Maiden Voyage (Libertador Bolivar – Ecuador)

Español AQUI NO es una traducción humana!
This essay, which may or may not be followed by others, has no real direction nor intention. I changed its main topic 3 times while writing it not to mention how many times I changed the title. It is kind of loosely related to Vilcabamba in the Loja province of Ecuador where I live but certainly not limited to it. Some may find it funny some may not, it has different layers. It might even be thought provoking I am not sure. I enjoyed writing it. Life is good. Have fun.
It all started with one simple question: Do I live in the third world? Of course, Ecuador is part of the third world. This led me to the question: “How many worlds are there and where is the second world anyway, and what about the 4th world?” and so on…
Below are my findings. Read at your own risks.
We all know what “first world” means and where the so-called “first world” is on the map. A conglomerate of rich countries where civilized people live and where freedom and democracy abound in their native, raw, pristine and uncompromising states, something to do with “a way of life” they say, something that cannot be taken away from them no matter what. In fact, people are so free in the first world that they can choose between diet coke and diet pepsi knowing exactly what the difference is and why they choose one over the other. That is a kind of freedom that the other worlds simply neither have nor could comprehend.
The rest of the world is called the “third world” or “developing world“, the latter seeming to indicate that the countries belonging to the third world are in a process called “development” and it is just a matter of time for them to also find the holy grail of civilization and diet coke choosing, just be patient. To help these poor bastards become “developed”, there is the generous help from the World Bank and the IMF and similar entities that no doubt speed up the process. All good then.
One question remains: what and where is the “second world” ? The answer is simple though. Plain and simply stated, the second world are the communists, stupid! But I am ahead of myself.
Before saying anything too assertive, let’s ask Mr. Google. The answer is shown below:
The good news is that there is such a thing as “the second world” after all. The bad news is that I don’t live in it. I live in the red bits (really bad) , not in the green bits (really good) and not in the yellow bits (more or less good, it depends).
Here is a closer look at the map
As you can see on the map, we in Ecuador share our fate with the rest of South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East, Southern Asia and believe it or not : Greenland !! Russia is better off because it is only “second” and not “third”.
It is worth mentioning here that, had the above map not been grossly distorted to make the northern hemisphere much bigger than it really is compared to the southern hemisphere, the green color would virtually disappear and the world would appear almost entirely red !
Also, for those wondering, the “axis of evil” is a different boundary line and is located in the red bits but with a tendency today of stretching towards the yellow bits because of all the bad things that the Russians do.
The green parts are the good guys, that is why they are green. There is no evil there. There in these green bits of the map, lie the birthplaces of ecology, nature protection laws, recycling, solar panels and electric cars and generally speaking places like the USA that aim at reversing centuries of out of control pollution by the Aztecs and the native North Americans, shame on them. More reasons to paint these countries in green.
On the same page, one line below the Goggle official answer, Wikipedia, this other bastion of truth, tells us that, I quote:
“The three-world theory has been criticized as crude and relatively outdated for its nominal ordering (1; 2; 3) and sociologists have instead used the words “developed”, “developing”, and “underdeveloped” as replacement terms for global stratification (which in turn have been criticized as displaying a colonialist mindset) [2] —nevertheless, the three-world theory is still popular in contemporary literature and media. This might also cause semantic variation of the term between describing a region’s political entities and its people.[3]”
Crude? Outdated? Maybe a little. A colonialist mindset? No way !
Anyway, I was hoping, starting this article, that I could make a case to explain that I live in something better than the third world but I don’t, not even the second world, sighs.
Why is it then that I feel somehow that my life in Ecuador is richer than any life I could experience in the first world? Maybe there is a fourth world somewhere that transcend these old fashioned definitions and ignores the political boundary lines.
Maybe I live in the 4th world then. What would that mean? How would we define what the 4th world is? Before we get carried away with our own definitions of things, let’s once again ask Mr. Google, answer below:
According to Google topmost answer to this essential question we see that the 4th world would be an “extension” of the 3 world model (no kidding !) and, I quote, “a sub-population socially excluded from global society“. That sounds closer to what I feel.
