Por que? Obvio! Porque Marisol lo tiene todo y al mejor precio. Buscas curcuma? Si tiene. Cacao orgánico? También.
Para leer nuestro articulo sobre el supermercado Marisol, favor haga clic en el boton leer mas.
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by Anita Evans
Vilcabamba Ecuador, August 2010
There is a very good bus service that runs between Vilcabamba and Loja. During the
day it runs every 15 minutes. Depending on traffic and the number of stops they
have to make, the trip can take from 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. The cost is $1 per person
each way to Loja. After about 7pm the service runs every hour. I come from NZ where
our public transport system is shocking. I have been very impressed with the Vilcabamba
bus service. The buses are pretty clean too.
They have a driver and a conductor who collects the money and ushers people on and
off. If you want to get the bus and are not at the bus terminal then just stand
on the side of the main road (in the direction you want to go) and wave the bus
down as it approaches you. Be prepared to jump on fast!!! These guys are on a tight
time frame and they only just stop to pick up passengers. There are no bus stops.
The bus only travels along the main road. When you want to get off you just let
the conductor know and the bus will stop for you. The locals just yell "gracias"
from their seat and the bus stops there and then. Again be prepared to jump off
The bus goes via Malacatos which is a little longer
than the route that the taxis would take via Taxiche. You can catch it on Sunday
if you want to visit the Malacatos markets and it costs around 30c to 40c per person
each way to Malacatos. Be careful when getting the bus back to Vilcabamba from Malacatos
as they stop in the same place in both directions, not on opposite sides of the
road as you'd expect. For going back to Vilcabamba, make sure the bus you get on
is facing down the hill away from the church
otherwise you will find yourself on your way to Loja as a friend of mine did.
I personally enjoy catching the bus. I meet a lot of interesting local people and
it's a good time to practice your Spanish. Generally I'm the only gringo on the
bus. At times, I appear to be a bit of a novelty to the locals. A gringo taking
the bus. I get nice smiles. I'd like to see more gringos on the bus with me ' so
come ' get out of your cars, forget the taxi, mix with the locals, live dangerously,
take the bus.
The best stop to get off in Loja is the one that is just before the gas station.
This is the stop that most of the people on the bus will get off at. If you head
down the hill from this stop you will come to the river and then to 18 de Noviembre.
This is the closest stop to the Parque Central in Loja.
The next best stop to get off is the bus terminal itself. However, you will have
to get a taxi for $1 to the Parque Central Loja as it's a bit far to walk to from
the bus terminal.
The buses get really full and they'll cram you in like sardines in a tin can.
When leaving Loja on the bus, especially if it is late afternoon, it is advisable
to go to the bus station in Loja and get on the bus there. That way, you have a
better chance of getting a seat. If you get on at any other stop along the route
then you take the chance of not having a seat and having to stand for the entire
ride back to Vilcabamba if you can get on at all. It is a hard, bumpy, twisty trip
to be standing all the way back to Vilcabamba.
I'd recommend you take an experienced bus rider with you the first time you take
the bus so they can show you the stops.
The Trans Vilcamixto Taxi service operates here in Vilcabamba.
They use very tidy comfortable pick up trucks (called "camionetas" here). To get
anywhere within a 1km radius of Vilcabamba is a $1 one way. Izhcayluma for example
is 2kms from the centre and cost $1.50 to $2 one way. They stop operating around
10pm at night. After that you'll have to walk home.
You can use them for longer distances as well. A taxi to Loja will cost you $15
and to the airport will cost you $25 (one way).We have even used them once to go
to Peru (Piura) and it cost us $150 for a one way trip (we paid the driver's lunch
and we ended up having to pay for a room for him as he could not get backl on the
same day because of delays on the road). When you share among 4 to 6 people it is
not so bad and much faster than the buses.
Telephone: (07) 2640 044 Mobile: 093908510
Cooperativa De Transporte Mixto Vilcabamba Experss Taxi service
operates here in Vilcabamba. They use very tidy comfortable ute (flat beds) too.
Their focus is taking people to Loja and back. They charge $3 per person and take
several people in their cabs. There location is marked at T2 on the Vilcabamba
Telephone: (07) 2640 044 Mobile: 093908510
The yellow cabs (no blue stripe) operate diagonally across
the road to the bus terminal. They only go to Loja and do not take people around
Vilcabamba. They charge $15 one way to Loja.
