Notaria Primera – Un modelo de excelencia en Loja

es Versión Español us

English HERE

Por Pierre Volter

Y Martha Jaramillo
Seguridad jurídica – Honradez – Servicio – Amabilidad

Pocas veces se puede encontrar a una persona que encaje perfectamente en su trabajo como la Dra. Gina Margot Calva Tapia. Para una persona como yo, que he utilizado sus servicios en varias ocasiones y que la he observado atender a las muchas personas que acuden a su oficina todos los días, es obvio que ella esta desempeñando un papel que le gusta , lo entiende, progresa en ello y consecuentemente ofrece el mejor servicio posible a sus clientes.

Estamos hablando de excelencia empresarial aquí!

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva
Dra. Gina Margot Calva Tapia – La excelencia notarial

¿Que es la excelencia empresarial?

Business Excellence - Excelencia EmpresarialPor favor, tómate el tiempo para leer nuestra introducción a este importante tema aquí

Luego dale tu voto de excelencia seleccionando una de las 5 estrellas bajo el titulo del articulo y si lo deseas comparte tu experiencia obtenida en la notaria primera y ponle un comentario bajo el articulo.

¿Qué es un notario público ?

Con palabras muy sencillas y accesibles a todos tratamos de explicar quienes son estos notarios públicos y que hacen exactamente.

Un notario público es un abogado al que el Estado ha investido de fe pública. En otras palabras, se trata de un abogado cuya intervención en diversos actos jurídicos posee la garantía de seguridad jurídica para todas aquellas partes involucradas. El notario es el abogado responsable de administrar las “notarías“, lugares en donde se realizan tramites legales de diversa naturaleza, como veremos a continuación.

Las tareas realizadas por los notarios públicos son diversas, y se incluyen en varios ámbitos. Entre estas actividades encontramos su participación en actos jurídicos como compraventas y todo tipo de inversiones del rubro inmobiliario, testamentos, poderes, certificación de copias, constitución de sociedades, protocolización de documentos, entre otros.

Además de la excelente preparación profesional con la que debe contar un profesional para convertirse en un notario público, es necesario que se trate de una persona con un gran corazón, optimista y sobretodo con una gran paciencia para escuchar a sus clientes y poder explicar en forma clara los asuntos legales de aquello que le viene a solicitar, pero por sobre todo lo anterior debe tratarse de un profesional con un alto sentido de la ética y la honestidad, situando estos valores siempre al frente ante cualquier problema que un cliente le presente, y así poder resguardar la seguridad jurídica de todos.

Se debe entender claramente que la función de un notario publico no es igual al de su abogado preferido. Mientras su abogado le puede asesorar como quiere, incluido de forma subjetiva, poco ética o hasta en margen de la ley, el notario publico te da una garantía de seguridad legal. Es obvio que un abogado siempre trata de “estirar” las cosas un poco por el lado que sea beneficioso a su cliente (por eso el cliente lo paga). El notario absolutamente no puede hacer esto y debe mantener una neutralidad absoluta.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva
Escuchar con atención y paciencia

De ahí viene la paciencia. Hay que escuchar y escuchar una y otra vez y explicar y volver a explicar cuando las cosas no son así como lo quisiera el cliente. En caso de desacuerdo entre las partes, no hay que hesitar en determinar que todas regresen a casa hasta que resuelven sus líos. Porque el principio numero uno es que si hay desacuerdo no se solucionará en una notaria sino en la corte. El mutuo acuerdo es indispensable.

Además es aquí en esta parte donde se pone el corazón. Porque se trata de seres humanos frente a problemas a veces serios y complejos. Un notario de corazón siempre tratará de ayudar a sus clientes a encontrar el camino de paz.

¿Por qué elegir un notario en lugar de otro?

notary public¿No son meros burócratas amantes del papeleo y con una adicción a poner sellos y stickers en todo?

¿No es que solamente sellan los documentos que los abogados han escrito y recogen su dinero por cientos de dólares a la vez?

Puede haber tales notarios públicos, pero Gina seguramente  no es una de ellos.