Did you know that there is a site called “Investopedia“? This is what they have to say about the 4th world:
I did open their link and read that:
“Fourth world nations can consist of those excluded from mainstream society. For example, the Aborginal tribes in South America or Australia are entirely self sufficient, but they do not participate in the global economy. From a global standpoint, these tribes are considered to be fourth world nations, but they are able to function free from any assistance from others. Fourth world nations do not contribute or consume anything on the global scale, and are unaffected by any global events.” [Emphasis is mine].
Not sure that they are “unaffected by global events” when someone kicks them out of their land and dumps them into reserves as happened to the Aborigines of Australia but the rest of the sentence is about right and could be read in a positive way, as in, these people are an example that we would actually like to follow, as oppose to let’s exterminate them. However.
While I was in the world of “pedias’ I looked up (English) and (Spanish) and am happy to report here that these domains are available for purchase. Maybe someone could start a encyclopedia of all the stupid things humans have done and said and do and say? Or is that already done in the Guiness book?
Let’s take a quantum leap and look beyond these petty categories created along the lines of wealth and poverty or political systems. Let’s look at what could possibly be the 5th the 6th and why not the 7th world, shall we?
With the 5th world we definitely enter the realm of fiction and mythology although the definition below seem to apply to the daily reality of a place like Vilcabamba with its “bizarre life forms” today in 2018 .
According to
The Sixth World is beyond all mortal comprehension. Mortals say that the Fifth World is where The Metaverse starts getting freaky, but eventually the 5th can make sense to a mortal, so they more accurately say that it begins with the 6th world. There is no translation for their language, because it predates actual language and is impossible to actually make sense, unless you’re one1 of them.
You may wish to read the text a few more times to fully absorb its richness but the picture below may also help you.
If one looks at the picture above with attention, it may very well look to one like Vilcabamba especially during a San Pedro or Ayahuaska ceremony or after spending too much time at Charlito’s restaurant.
This my friends is the 6th world like no language could ever describe it.
This is where I live or maybe not. It’s complicated.
Welcome to Vilcabamba.
To be continued…. maybe
Versión Español
English HERE
Racing Moto en Loja es una empresa bastante dinámica liderada por 3 personas jóvenes. Estamos seguros que en su local de la 18 de Noviembre encontraras lo que buscas, que sea una moto económica de China, una moto de calidad japonesa, una moto de carrera, una moto eléctrica, una moto para niños, una motoneta …
Lastimosamente, en este país, las marcas de motos de gran reputación internacional como Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki son caras y fuera del alcance para la mayoría de la gente. Las importaciones chinas es el estándar. Hay muchisimos lugares que venden motocicletas chinas, su mayoria muestran el mismo aspecto. Pero como todos lo sabemos, los productos chinos no tienen la mejor reputación de calidad y durabilidad, al fin y al cabo se consigue lo que se paga, ¿no es cierto?
¡ Piénsalo dos veces! Porque las cosas cambian. China ahora fabrica motos impresionantes que realmente compiten con los equivalentes japoneses. Estas motos de mejor calidad china estan siendo distribuidas alrededor del mundo, incluyendo acá en Ecuador.
Por el momento, concentrémonos en una moto promedia para un usuario promedio aquí mismo en Ecuador y especialmente en la región montañosa de la provincia de Loja. Esta moto sería una todo terreno o híbrido de 200cc a 250cc. Menos de 200cc no te permitirá escalar la montaña a menos que te limites al centro de la ciudad, en cuyo caso ¿por qué no una motoneta (scooter)? Son geniales en las ciudades y algunos modelos están disponibles en el almacén de Racing Moto. Más de 250cc por otro lado ya ingresas a un rango de precios diferente. No he visto aún ninguna motocicleta China de mas que 250cc en venta en cualquier lugar del Ecuador. Así que tendrías que recurrir a una de las marcas japonesas o americanas si buscas un motor más grande.
Un modelo de moto híbrida que realmente se destaca es el super cool Axxo Scrambler 250, de aspecto retro, disponible en azul y rojo,
O su equivalente en verde, el modelo “Cafe Racer” disponible en Racing Moto Loja
Ventas y otras responsabilidades, probablemente la primera persona con la que hablaras. Me explica las características de esta Axxo. Cristian es joven, amigable, apasionado por su trabajo y definitivamente conoce las cosas de motos. Él fue mi primer punto de contacto en Racing Moto cuando yo estaba buscando esta moto “promedia y asequible” y antes de que llegué a conocer al propietario Vicente Ortega, hablaremos más sobre él a continuación.