The yellow cabs with a blue stripe. These cabs operate from
the bus terminal. They charge $1.50 per person. You share the taxi with up to 5
people. They only go to Loja and do not take people around Vilcabamba. Don't take
them unless you're desperate. The drivers of these cabs have a death wish. Their
location is marked at T4 on the Vilcabamba Map
Notaria Primera – Un modelo de excelencia en Loja Ecuador
Pocas veces se puede encontrar a una persona que encaje perfectamente en su trabajo como la Dra. Gina Margot Calva Tapia. Para una persona como yo, que he utilizado sus servicios en varias ocasiones y que la he observado atender a las muchas personas que acuden a su oficina todos los días, es obvio que ella esta desempeñando un papel que le gusta , lo entiende, progresa en ello y consecuentemente ofrece el mejor servicio posible a sus clientes.
Estamos hablando de excelencia empresarial aquí!
En la Notaria Primera encontrarás un servicio de primera clase por que es una notaria pública muy experimentada y con un equipo de profesionales comprometidos y eficientes. Dra. Gina Calva es una mujer accesible y una vez que se llega a conocerla es muy agradable y tiene un buen sentido del humor. Ella es honesta y directa, te dice cosas tal y como son y realiza el trabajo rápido y sin errores.
"Lo mas importante es la seguridad juridica que debe tener el usuario y la confianza ... sobre todo la legalidad que es la caracteristica principal de un profesional de la legalidad".
Dra. Gina Calva
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Notaria Quinta Loja Ecuador - Excelente atención y profesionalismo
Ir a ver a un notario es un asunto serio. Allí es donde las transacciones importantes se sellan de manera irreversible. Sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que tiene que ser una experiencia aterradora ni que no se pueda hacer de una manera relajada y con una sonrisa.
Recién tuve la necesidad de pasar tiempo en algunas notarias de Loja para tratar de solucionar un asunto legal que me daba mucha preocupación. El Dr. Rodrin Palacios de la Notaria Quinta en la calle Bolivar me dio una excelente atención, me invitó a sentarme y me escuchó tranquilamente. Le pedí una entrevista para la pagina todoloja y a continuación están mis observaciones.
En la Notaria Quinta de Loja el ambiente es a la vez profesional y relajado. El notario es una persona suave y accesible quien con mucho gusto les ayudará dentro de los limites que le permita la ley. El personal es cordial, el servicio es rápido y excelente según los clientes con los que hablé. Además el espacio es abierto y luminoso, con muchas ventanas que dan a la calle Bolívar, en el corazón de la ciudad de Loja. Hay muchos asientos cómodos para las personas que esperar mientras está siendo cuidado.
"Nosotros primero somos muy cordiales, damos una atención personalizada… Damos atención prioritaria a las personas que lo necesitan como por ejemplo gente de tercer edad …“
Dr. Rodrin Palacios.
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2016 – Ola de crimenes violentos en Vilcabamba Ecuador
El texto a continuación es una copia de un post de Jim Braman y Beatriz Benavides-Hilgert en el grupo Facebook "Boletin de Vilcabamba".
Pues han hecho un tremendo trabajo y pues este post es tan completo y contiene tanta información que pueda ser útil en el futuro (espero que no !), decidí de re-publicarlo aquí en las paginas de, un lugar mejor, mas permanente y mas cómodo para buscar que Facebook.
La reciente ola de crímenes violentos comenzó hace casi dos años con dos espalda con espalda delitos de secuestro, extorsión. Esto fue una verdadera llamada de atención para todos nosotros. Hemos tenido oleadas de crímenes antes, pero éste ha generado preocupación a nivel nacional, y ha sido la fuente de un esfuerzo más profundo, más amplio hacia una mayor seguridad en Vilcabamba. Cuando se trata de seguridad en general, hay muchos caminos y / o capas que componen el conjunto. No es la prevención, la intervención y la justicia, algunos de éstos se superponen, pero los tres son importantes...
Leer mas
The information presented below was compiled in 2009/2010 and has not yet been revised. It may not be accurate
Laundry service is called "lavanderia". You drop your washing off and they wash
and dry it for you. It is ready the next day. Price is generally $1 per kilo.

This is the laundry service that we use. All of our clothes have come back (nothing
has gone missing, not even one sock). The service is open every day. Nothing has
come back a different color. They have even been able to get stains out of my clothes
that I couldn't get out! The service is open every day.
Address: Las Fernando De La Vega (walking up the square facing
the church, turn left at Sambuca cafe and walk all the way down)
HOSPITAL (Kakichi Otani Area 12 Vilcabamba)
The hospital in Vilcabamba is located on the main road (On your right heading out
of Vilcabamba to Loja). After 4pm you need to ring the number(s) below and enter
extension 111. The hospital has ambulances and an emergency department.
