Español AQUI NO es una traducción humana!

There is so much propaganda and misinformation nowadays that even with the internet it is getting harder and harder to know what’s what. Social medias with the large number of trolls polluting them play an important role in brainwashing the masses. Let’s not even mention the mainstream media like CNN or the BBC.
My audience is not the people who still rely on this type of media for information. My audience is for people who rely on social media and the so-called “alternative media”. I find that often this type of media also falls prey to financial interests and publish propaganda verbatim and without analysis. Is it innocent, because they did not read the material they published? Is it lack of time and resources to apply some critical thinking to what they publish ? Or is there a darker agenda? Hard to know.
Look at for example. This morning they published an article with this title:
Revolution Rising: Colossal Protests Rock Socialist Venezuela
Millions rise up against socialism
September 1, 2016
Impressive photo !
Although the title is factually correct, its implications that millions are rising up against [the economic disaster caused by] socialism could not be further from the truth. This is all so obviously orchestrated and it is so easy to do when the power of money and the power of the media are in the same hands. All it takes is:
And voila! Just wait for the government to fall and leave room for the elite to take the power back. In effect, this is using the people to act against their own interest. No need for war. The people wage it themselves from the inside. This is brilliant !
And this is what happens today in Venezuela. Brazil is a variation on the same theme using slightly different tools to achieve the same goal. I am appalled to read about what is currently happening Brazil, our neighbor. The people of Ecuador seem to have no idea and little interest. They are too busy with their phones, their latest apps and the latest football match.
I have no intention to become a political writer and extensively cover topics such as these on a web site like Our focus is Ecuador, tourism, culture and life. The reason we publish this is to help our readers who live here in Ecuador to become more conscious of the nature of the game that surrounds us because it will affect us directly sooner or later. Indeed tourism is directly and negatively affected by the type of events that occur in Venezuela and Brazil. Ecuador is currently trying to recover from this terrible earthquake that shook it recently. It would not take much to bring its economy to its knees, organize a few protests with good media coverage and turn it into another Venezuela.
What is happening today in Venezuela is what will happen tomorrow (and is already happening today) in our beloved country of Ecuador. Ecuador and Bolivia are on the same list of “ill-behaved countries” (meaning countries that do not behave as American stooges and, god forbid, try to make their people benefit from their own resources) as Venezuela and Brazil. So beware of the propaganda. It is everywhere, on all social medias and on alternative medias.
I spent half an hour this morning looking up information on this massive protest in Venezuela and it was hard to finally get to a web page where someone says something intelligent about it.
The corporate media would have you believe that Venezuela is a dictatorship on the verge of political and economic collapse; a country where human rights crusaders and anti-government, democracy-seeking activists are routinely rounded up and thrown in jail. Indeed, the picture from both private media in Venezuela, as well as the mainstream press in the U.S., is one of a corrupt and tyrannical government desperately trying to maintain its grip on power while the opposition seeks much-needed reforms. In fact, the opposite is true.
We invite you to read the article above using the link provided. Next time you see a protest in Ecuador against Correa you will think about it and be better equipped to understand the game that is being played, by whom and for what purposes.
For a broader perspective, you can also read this article:
Regime Change throughout Latin America: The Monroe Doctrine Becomes the “Obama Doctrine”
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