Le pregunté que, en su opinión hace un buen notario público y lo que es más importante en el servicio que ofrece como notario público en Loja Ecuador.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva

Lo mas importante es la seguridad jurídica que debe tener el usuario y la confianza … sobre todo la legalidad que es la característica principal de un profesional de la ley“.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina CalvaNotaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina CalvaTenemos muchos clientes que regresan porque les hacemos bien las cosas y les explicamos bien que exactamente contiene una escritura, que efectos pueden tener dar un poder o hacer este documento … Entonces para mi realmente lo mas importante es la legalidad y la confianza que nosotros brindamos a nuestros clientes“.


La importancia de hacer las cosas bien

Notary Humour
“Chuta ! Tu partida de nacimiento nunca fue notariada !”

Los documentos que firmamos en la notaría son legalmente vinculantes y algunos de ellos irreversibles. Un ejemplo de este último es la escritura publica de compraventa : una vez que se venda una propiedad y que la escritura haya sido debidamente firmada, notariada y registrada ya no hay vuelta atrás. Por otra parte, un poder notarial por ejemplo, siempre puede ser revocado por el otorgante pero el daño mas grave se puede hacer si el poder se concede a una persona deshonesta.

Es de máxima importancia saber exactamente qué es lo que se está firmando. Si eres una persona madura, con conocimientos y experiencia en tu campo podría no ser un problema, pero, por ejemplo, los adultos mayores o los jóvenes o las personas sencillas que llegan a la ciudad desde el campo remoto o las poblaciones indígenas que tienen diferentes culturas y tradiciones a menudo puramente verbales. Para ellos, el concepto de confianza es vital.

La decadencia moral

Gina tiene 32 años de experiencia y lo ha visto todo. Las personas adultas mayores a menudo están manipuladas por sus hijos, pidiéndoles que firmen un poder notarial a cambio de cuidarlos por ejemplo.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina CalvaAlgunos son totalmente lucidos como esta señora de 95 años que quería hacer un testamento. En este caso no le puedo negar. Pero la mayoría no. Hay que tener cuidado. Realmente son los poderes, poderes para cobrar el bono, para vender propiedades … Es una situación terrible, una decadencia de la moral.

Los abogados

Obviamente abogados y notarios públicos trabajan juntos muy de cerca. Recuerdo mis primeros años en el Ecuador cuando aún no hablaba español con fluidez. Yo nunca habría pensado entrar en la oficina de un notario para cualquier asunto serio sin la compañía de mi abogado. Tal vez los notarios han cambiado o yo he cambiado, pero ya no los veo tan intimidantes como antes. El principal problema es que el lugar puede ser tan lleno de gente que a veces es difícil incluso entrar, mucho menos tener una agradable conversación con el doctor. Un poco de paciencia por lo general te lleva por un buen camino.

Dra. Betty Santín Castillo
Dra. Betty Santín Castillo

Dra. Betty Santín Castillo nació en Loja pero ella confía que su corazón está en Quilanga, tierra de gran café y queso. En el curso de su profesión como abogada ella trabaja con diferentes notarios públicos en función de la ubicación. A través de los años se ha desarrollado una relación de confianza con Gina que ella la llama “Ginita”.

La doctora es una mujer recta y sencilla, no hace nada de curvas, ella me explica que es lo que necesito, si tengo alguna pregunta me asesora por la basta experiencia que ella tiene, ya que toda su vida profesional a sido en el trabajo de la notaria …

La Notaria Primera

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador – Seguridad Jurídica – Legalidad – Honradez – Servicio – Amabilidad

Como su nombre lo dice, esta fue la primera notaria en Loja.

Ha transcurrido mucho tiempo y han sido varios personajes notables los que han dejado su huella en la “Notaria Primera”.

Desde el año 2012 la Dra. Gina Calva Tapia  a tomado la batuta quien con su esencia  y su inimitable  carisma y a su vez nos revela una gran humildad y sencillez en fin ella es una mujer instruida en valores y lo manifiesta a través de sus labores diarias. Gina ha trabajado 28 años en la Notaria Cuarta de Dr. Camilo Borrero aprovechando su enorme conocimiento y experiencia.