How well equipped they are I do not know. They have the following services/facilities:
X-ray, laboratory (laboratorio), pharmacy (farmacia), emergencies (emergencia),
dentistry (odontologia), echo sound(eco sonografia), hospitalization, intermediate
care room (sala de cuidados intermedias),
I have heard that the food they serve in the hospital is very good. They only speak
Spanish, so if you need medical care you will need to have a translator.
Opening Hours: 8am to 4pm
Address: Corner of Miguel Carpio and Eterra Juventud
Telephone: (07) 2640188 2640128
There is a very good private hospital in Loja called San Agustin
on the corner of the 18 de Novembre and Azuay. This facility is used by many of
the ex-pats living here in Vilcabamba. My 5 year old daughter has visited the dentist
here and had a check up and filling. She felt no pain, was very relaxed and left
with a good dental experience. Total cost $25. The dentist facility was very clean,
professional and was on a par with dentists in New Zealand.
I have been seen by a specialist of internal organs at San Agustin and I found the
doctor to be very professional. I had a physical exam, ultra sound and blood test
and received the results and diagnosis all in one day! Unheard of in New Zealand!
All for only $75. This level of examination would have taken weeks in NZ and cost
upwards of $500+ privately.
San Agustin has an emergency room and is equipped for hospitalization, laboratory,
dentistry, x-ray, ultra sound and many other services. They do not speak English
only Spanish so if you need medical care you need to have a translator.
This is the town vet. They have vaccinations, de-worming medicine, flea control
products etc. They are more like a dispensary then a western vet. They are skilled
enough to provide follow up consultations after you have seen a vet in Loja (i.e.
take stitches out). The service I have received from them has been solely to do
with flea and worm control. I have heard of other people where the vet has come
to their house and inserted and IV into the dog etc and they have been very happy
with the service received. However, quite often the shop is managed by the vet's
son and the vet is away. The son is knowledgeable in dispensing medicines and is
a very nice person to deal with.
Opening Hours:
Address: On Sucre directly opposite the Square
Telephone: (07) 2640215
Mobile: 093829219
There is another vet in Malacatos who appears to be more 'on site' in their shop.
When my bitch was sick after giving birth she eventually (after seeing the vet in
Malacartos) ended up being seen by Scooby, a vet in Loja. Scooby is a very nice
vet who is capable of performing operations. The clinic has consultation rooms,
nurses etc.. I have heard other good reports about them, and upon visiting then
I found the vet to be very pleasant to deal with and efficient. My bitch made a
full recovery.
The premises are not that clean which is a concern for me. There is another vet
in Loja that I will get around to checking up on as soon as I can plus there are
veterinary services offered at the university in Loja but, while their services
are cheaper, I have not heard good reports about them.
In general, I found the cost of vet services to be substantially cheaper than those
in New Zealand for example.
Opening Hours:
Address: On the corner of Bolivar and Juan Montalivo
Telephone: +593 (07) 573 030
Post Office
There is no post office as such in Vilcabamba. There is a post collection point
however, located in an unmarked shop opposite from the police station.
To receive post in Vilcabamba, have the sender address the mail
as follows:
[Your name]
Vilcabamba - Loja
That’s it!!! Very important: make sure your name is in FULL.
What happens is when the mail bag comes they write the name of each person who has
post for that day on a piece of paper with the date the post was received in Vilcabamba
on it and stick it up on the wall.
Then you come in and read the list and say ‘that’s me’ and then they go get your
letter out of the bag of post for that day. So if your name is not in full a) you
may not recognize your name or b) if someone else has the same initials and surname
as you they may take your mail.
Another very important note: do not send anything you can’t afford to lose via this
post system, as I’ve no idea how reliable it is. Use Fedex or UPS or something similar.
Try to use an agency that has offices in Loja and then you can collect your item
from Loja.
To send post in Vilcabamba, go to Rumi Wilco’s shop on Sucre (opposite
the JARDIN ESCONDIDO (Hidden Garden). They take the post to the post office in Loja.
I do not know how often this is done and have never used this service. They have
stamps (but not envelopes).
There is an official post office in Loja. Note: It is expensive to post here.
Catalina Carrasco
If you are serious about speaking Spanish there is no better
person to talk to than Catalina.
She is Ecuadorian, certified teacher from the university of Loja and fluent in English.
She will give you a rigorous and structured learning experience and at the same
time she will make it relaxed and fun.
You can visit her at her home in Vilcabamba or she can come to yours. For details and
prices please contact her directly.