Suspensión invertida muy suave, motor de calidad, sistema de enfriamiento con radiador de aceite, toda la electrónica digital, luces LED, etc… precio 2.800 precio de venta al publico, antes de cualquier descuento.
Si eres como yo, pensarías: “Estas motos chinas, pueden verse muy lindas cuando son nuevas, pero conocemos la historia, después de un par de años, o hasta antes, se desmoronan y acabas pagando mas”.
Seguramente encontraremos positivos y negativos. Por supuesto, no vamos a comparar una moto china con la gama japonesa para la cual pagarías 3 a 4 veces más, así que seamos realistas y aceptemos que las piezas se desgastaran probablemente más rápido y tendrá fallas y algunos problemas. Lo bueno de la Axxo en Ecuador, Cristian me explica, es la amplia disponibilidad de repuestos originales. Lo mismo pasa con la Motor Uno, otra marca china bien conocida. Esto es importante, estar atascado en medio de la nada y tener que esperar 2 semanas para repuestos no es divertido.
Esto me lleva a mi segundo punto importante: el servicio. Es hora de hechar un vistazo al taller.
Anthony es joven, pero tiene un monton de experiencia y dedos mágicos. En realidad el comenzó el negocio con el propietario Vicente hace 7 años. Tenían 3 motos (en préstamo dice Anthony) para la venta y trabajaron durisimo para llegar a donde están hoy.
Créanme o no y contrariamente a la mayoría de los mecánicos que he encontrado en este país, Anthony es elocuente y realmente capaz de explicarles (en Español) lo que está haciendo, lo que planea hacer a su moto, cómo y por qué, cuánto tiempo se demorará etc. ¡Guau! Él es en realidad la persona que me convenció del Axxo cuando después de hablar con Cristian le pedí salir del taller y le hice algunas preguntas perspicaces . Pasó la prueba y me senti en confianza.
El taller en sí es un micro clima ecuatoriano totalmente atípico. Está despejado, limpio y ordenado. También está fuera de alcance del público, lo que significa que Anthony no se deja interrumpir cada 5 segundos y puede centrarse en lo que está haciendo a tu moto y no se olvidará de poner y apretar bien ese perno crítico antes de que te lleves tu moto. No significa que no sea accesible para decirte y enseñarte algo que tu necesites saber.
Anthony me comenta que lo primero que hace a todas las motos que entran en su taller de servicio es limpiarlas, tren de arrastre con gasolina, el resto con agua presurizada con o sin detergente.
Vale la pena mencionar que la tienda no sólo vende motos de China. La tienda se llama Racing Moto por una razón. A continuación vemos otra clase de clientela apasionadamente hablando con Vicente Ortega sobre su juguete de carreras:
Son distribuidores autorizados de Honda, Yamaha y Kawasaki y no hace falta decir que Anthony (y también Vicente Ortega) está calificado para el servicio de este tipo de motos.
Propietario, extraordinariamente apasionado del motociclismo y ganador de innumerables premios en Moto-cross.
“Toda mi vida he estado interesado en todo lo relacionado con la combustión y las carreras. Me encantan las motos, me encantan los carros, me encantan los aviones. Respirar como se quema combustible es el mejor oxígeno para mí.“
A pesar de su clase de pasión, Vicente es una persona tranquila. Siempre elegantemente vestido, entregado de corazón a su trabajo prestando mucha atención a cada detalle. Su actitud orientada al cliente es evidente.
“La disciplina vence todo, vence el talento, si vos eres una persona disciplinada en el momento de trabajar, tendras un exito 100% seguro“
Y la disciplina y el esfuerzo seguramente fueron necesarios para llegar a una situación donde 50 motos están ahora en exhibición. Hay algo para todos, motos pequeñas para niños, motonetas / scooters, motos de 125 a 250cc de China, motos japoneses, motos de carreras…
También vi motos eléctricas en su showroom el año pasado, sin embargo Vicente me comenta que este es un proyecto momentáneamente archivado pero que lo impulsara en el momento adecuado. En este momento Loja no está realmente lista para este concepto.