La notaria tiene registros de fecha tan lejana como 1708. Fui al departamento de Archivos y se me permitió ver a uno de sus cartones de archivos antiguos. Guantes se deben usar antes de abrir los libros y tocar las hojas. Impresionante!

La primera notaria de Loja

El equipo de trabajo

Dra. Gina Calva se ha rodeado de un gran equipo de aproximadamente 10 personas. De hecho, casi la mitad del equipo son miembros de su familia.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Gina's sister
Hermana de Gina
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Gina's sister
Hermana de Gina
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Gina's daughter
Gina, hija de la Dra Gina Calva – Economista

Todos parecen trabajar en buena armonía y las sonrisas vienen fácilmente.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Fernando Abogado
Fernando, Abogado y Colaborador
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Martha
Martha, Abogada y Colaboradora
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Alfredo
Alfredo – Facturación, Ingreso de datos, Scan

Alfredo se encarga de escanear absolutamente todos los documentos que pasan por la notaria, así que siempre existe una copia digital de todo en el sistema.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Oralis Student
Oralis – Estudiante de Derecho

Con una sonrisa 🙂

notary humour
“A veces voy a la notaria solo para sentirme reconocido”

Existen dos entradas para llegar a donde Gina, la una es pasando por los “filtros” habituales y es lo que la mayoría hace pero las personas que conocen la otra entrada pasan directamente a la oficina de la doctora por la puerta de la fotocopiadora.

Le pregunte a Gina si le molesta y me respondió con una sonrisa que no porque si desean hablar de algún tema específico con ella los atiende con mucho gusto.



En la Notaria Primera encontrarás un servicio de primera clase por que es una notaria pública muy experimentada y con un equipo de profesionales comprometidos y eficientes. Dra. Gina Calva es una mujer accesible y una vez que se llega a conocerla es muy agradable y tiene un buen sentido del humor. Ella es honesta y directa, te dice cosas tal y como son y realiza el trabajo rápido y sin errores.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva
Notaria Primera – Un modelo de excelencia en Loja


Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador

Dirección: Sucre 06-50 entre Jose Antonio Eguiguren y Colon
Tel: +593 (


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Notaria Primera – Un modelo de excelencia en Loja

© 2016
Todos los derechos reservados

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Notaria Primera – A model of excellence in Loja

us English versiones

Español AQUI

By Pierre Volter
and Martha Jaramillo
Legal Security – Integrity – Honesty – Service – Amiability

Seldom can we see a person who fits so perfectly in her job as Dra. Gina Margot Calva Tapia. To a person like me who has used her services on several occasions and who has watched her attend the many people entering her office every day it is obvious that she was born for what she does, understands it, thrives at it and as a matter of course provides the best possible service to her clients.

We are talking business excellence here !

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva
Dra. Gina Margot Calva Tapia

What is Business Excellence?

Business Excellence - Excelencia EmpresarialPlease do take the time to read our introduction to this important topic HERE (article in Spanish with Google translation).

Also, please do give your vote (1 to 5) using the stars at the top of the article and do leave a comment at the bottom to share your experience.

What is a notary and what do they do?

In very simple words accessible to all, let’s try to demystify this subject.

A notary public is an attorney to whom the state has invested public faith (licensed by the government). In other words, it is a lawyer whose intervention in various legal acts has a guarantee of legal security for all parties involved. The notary is the lawyer responsible for administering the “notaries”, places where legal procedures of diverse nature are carried out, as we will see below.

The tasks performed by public notaries are diverse, and are included in several areas. Among these activities are its participation in legal acts such as sales and all types of real estate investments, wills, powers, certification of copies, incorporation of companies, among others.

In addition to the enormous professional preparation that a professional must have to become a notary public, it is necessary to be a person with a great heart, optimistic and above all with a great patience to listen to their clients and to be able to explain in a clear way the legal issues of what they ask for, but above all the above must be a professional with a high sense of ethics and honesty, placing these values always in front of any problem that a client presents, and so as to safeguard the legal security of all.

