Español AQUI
Immigration and Visas,
Container of Personal Items
Import / Export
Real Estate
If you are looking for a friendly, relaxed, low key, highly experienced lawyer in Loja Ecuador to take care of your legal affairs, whether personal or business, look no further than EcuadorVIDA.
You will be attended by Dr. Ramiro Carrión, a professional lawyer with over 20 years of experience with the Ecuadorian legal system. As a person who has filled several positions in public institutions including the High Court, Ramiro knows the system inside out and has a wide network of contacts. It is my observation as an immigrant who has lived a number of years in this country that here in Ecuador a good network of relationships is as important as knowledge and experience.

The man is busy, answering calls, attending people, running to and from hearings and still manages to keep a relaxed attitude and a smile. I interviewed him in his office of Calle Sucre in the heart of the city of Loja. I need to mention straight away that Ramiro frequently travels to Vilcabamba where he can attend his clients too.
Ramiro works in one of these beautiful historic homes in Loja made out of natural materials like rammed earth and tropical woods. This house has some history as it belongs to his grandfather Clodoveo Jaramillo Alvarado, a great historian whose brother was none less than Pio Jaramillo Alvarado, a symbolic icon in this country.
In this beautiful home, you will find an atmosphere of tranquility, suitable to discuss the issues that bring you there.
And I have to admit that I enjoyed for once to be looking at a painting of a woman reading a book rather than the usual blindfolded woman holding the scale.
Immigration and Visas
“My main focus is everything that relates to immigration: obtaining visas and residency, shipping your belongings from overseas, buying, selling and developing property and sorting out any type of real estate issue … “

“I have many many friends in Loja and in Vilcabamba, many foreigners too, from all countries, and I have helped many who found their new home in Ecuador sorting out the problems they had with regard to the immigration legal process. I am providing a legal advice that is just and intelligent to make their new life in Ecuador as easy and trouble free as possible”.
English, French, German and now more recently Chinese and Japanese are the most common languages that Ramiro deals with. The man himself is not a polyglot but thanks to his extended network of collaborators and friends, communication has never been an issue irrespective of the spoken language.

When it comes to do a proper legal translation of some document from or to English, Isamar Velez, a commercial engineer from Mexico, who has lived in Vilcabamba for over 10 years, takes care of it. She has a lot of experience and is very professional.
“Migration is not complicated but is has to be done step by step and done right and that requires an experienced lawyer…”
“What we aim for is to give our clients peace of mind, the reassurance that things are under control and well managed.”
“Some transactions must be done with the client because they might require a photo for example but in most cases we handle the process independently and will deliver the visa to the client when ready. Our service is all comprehensive including the very final step of the residency process which is to obtain the identity card, the cedula as it is called here, which requires a trip to Cuenca.”
Personal belongings
“We take care of making sure that your belongings get delivered to your door in the minimum amount of time.”
Another important step in the immigration process is the shipment of one’s personal belongings to Ecuador, something that can be done totally tax free within the 6 months following issuance of the residency visa. EcuadorVIDA has in depth knowledge and experience in this area.
Real Estate
“In general my clients are people from Loja who want to sell a piece of property in Loja, Vilcabamba, Malacatos, Yangana, Quinara and nearby places We put them in touch with prospective purchasers.”
As an expat in Ecuador, especially if you barely speak any Spanish, the process of acquiring a piece of property, which could be the very first thing you have to do in order to obtain your visa in the case of an investment type visa, is tricky and can lead to unpleasant surprises. This is why it is of uttermost importance to work with a law firm that knows the ropes and will carry out all due diligence on your behalf.
Ramiro insists that he is not a real estate agency but rather acts as a facilitator between the seller and the buyer. He uses Facebook and mouth to mouth to bring people in contact. For example, you as a potential buyer let him know your criteria and he will tap into his extensive network of contacts to find the right property for you.
“We are lawyers of many people and companies here in Loja and that puts us in a good position to know about what is available. We have a portfolio of about sixty properties from Malacatos to Yangana, in Taxiche, on the Malacatos high grounds, occidental and oriental : El Carmen, El Sauce, San Francisco, La Granja, El Prado and then going to Vilcabamba, in San Pedro, Sacapo, Quinara, Yangana Cucanama…”
At this point of the interview I notice that Ramiro gets quite enthusiastic. It is obviously something that he enjoys very much doing.
“After we help the purchaser to identify the right property, we then give him/her the legal advice and assistance to go through the entire process, we deal with the city council, the property register, we issue the documents … basically to avoid the buyer any possible pitfall during the process.”
Ramiro Carrión is a dedicated person, intelligent and well articulated. He puts a strong emphasis on friendships and collaborations. He mentioned in the course of the interview that many of his clients have become friends and in turn contribute to the services he provide. This is something important in a cosmopolitan place like Vilcabamba when one suddenly has a requirement for a translation of a German, French or Japanese document.
We invite you to contact him for an assessment of your legal requirements and we welcome any feedback.

Address: Sucre 06-79 between José Antonio Eguiguren y Colon, Loja Ecuador
Tel: +593 (0)997967639
Email: ramirocj@yahoo.com
Social networks: https://www.facebook.com/ramirocj

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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja
“My main focus is everything that relates to immigration: obtaining visas and residency, shipping your belongings from overseas, buying, selling and developing property and sorting out any type of real estate issue … “ Dr. Ramiro Carrion.
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