Para no olvidar nada, hay que mencionar que tienen una impresionante gama de accesorios y ropa: llantas, tubos, todo tipo de productos, cascos, gafas, guantes, trajes, botas, etc…
Todo esto no sería perfecto sin el suave toque femenino de Andrea, la esposa de José Vicente. Con la ayuda de su adorable hija, ella gestiona las cuentas y se asegura de que todo el papeleo sea manejado con rapidez y profesionalidad. José Vicente y Andrea tienen 2 hijas, la mayor que también es apasionada de motos y carreras desafortunadamente no se encontraba presente en el momento de la entrevista.
Una vez asegurado que el negocio se maneja con todo el debido profesionalismo y seriedad, uno no se debe olvidar que las motos son para divertirse y te pueden proporcionar un goce extraordinario. La gente de Racing Moto nunca se aburren y esto es contagioso.
Y si tú presupuesto esta ajustado, no pierdas tu sonrisa, pues ofrecen opciones de pago diferido fácil, así como precios muy atractivos en efectivo.
Muy recomendado!
Dirección: 18 de Noviembre y Celica – Loja 593
Tel: 099 273 6139
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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja
English version
Racing Moto is an exceptionally dynamic motorbike dealer in Loja run by 3 young and highly skilled people. We at todoloja have spent quite some time with them these past few months, trying different bikes and were impressed with their attitude and the quality of their service. We are confident that among the more than 50 motorbikes available in their showroom at calle 18 of Noviembre in Loja you are likely to find the one you are are after, being an affordable Chinese import, a Japanese bike, a quality motocross bike, an electric bike, a kids motorbike or a scooter …
Reputable brands like Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki are expensive and out of reach for most people in this country. Chinese imports are the norm. There are zillions of places that sell Chinese bikes, they all look pretty much the same. As we all know, Chinese products do not have the best reputation for quality and durability, after all you get what you pay for, right?
Think twice! For the times they are a changing. China is now manufacturing impressive bikes that really compete with the Japanese equivalents. These better bikes are slowly but surely making their way around the world including here in Ecuador.
But let’s focus on the average bike for the average user here in Ecuador and especially in the mountainous region of the Loja province. This would be a “todo terreno” or hybrid 200 to 250 cc. Less than 200c won’t get you up that hill unless you stick to the city center in which case why not a scooter? they are great and some models are in stock at Racing Moto. More than 250cc on the other hand and you enter a different price range. I have not seen yet any Chinese motorbike above 250cc for sale anywhere in Ecuador. So you’d have to turn to one of the Japanese or American brands if you want a bigger bike.
One model of hybrid that really stands out is the super cool retro looking 250 cc Axxo Scrambler available in blue and red,
Or its equivalent in green, the “Cafe Racer” model in stock at Racing Moto in Loja
sales and other responsibilities, probably the first person you will talk to. He explains to me the features of this Axxo bike. He is young, friendly, passionate and definitely knows his stuff. He was my first point of contact at Racing Moto when I was looking for this “average and affordable” bike and before I got to know the owner Vicente Ortega, more on him later.
Smooth inverted suspension, quality motor, oil radiator cooling system, all digital electronics, LED lights etc… List price 2,800 at the time of this writing before any discount.
If you are like me, you would think: “these Chinese bikes, they may look great when they are new but we know the story, after a couple of years, or sooner, they fall apart, been there, done that”.
Yes and no. Of course, this is not a top of the range Japanese bike for which you would pay 3 to 4 times as much, so let’s be honest and accept that parts will wear out probably faster than on an expensive bike and you will have glitches and some problems. The good thing about Axxo in Ecuador, Christian tells me, is the widespread availability of original parts. Same goes with Motor Uno, another well know Chinese brand. This is important, being stuck in the middle of nowhere and having to wait 2 weeks for parts is no fun.
This brings me to my second important point: service. Time to have a nosy at the workshop.
Anthony is young too but has heaps of experience and magic fingers. Actually he started the business with the owner Vicente 7 years ago. They had 3 motorbikes (on loan says Anthony) for sale and worked hard to get to where they are today.