It should be clearly understood that the function of a notary public is not the same as that of your preferred lawyer. While your lawyer can advise you as he pleases, including subjectively, down to unethically or even in the margin of the law, the notary public gives you a guarantee of legal security. It is obvious that a lawyer always tries to “stretch” things a bit on the side that is beneficial to his client (that’s why the client pays him or her). The notary absolutely can not do this and must maintain absolute neutrality.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva
Listen with attention and patience

Hence comes patience. The notary public has to listen and listen again and explain and explain again when and how and why things are not as the customer always wants them to be. In case of disagreement between the parties, he should not hesitate to send them all back home until they solve their differences. Because the principle number one is that if there is disagreement it will not be solved at the notary but in court. Mutual agreement is indispensable.

That’s where the great heart part also comes into play. Because the notary public deals with human beings in the face of sometimes serious and complex problems. A notary at heart will always try to help his clients find the path of peace.

Why choose one notary rather than another?

notary publicAren’t notary publics just paper pushing bureaucrats with an addiction to putting stamps and stickers on everything? Do they not merely stamp documents that lawyers have written and collect your hard earned money by the hundreds of dollars at a time?

There may be such notary publics but Gina is for sure not one of them.

I asked her what in her opinion makes a good notary public and what is most important in the service she provides as a notary public in Loja Ecuador.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva

Lo mas importante es la seguridad juridica que debe tener el usuario y la confianza … sobre todo la legalidad que es la caracteristica principal de un profesional de la legalidad“.

The most important is the legal security our clients receive from our services and the trust they can place in us… above all the legality that is the main characteristic of law professionals“.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina CalvaTenemos muchos clientes que regresan porque les hacemos bien las cosas y les explicamos bien que exactamente contiene una escritura, que efectos pueden tener dar un poder o hacer este documento … Entonces para mi realmente lo mas importante es la legalidad y la confianza que nosotros brindamos a nuestros clientes“.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina CalvaMany of our clients come back because we do things well and explain them what exactly contains this deed that they are about to sign or what effects could have this Power of Attorney that they will give to someone … Consequently to me really the most important is the legal security and the trust that we give our clients” .

The importance of getting it right

Notary Humour
“Chuta ! Tu partida de nacimiento nunca fue notariada !”

The documents that we sign at the notary are legally binding and some irreversible. An example of the latter is the escritura publica de compraventa (purchase and sales agreement) : once a property is sold and the escritura is duly signed, notarized and registered there is no way back. On the other hand, a Power of Attorney (POA) for example can always be revoked by the grantor but still serious damage can be done if granted to a dishonest person.

It is of uttermost importance to know exactly what it is that you are signing. If you are a mature individual, knowledgeable and experienced in your field it might not be an issue for you but think for example of the elderly or the young or the simple people coming to the city from their remote farms or the indigenous people who have different cultures and traditions often purely verbal. To them the concept of trust is vital.

Moral decadence

Gina has 32 years of experience and has seen it all. Elderly people are often manipulated by their children, asking them to sign a Power of Attorney in exchange for their care.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina CalvaAlgunos son totalmente lucidos como esta señora de 95 años que queria hacer un testamento. En este caso no le puedo negar. Pero la mayoría no. Hay que tener cuidado. Realmente son los poderes, poderes para el bono, para vender … Es una situacion terrible, una decadencia de la moral.

Some are totally lucid like this 95 year old lady who wanted to write a testament. In this case, I cannot deny her. But in most cases with the elderly I have to be very careful. Really the main issue are the POAs (Power of Attorney), POA to collect pensions, POA to sell property … This is a terrible situation, a moral decadence in our society.

The lawyers

Obviously lawyers and notary publics work together very closely. I remember my first years in Ecuador when I could not yet speak Spanish fluently. I would have never thought of entering a notary’s office for any serious matter without being accompanied by my lawyer. Maybe the notaries have changed or I have changed, but I don’t find them as intimidating anymore. The main problem is that the place can be so packed at times that it is hard to even enter let alone have a nice conversation with the doctor. A little patience usually goes a long way.

Dra. Betty Santín Castillo
Dra. Betty Santín Castillo

Dra. Betty Santín Castillo was born in Loja but she confides that her heart is in Quilanga, land of great coffee and cheese. In the course of her profession as a lawyer she deals with different notary publics depending on the location. Through the years she has developed a trust relationship with Gina who she refers to as “Ginita”.

