Gringo al SUR is a character that was created for a TV program on Ecotel television in Loja Ecuador. Loja is situated in the southern part of Ecuador hence his name “gringo al SUR”.
He is an expat from Belgium who embarks on a discovery trip around the Loja province and its numerous “pueblos”.
He likes talking to the people. He is very curious by nature and wants to know everything.
He is not scared of asking silly questions and make people laugh.
His ambition is to help the people living here rediscover the beauty of their own country and province, to show them things from the perspective of an outsider..
Follow him on bbxmusic.com and www.gringoalsur.com
Muchos èxitos en suprogramama y que lindo saber que usted un señor estranjero aprecia mucho a nuestra querida ciudad de LOJA lindo el video que siga adelante
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