Believe it or not and contrary to most mechanics I have encountered in this country, Anthony is articulate and actually capable of explaining to you (in Spanish) what he is doing, what he plans to do to your bike, how and why, how long it will take etc.. Wow! He is actually the one who sold me to the Axxo I must admit when after talking to Christian I grabbed him from the workshop and asked him a few pointy questions. He passed the test hands down and I was sold.
The workshop itself is an Ecuadorian totally untypical micro climate. It is uncluttered, clean and tidy. It is also off to the public, which means that Anthony is not interrupted every 5 seconds and can focus on what he is doing to your bike and not forget to put that odd but critical bolt back before you hit the road. It does not mean that he is inaccessible to tell you and show you what he does.
Anthony tells me that the very first thing he does to all motorbikes that enter his workshop for service is to clean them, transmission parts with gasoline, the rest with pressurized water with or without detergent.
It is worth mentioning here that the shop does not just sell Chinese middle of the road bikes. The shop is called Racing Moto for a reason. Below we see another class of clientele passionately talking to Vicente Ortega about his racing toy:
They are authorized Honda, Yamaha and Kawasaki dealers and needless to say that Anthony (and also Vicente Ortega) is qualified to service these types of motorbikes.
Owner, motorcycle passionate extraordinaire and and multiple motocross prize winner.
“All my life I have been interested in everything related to combustion and racing. I love motos, I love cars, I love planes. Breathing burning combustible is the best oxygen for me.”
Despite his kind of passion, Vicente does not come across as a tough rugged guy. He is soft spoken, always elegantly dressed, a hard working person paying close attention to every detail. His customer oriented attitude is plain to see.
“La disciplina vence todo, vence el talento, si vos eres una persona disciplinada en el momento de trabajar, tendras un exito 100% seguro”
“Discipline is what beats everything, it beats talent, if you are a disciplined person in your work, success is 100% guaranteed”
And discipline and effort it took to get to a situation where 50 motorbikes are now on display. There is something for everyone, small bikes for kids, scooters, 125 to 250 cc hybrid bikes, racing bikes …
I also saw electric motorbikes in his showroom last year but Vicente tells me that this is a momentarily shelved project that he is keen on getting back to at a later stage. Loja is not really ready to pick up on that concept at this very moment.
Last but not least, they have an impressive range of accessories and clothes: tires, tubes, products, helmets, goggles, gloves, suits, boots, you name it …
It would not be perfect without Jose’s wife, Andrea’s gentle feminine touch. With the help of her lovely daughter, she manages the accounts and makes sure that all paperwork is handled swiftly and professionally. Jose Vicente and Andrea have 2 daughters, the eldest who is also into motorbike racing was unfortunately not present at the time of the interview.
After the business is handled with all due professionalism and seriousness, one ought not to forget that motorbikes are fun and the people at Racing Moto certainly don’t.
And if your budget is tight, keep smiling, they offer easy deferred payment options as well as attractive cash prices.
Highly recommended !
Address: 18 de Noviembre y Celica – Loja 593
Tel: 099 273 6139
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If you wish to be informed about what goes on at and receive quality information about Vilcabamba, the city of Loja and the entire Loja province in Ecuador, please do subscribe here.
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We just had our car totally repainted at Salinas in Loja. The service we received was nothing short of exceptional. Angel Salinas completely disassembled out car, cleaned everything, put bolts and rivets where many were missing, and gave us back what looks and feels like a new car. The painting is superb and on top of all it was done on schedule (3 weeks total we were told upfront and 3 weeks total it was) and without breaking the bank account.
No wonder this man has won prizes.
Do you wish to comment or share some experience? Please leave your message in the section below. You can also contact us through our web page here.
If you wish to be informed about what goes on at and receive quality information about Vilcabamba, the city of Loja and the entire Loja province in Ecuador, please do subscribe here.
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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja
Lyrics / Letra
I want a marriage like they had in the Bible, because the Bible tells me so.
Now, Abraham and Sarah had a marriage, but she could not bear him…a kid.
So Sarah gave Abraham a slave girl and pretty soon they did it and they did, Lord Lord. Pretty soon they did it and she did.
Now I know that slavery was banned. But a woman should be free to give a slave girl to her husband.
Quiero un matrimonio como el que tenían en la Biblia, porque la Biblia me lo dice.