Gina is a straightforward person, dead honest and not complicated, no wishy- washy stuff. She tells me what she needs of me, if I have some questions, she advises me thanks to her substantial experience. All her life she has been working in the field of notary“.

Notaria Primera

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador – Legal security – Honesty – Integrity – Amiability and Service

As its name says, this was the first notary in Loja.

A long time has passed and several notable people have left their mark on the “Notaria Primera”.

Since 2012 it is Dr. Gina Calva Tapia’s turn who with her essence and her inimitable charisma. In turn she reveals a great humility and simplicity. In short she is a woman educated in values and manifests it through her daily work.

Gina has worked for 28 years in the Notaria Cuarta for Dr. Camilo Borrero and tapping into his huge knowledge and experience in the field.

The notary has records dated as far back as 1708. I went to the department of archives and was allowed to see one of their antique boxes. Gloves should be worn before opening the books and touching the sheets. Impressive !

La primera notaria de Loja

This is a field where experience matters a lot, not so much for simple things like certifying a copy of a document or witnessing a signature but certainly when it comes to more complex documents such as escrituras.

The team

Dra. Gina Calva has surrounded her with a great team of approximately 10 people. In fact about half the team are family members.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Gina's sister
Gina’s sister
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Gina's sister
Gina’s sister
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Gina's daughter
Gina (Dra Gina Calva’s daughter)

All seem to work in good harmony and smiles come easy.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Fernando Abogado
Fernando Abogado Colaborador
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Martha
Martha Abogada Colaboradora
Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Alfredo
Alfredo – Invoicing – Scanning – Data Entry

Alfredo takes care of scanning absolutely all documents that pass through the notary so there is a digital copy of everything.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Oralis Student
Oralis – Law student

With a smile 🙂

notary humourThere are two entrances at Notaria Primera, the main door where one goes through the usual human “filters” (reception, information…) and that is what most people do.

But people who know the other entrance where the photocopy machine is can go directly to Gina’s office.

I asked Gina if it bothered her and she answered with a smile that it does not because if people want to talk about a specific topic with her she will attend them with pleasure.


At Notaria Primera you will find first class service from a very experienced notary public and her dedicated team. Gina is an approachable lady and once you get to know her she is extremely friendly and has a good sense of humor. She is honest and straightforward, tells things like they are and gets the job done fast and without errors.

Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador - Dra. Gina Calva
Notaria Primera – A model of excellence in Loja


Notaria Primera Loja Ecuador

Address: Sucre 06-50 between Jose Antonio Eguiguren and Colon
Tel: +593 (


Do you wish to comment or share some experience? Please leave your message in the section below. You can also contact us through our web page here.

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If you wish to be informed about what goes on at and receive quality information about Vilcabamba, the city of Loja and the entire Loja province in Ecuador, please do subscribe here.

Notaria Primera – A model of excellence in Loja

© 2016
All rights reserved

Follow us on Facebook:

#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

EcuadorVIDA – Your friendly legal expert in Loja Ecuador

es Español AQUI

(traducción es generada por google translate, no nos responsabilizamos por los errores encontrados)

Immigration and Visas,
Container of Personal Items
Import / Export
Real Estate

If you are looking for a friendly, relaxed, low key, highly experienced lawyer in Loja Ecuador to take care of your legal affairs, whether personal or business, look no further than EcuadorVIDA.

You will be attended by Dr. Ramiro Carrión, a professional lawyer with over 20 years of experience with the Ecuadorian legal system. As a person who has filled several positions in public institutions including the High Court, Ramiro knows the system inside out and has a wide network of contacts. It is my observation as an immigrant who has lived a number of years in this country that here in Ecuador a good network of relationships is as important as knowledge and experience.

Dr. Ramiro Carrión - EcuadorVIDA - Loja Ecuador
Dr. Ramiro Carrión – EcuadorVIDA – Loja Ecuador


The man is busy, answering calls, attending people, running to and from hearings and still manages to keep a relaxed attitude and a smile. I interviewed him in his office of Calle Sucre in the heart of the city of Loja. I need to mention straight away that Ramiro frequently travels to Vilcabamba where he can attend his clients too.