Ahora bien, Abraham y Sarah se unieron en matrimonio, pero ella no le podía dar … un hijo [En ingles el verbo “bear” tiene doble sentido “soportar a alguien” y “tener un hijo”, por eso el largo silencio antes de decir “a kid” “un hijo”].
Así que Sarah dio a Abraham una esclava y muy pronto ellos lo hicieron y lo hicieron, Señor Señor como lo hicieron, y lo hicieron y lo hicieron y lo hicieron… Muy pronto lo hicieron y ella le dio.
Ahora sé que la esclavitud era prohibida. Sin embargo, una mujer debe ser libre de dar una esclava a su marido.
I want a marriage like they had in the Bible, because the Bible tells me so.
Now Othniel and Achsah had a marriage, because she was a battle prize he won.
Yes, he fought to win Caleb’s daughter. And he was Caleb’s brother and his son-in-law.
Yeah, he was Caleb’s brother and his son.
Now I know it sounds like incest, but a woman should be proud to be married off and princessed.
Quiero un matrimonio como el que tenían en la Biblia, porque la Biblia me lo dice.
Ahora bien, Othniel y Achsah se unieron en matrimonio, porque ella fue un premio de batalla que el se ganó. Y el luchó para ganarse la hija de Caleb. Y era hermano de Caleb y también su cuñado. Sí, era el hermano de Caleb y su cuñado.
Ahora sé que suena como incesto, pero una mujer debe sentirse orgullosa de estar casada y tratada como princesa.
I want a marriage like they had in the Bible, because the Bible tells me so.
Now if two brothers live together and one dies, the other one must marry his brother’s widow.
For this is pleasing in God’s eyes. And if he should refuse, then she should steal his shoes and spit right in his face. It’s right there in the Bible.
Quiero un matrimonio como el que tenían en la Biblia, porque la Biblia me lo dice.
Ahora bien, si dos hermanos viven juntos y uno de los dos muere, el otro tiene que casarse con la viuda de su hermano. Porque esto es agradable a los ojos de Dios.
Y si él llegara a negarse, se le deberá robar los zapatos y se le deberá escupir en la cara. Tal como lo digo esta escrito en la Biblia.
Now Jezebel and Ahab had a marriage. And she began usurping all his power.
She was wicked, of course, but he could not divorce her, so he had her thrown off a tower, Lord, Lord.
And sent the dogs her carcass to devour.
Now I know, it sounds excessive. But a woman should submit to her husband or be made a mess of.
Ahora Jezebel y Ahab se unieron en matrimonio. Y ella empezó a usurparle todo su poder.
Fue necia por supuesto, pero el no podía divorciarse de ella, así que la echó desde una torre, Señor, Señor.
Y mandó los perros a devorar su carcasa .
Ahora sé, suena excesivo. Sin embargo, una mujer debe someterse a su marido o sufrir las consecuencias.
I want a marriage like they had in the Bible, because the Bible tells me so.
Quiero un matrimonio como el que tenían en la Biblia, porque la Biblia me lo dice.
Español AQUI NO es una traducción humana!
If you like big space, comfort, preferably on the flat, walking distance from the village and at the same time you’d like it quiet, almost secluded, this could be your dream spot.
By big space we mean 4000 sqm of totally flat (hence usable) land:
There is space for a soccer field on the left side of the photo and a volleyball field on the right side of the photo. These were the owner’s ideas though, you can do what you want, make an orchard, build a guest house, subdivide …
On that land a 370 sqm house has just been built. It is totally new, never used, with 4 bedrooms downstairs and a large bedroom/studio/art room upstairs. All have their own bathroom with hot water and shower.
The design is modern and the construction made to high standards. The foundation, the plumbing, the electrical work are faultless albeit not entirely finished.
Most impressive is the quality of the timber all around the house: pillars, ceilings, window frames…
The kitchen is basic at this point in time but there is plenty of room to make it to your tastes:
The living room is large and bright with ceramic (timber color) ceramic floor.
And looking at all the furniture on the photo makes us remember to mention that yes, the house comes fully furnished, what you see is what you get.
Outdoor living is great with unbeatable views of the Mandango that one can enjoy sipping a beer while the pizza is making itself in the wood oven.
So, if you feel like moving up to the next level, you can’t really go wrong with this one.
Not everything is finished but what is finished is of quality and most importantly everything is brand new.
All documents are in order and tax paid.
The owner looks straight and honest, a civil engineer who personally supervised the construction and brought quality timber from the jungle.
Location: Yamburara bajo Vilcabamba Ecuador
Land: 4000 sqm
House: 370 sqm
Service house: 57 sqm
Rooms: 4 downstairs and 1 large upstairs
Bathrooms: 5
TV Cable in all rooms, Internet, 110V (220V is available by the front door)
Asking Price: USD 310,000 negotiable
For further information please contact Pierre (English, French and Spanish) in confidence. He can give you the address so that you can go and have a look outside and possibly meet the owner’s wife. The owner himself is not often present. If you like the place then we can help you get in touch with the owner directly for a thorough visit. We can assist in negotiations. However we are not brokers.
No agencies please, the owner wants to sell privately !!
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Versión Español
English HERE
¿Estas en Loja y te gustaría un auténtico desayuno americano? es decir con pancakes o waffles, de dulce o de sal, con café Lojano por supuesto.
No busques mas ahora, en Crepes n Coffee, encontrarás un lugar acogedor ubicado a pocos pasos del Registro de la Propiedad, frente al hotel Howard Johnson.
Para los turistas y las personas que no conocen Loja este sector de la ciudad esta cerca de la universidad UTPL y se llama “la pileta”. Ahí se encuentran muchos restaurantes, cafeterías, bares y discotecas que vigorizan las noches de la ciudad con vibras juveniles.
Ten en cuenta que Crepes n Coffee no es un lugar donde sirven almuerzos, por la mañana esta abierto desde las 8 hasta las 12 PM y en la tarde desde las 16:00 hasta las 22 PM.
Denis es un emprendedor Lojano quien tiene las cualidades esenciales y complementarias para lograr el éxito: estudió marketing y tiene la capacidad de pensar en grande y apuntar al cielo, mientras que al mismo tiempo le gusta trabajar junto a sus empleados en la cocina para aprender. Su entusiasmo es evidente y contagioso.
” Me encanta estar con la gente y aprender … a mi edad quiero aprender … ” En este momento Denis se detiene en mitad de su frase y se levanta de su silla para ir a ayudar a un cliente a abrir la puerta. Esta es la actitud correcta!
Denis y su esposa abrieron su cafetería hace apenas 7 meses, en julio de 2016 para ser exacto, después de hacer un estudio del mercado con el fin de elaborar con mucho cuidado su producto y su marca. Tiene visión a largo plazo y aspira a que su concepto y su marca se expanda primero a nivel de la provincia de Loja y luego a nivel nacional. Los resultados son extremadamente prometedores. El lugar está lleno de vida.
Además la cafetería ofrece un servicio a domicilio. Simplemente hazles una llamada telefónica, haz tu pedido y te lo entregarán en tu casa.
Favor revisa las últimas ofertas en la página de Facebook /crepesn.coffeeloja
“Nuestro publico es desde que están en la pansita“, explica Denis con una sonrisa en su rostro. Mujeres embarazadas vienen aquí con un antojo de un waffle, un pancake o un capuchino“.
“Aquí todos son bienvenidos: estudiantes, profesionales, turistas, personas de cualquier edad…”
“El cliente viene con esa ansiedad de comer, de hambre, de postre, de dulce, de sal, lo que sea… Yo veo caras asi [Denis hace una cara triste] … cuando vienen y cuando se van … [Denis me regala una sonrisa de oreja a oreja].
Yo lo puedo confirmar. Sonrisas y bienestar he visto con mis propios ojos el día de mi visita.
Crepes n Coffee se enfoca en el así llamado “Desayuno Americano“, y no tiene nada que ver con el así desayuno americano que la mayoría de los hoteles normalmente ofrecen (jugo, pan, café y queso) al cual le añaden un huevo. Aquí estamos hablando del desayuno completo con una variedad de pancakes y waffles de dulce, con varias frutas, nutella u oreo, o bien de sal con pollo, tocino, carne, huevos, queso etc…
Una buena presentación añade el ultimo toque de profesionalismo.