Ramiro works in one of these beautiful historic homes in Loja made out of natural materials like rammed earth and tropical woods. This house has some history as it belongs to his grandfather Clodoveo Jaramillo Alvarado, a great historian whose brother was none less than Pio Jaramillo Alvarado, a symbolic icon in this country.

In this beautiful home, you will find an atmosphere of tranquility, suitable to discuss the issues that bring you there.

And I have to admit that I enjoyed for once to be looking at a painting of a woman reading a book rather than the usual blindfolded woman holding the scale.


Immigration and Visas



“My main focus is everything that relates to immigration: obtaining visas and residency, shipping your belongings from overseas, buying, selling and developing property and sorting out any type of real estate issue … “


Ramiro Carrion - Highly experienced lawyer in Immigration and Visas
Ramiro Carrion – Highly experienced lawyer in Immigration and Visas

“I have many many friends in Loja and in Vilcabamba, many foreigners too, from all countries, and I have helped many who found their new home in Ecuador sorting out the problems they had with regard to the immigration legal process. I am providing a legal advice that is just and intelligent to make their new life in Ecuador as easy and trouble free as possible”.

English, French, German and now more recently Chinese and Japanese are the most common languages that Ramiro deals with. The man himself is not a polyglot but thanks to his extended network of collaborators and friends,  communication has never been an issue irrespective of the spoken language.

Isamar Velez
Isamar Velez

When it comes to do a proper legal translation of some document from or to English, Isamar Velez, a commercial engineer from Mexico, who has lived in Vilcabamba for over 10 years, takes care of it. She has a lot of experience and is very professional.




“Migration is not complicated but is has to be done step by step and done right and that requires an experienced lawyer…”

“What we aim for is to give our clients peace of mind, the reassurance that things are under control and well managed.”

“Some transactions must be done with the client because they might require a photo for example but in most cases we handle the process independently and will deliver the visa to the client when ready. Our service is all comprehensive including the very final step of the residency process which is to obtain the identity card, the cedula as it is called here, which requires a trip to Cuenca.”

Personal belongings



We take care of making sure that your belongings get delivered to your door in the minimum amount of time.

Another important step in the immigration process is the shipment of one’s personal belongings to Ecuador, something that can be done totally tax free within the 6 months following issuance of the residency visa. EcuadorVIDA has in depth knowledge and experience in this area.

Real Estate

Real Estate Loja Ecuador
“In general my clients are people from Loja who want to sell a piece of property in Loja, Vilcabamba, Malacatos, Yangana, Quinara and nearby places We put them in touch with prospective purchasers.”


As an expat in Ecuador, especially if you barely speak any Spanish, the process of acquiring a piece of property, which could be the very first thing you have to do in order to obtain your visa in the case of an investment type visa, is tricky and can lead to unpleasant surprises. This is why it is of uttermost importance to work with a law firm that knows the ropes and will carry out all due diligence on your behalf.

Ramiro insists that he is not a real estate agency but rather acts as a facilitator between the seller and the buyer. He uses Facebook and mouth to mouth to bring people in contact. For example, you as a potential buyer let him know your criteria and he will tap into his extensive network of contacts to find the right property for you.

“We are lawyers of many people and companies here in Loja and that puts us in a good position to know about what is available. We have a portfolio of about sixty properties from Malacatos to Yangana, in Taxiche, on the Malacatos high grounds, occidental and oriental : El Carmen, El Sauce, San Francisco, La Granja, El Prado and then going to Vilcabamba, in San Pedro, Sacapo, Quinara, Yangana Cucanama…”

At this point of the interview I notice that Ramiro gets quite enthusiastic. It is obviously something that he enjoys very much doing.

EcuadorVIDA Real Estate

“After we help the purchaser to identify the right property, we then give him/her the legal advice and assistance to go through the entire process, we deal with the city council, the property register, we issue the documents … basically to avoid the buyer any possible pitfall during the process.”


Ramiro Carrión is a dedicated person, intelligent and well articulated. He puts a strong emphasis on friendships and collaborations. He mentioned in the course of the interview that many of his clients have become friends and in turn contribute to the services he provide. This is something important in a cosmopolitan place like Vilcabamba when one suddenly has a requirement for a translation of a German, French or Japanese document.

We invite you to contact him for an assessment of your legal requirements and we welcome any feedback.

EcuadorVIDA - Your friendly legal expert in Loja Ecuador
EcuadorVIDA – Your friendly legal expert in Loja Ecuador


Address: Sucre 06-79 between José Antonio Eguiguren y Colon, Loja Ecuador
Tel: +593 (0)997967639
Social networks:

EcuadorVIDA Map

EcuadorVIDA - Calle Sucre Loja
EcuadorVIDA – Calle Sucre Loja

EcuadorVIDA - Your friendly legal expert in Loja Ecuador

© 2016
All rights reserved
Follow us on Facebook:

#HechoConAmor  #TodoLoja

Building our house in Vilcabamba – Loja – Ecuador for $15,000 or less

Part 1

By Pierre Wauters

Our house
Our house in San Pedro de Vilcabamba – Loja – Ecuador

A few months ago I gave myself the challenge to build a house in Vilcabamba in the Loja province of Ecuador in the Uchima green real estate development for USD 15,000. Not just a tin shed or a glorified garage but a *real* house with running water, bathroom and kitchen, everything you’d expect.

I did this because I am the happy owner of some beautiful land along a pristine river not far from the village of Vilcabamba in the province of Loja in Ecuador. I am currently paying rent each month to live in a house, a very nice one that is, in the village and many times I asked myself “why am I not living on my own land for Christ sake?”  Finally this is about to become a reality, a few more months and we’ll be all set.

Why 15,000? Because that is what I could afford at this point in time and also because I believed intuitively that it was possible. Many expats build for much more particularly when they deal with other expats to do the work and/or when they try to transpose here what they had in the 1st world The locals on the other hand build for much less than that but they seem happy with a toilet outside flushed with a bucket, no hot water, few windows, a low ceiling, unpainted brick walls on which they stick religious posters, dirt floors etc… I am not criticizing by any mean but these places give me the creep.  I like my comfort. I wanted a house with windows, cold and hot water in kitchen and bathroom, lots of light inside, an open kitchen with ample bench space to chop vegetables, a cosy atmosphere, something that looks good and feels good, something finished without rebars sticking up above the roof.  Also I wanted to try and set an example of what can be done for a fixed price, because many would be buyers in the Uchima project ask me how much it would cost to build and how long it takes etc… There is nothing like a real project and a real home to show to answer these questions.

The building is not finished yet, so I don’t have all the answers yet. This article is part one of a series and I will keep posting as the work progresses.

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Vilcabamba Ecuador Real Estate for the Health Conscious – Life the way it was designed to be


If you are looking for real estate in Ecuador, whether you want to live here or make an investment, Vilcabamba is definitely a place to consider.

There is a lot of real estate for sale in Vilcabamba, from apartments or houses in town, to small or large pieces of land with or without buildings. For sure, there is something for everyone. Prices tend to be higher in Vilcabamba than in other places in Ecuador. This is due to the popularity of Vilcabamba, the “valley of longevity” with its ideal climate, lifestyle, abundance of food and also its cosmopolitan expat community. People come here to live not only from the USA but also from the UK, France, Belgium, Germany among other countries.

If you are considering buying real estate in Vilcabamba Ecuador, we have something truly unique to offer: a “non-gated” property of 70 hectares subdivided into spacious and private quintas (lots), located in one of the best and safest areas around Vilcabamba (San Pedro) along the most pristine river (Uchima), right at the foot of the world famous Podocarpus National park, only 6 kms from the centre of the Vilcabamba village.

The property is called “Cutanapamba”. It has everything to offer to nature lovers and health conscious people while at the same time being close to town.

Fifteen (15) lots (called “quintas”) of sizes ranging from 8,000 m2 to 17,000 m2 are for sale.

From Vilcabamba, head towards Loja on the main road, turn right into the San Pedro village, then follow the dirt road to Sacapo and then before going up to the Sacapo village turn right and head down to the Rio Uchima.


for more details