La provincia de Loja en la sierra Ecuatoriana se esta construyendo una reputación internacional por su café de alta calidad . En Crepes n Coffee se encuentra la selección esperada de los cafés expresos populares (negro, cappuccino, mokaccino …), así como el café filtrado Lojano tradicional, todos elaborados con café arábigo puro cosechado y tostado en las alturas de la provincia de Loja.
Por supuesto que yo no podía resistir.
¿Qué estas esperando?
Concédete un rico antojito de pancakes o waffles la próxima vez que estés en Loja.
No olvides darles un voto (usa las estrellas bajo el título de este articulo).
Dirección : Zoilo Rodríguez (Frente al Howard Johnson)
Tel : 07 606 1389
Email :
Facebook : /crepesn.coffeeloja
¿Quiere comentar o compartir alguna experiencia? Por favor deje su mensaje en la sección de abajo. También puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestra página web aquí .
Si desea estar informado sobre lo que sucede en y recibir información de calidad sobre Vilcabamba, la ciudad de Loja y toda la provincia de Loja, en Ecuador, por favor, suscríbase aquí .
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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja
English version
Fancy a genuine American breakfast or brunch with pancakes, waffles, maple syrup, coffee, eggs and bacon, you name it … the real thing ?
Head for the street where the Property Register is located (ask any taxi) and opposite to the Howard Jonson hotel is a small, cozy and beautifully decorated place called Crepes N Coffee.
For tourists and people not familiar with Loja, this part of the city, close to the university UTPL is nicknamed “la pileta” (the fountain). It has an abundance of cafes, bars, restaurants and discotheques and contributes to Loja vibrant night life especially on week-ends.
Note that this is not a place for lunch, it is open from 8AM to 12PM and then from 4PM until 22PM.
Denis is a young entrepreneur who has the essential and complementary qualities to make it: a background in marketing, the ability to think big and aim at the sky while at the same time rubbing shoulders with his staff in the kitchen to learn the ropes. His enthusiasm is obvious and contagious.
“I love being with the people and learning … at my age I want to learn … ” at this moment Denis stops in mid sentence and leaves his chair to go help a client with the front door. This is the right attitude !
Denis and his wife opened their cafeteria a merely 7 months ago, in July 2016 to be exact, after doing a proper market study in order to carefully and correctly craft their product and their brand. The results are extremely promising. The place is alive.
Crepes n Coffee also provide a delivery service, “servicio a domicilio”. Just call, make your order and they will deliver to your door in Loja.
Please check their latest offers on their Facebook page /crepesn.coffeeloja
“Our clientele starts in the womb“, he explains with a grin on his face. Pregnant women come here to satisfy their sudden craving for a pancake or a cappuccino ! We have students, young and not so young professionals, tourists, people of all ages …
“The client comes with this anxiety, this hunger, this craving for something sweet or savory, whatever that might be… I see sad faces like this [Denis makes a long face] when they arrive and faces like this [Denis makes a big smile] when they leave !”
Smiles and well being I have certainly witnessed first hand on the day of my visit.
Crepes n Coffee main focus is on the so-called “American breakfast”, not what most places call “desayuno americano”, which means that they just add an egg to whatever they normally offer (juice, bread, coffee and cheese). Here we are talking about the full breakfast with a variety of crepes and waffles served with fruit, maple syrup, nutella or oreo on the sweet side or with chicken, bacon, meat, eggs, cheese on the salty side. A good looking presentation and everything spotless adds another touch of professionalism.
Loja is building an international reputation for its quality coffee. At Crepes n Coffee you will find the expected choice of popular espressos (short, cappuccino, mochaccino … ) as well as the traditional filtered coffee (cafe filtrado o cafe pasado), all made with pure Arabic coffee harvested in the mountains of the Loja province and freshly roasted in Loja.
Of course I could not resist.
What are you waiting? Go indulge yourself next time you are in Loja.
Address: Zoilo Rodriguez (frente al Howard Johnson)
Tel: 07 606 1389
Facebook: /crepesn.coffeeloja
Do you wish to comment or share some experience? Please leave your message in the section below. You can also contact us through our web page here.
If you wish to be informed about what goes on at and receive quality information about Vilcabamba, the city of Loja and the entire Loja province in Ecuador, please do subscribe here.
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