QI Esencial – Biomagnetic Therapies in Loja Ecuador

us English versiones
Español AQUI
By Pierre Volter
and Martha Jaramillo

Part 2 – Biomagnetism

Read Part 1 HERE


Biomagnetic therapy, also called biomagnetic pair or terrain restoration therapy, is a natural therapy that proposes re-establishing normal cellular milieu through the use of pairs of magnets of medium intensity that seek to equalize the organism’s pH level.

To understand the principles of biomagnetism one must understand how and why appear in the body the so – called “pathogens” (viruses, bacteria, fungi). The truth is that contrary to the established science of Louis Pasteur that even today is the basis of conventional allopathic medicine, pathogens are not the cause of disease but the consequence of a unhealthy  or weak or out of balance terrain (the body) that allows their entry and multiplication. The result is what we call “disease”.

In this regard the disease comes first and then the pathogens and not the opposite. In English the word disease is actually quite appropriate when you look at it as 2 parts: a root and a prefix : “dis-ease”. The word “ease” means balance, comfort, well-being and with the prefix “dis” is to say “out of”.

Strange? Not that much!

Consider this.


Anyone who has tried to have a nice lawn knows that if the grass is dense and healthy the weeds do not appear.

It is in places where the land is naked and exposed that all kinds of weeds appear.

Or consider this:

What came first, the rubbish or the cockroaches?

Are cockroaches bringing the rubbish with them on their back like ants do with their food ? For the pleasure to live in it?

Or are they rather attracted by the garbage and feed on it and that leads to their expansion?
Follow this logic reasoning:

What if we just cleaned the trash instead of attacking the cockroaches with insecticide?

Would the cockroaches insist on living there …?

Of course not !

Cleaning the terrain

Cleaning the terrain means to stop the proliferation of pathogenic organisms in excess which are harmful to human health. This is what biomagnetism does. The magnetic field generated by the magnets allow the biological terrain to recover its capacity to self-regulate and recover its optimal acidity or pH (± 7.2) in the blood, the sweat, the tears, and each one of the organs of the human body. This restores the proper functioning of the body.

Placing magnets pairs on the body

QI Esencial - Oriental Holistic Therapies - Acupuncture Biomagnetism in Loja Ecuador
She places magnet pairs on your body

The “Biomagnetic Pair” is a method that involves placing pairs of magnets of medium intensity to regulate the pH (hydrogen potential or acidity level) and thus restore the body’s balance because it eliminates all types of viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites, causing exceptional recovery and providing the energy that our body requires. This therapeutic technique also acts on emotions.

It is known that stress and negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety, depression, jealousy … make the body vulnerable and could consequently be one of the main contributing factors to make a person sick. It is also known that positive emotions could be very favorable at the time of recovery from illness.

Mind and body are closely related. It is important to get to know our own emotions. Recognize what are the emotions that we are feeling allows us to better know ourselves and helps us to direct and express those emotions towards others in an appropriate manner.

QI Esencial Biomagnetismo Holistico Loja Ecuador

“I think that we all come to a point in life where we do not know which way to go as to how to get healthy.  I had an unpleasant experience with doctors and western treatments and was actually feeling quite desperate because my ailments did not disappear despite my great efforts. However this was my big day when I met a beautiful person Dr. Ketty Vivanco who with her great experience and commitment helped me out of my difficulties.” Martha Jaramillo.

Dr. Raymond Hilu (left) and Dr. Isaac Goiz (the inventor of the technique) work with a patient.

For those who want a more detailed explanation of the Biomagnetic Pair method, a good primer on the topic can be found HERE.

An interview of Dr Gooiz (in Spanish) can be found HERE

He was interviewed in Quito Ecuador and what he explains in the video is very worthy of being heard by the entire world.

Ketty Vivanco

QI Esencial Biomagnetism Loja Ecuador
Ketty is a charismatic lady with a great sense of humor

Ketty,  a Biomagnetism Therapist, was a happy docent of the National University of Loja for 44 years and has a PhD in Education.

She told the story of how through her work met the inventor of the “Biomagnetic Pair” technique, Dr. Isaac Goiz

In 2008 Ketty Vivanco organized an important convention in the city of Guayaquil where Dr.Isaac Goiz was her guest of honor.

Ketty later became interested in such therapies and trained directly with the doctor.

Ketty is a charismatic, very cheerful and dynamic person who transmits good vibes and confidence. All her life she has practiced sport (basketball) and participated in championships besides being a professor at the University of Loja. She told us that the three things that have changed her life are biomagnetism, dowsing and kinesiology.

QI Esencial Biomagnetismo Holistico Loja Ecuador

QI Esencial Biomagnetismo Holistico Loja EcuadorShe explained that there are different ways to communicate with the body. She uses the body’s extremities, arms through the hands or legs through the feet. She establishes a connection through the feet of the patient.

The body does not lie, the mind does. Your body responds when I ask what you need and what area of the body is suffering “. Ketty

Thus the body makes its own diagnostic and knows exactly which organ is affected. It also identifies all types of micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) that are affecting your health and where they are located.

Sounds far fetched ? Maybe. I am not here to judge. I am here to tell the story. Give it a try and if it works for you, that’s what only matters in the end.


QI Esencial is a team of professionals working together to provide the best service of modern holistic medicine. Acupuncture, Cupping and Biomagnetism are really complementary techniques. Finding high caliber professionals such as Leonardo and Ketty in the same place in a small town like Loja is a wonderful thing.

QI Esencial - Oriental Holistic Therapies - Acupuncture Biomagnetism in Loja Ecuador
QI Esencial – Oriental Holistic Therapies – Acupuncture Biomagnetism in Loja Ecuador


Address: 10 de Agosto between Juan José Peña and 24 de Mayo
(Edificio Plaza Murano)

Tel: 07 – 2574907

Web site: www.qiesencial.com

qi esencial loja ecuador


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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

QI Esencial – Biomagnetic Therapies in Loja Ecuador

Tags: acupuncture, oriental medicine, cupping therapy, chi kung, qigong, biomagnetism, biomagnetic pair, Dr. Isaac Goiz, essential oils, aromatherapy, massages, spa, cosmetology.

QI Esencial – Biomagnetismo Holístico en Loja Ecuador

es Versión Español us
English HERE
Por Pierre Volter
Y Martha Jaramillo

Parte 2 – Biomagnetismo Holistico

Leer Parte 1 AQUI


El Biomagnetismo médico (par biomagnético) denominado así por el Dr. Isaac Goiz, utiliza 2 imanes (en pares), uno en polaridad positiva (Sur) y otro en polaridad negativa (Norte), trabajando conjuntamente.

Para entender los principios del biomagnetismo hay que entender como y porque aparecen y existen los así llamados “patógenos” en el cuerpo (virus, bacteria, hongos). La verdad es que contrario a la ciencia establecida de Louis Pasteur que aun hoy en día es la base de la medicina alopática convencional, los patógenos no son la causa de las enfermedades sino la consecuencia de un terreno (el cuerpo) insalubre o débil o fuera de equilibrio que permite su entrada y multiplicación. La consecuencia es lo que llamamos “enfermedad”.

En este sentido la enfermedad llega primero y luego los patógenos y no el opuesto. En inglés enfermedad se dice “disease“, la palabra “ease” significa equilibrio y con el prefijo “dis” es para decir “fuera de equilibrio”.

Cesped¿Raro? ¡No tanto! Mira.

Todo quienes han tratado de tener un césped saben que si la hierba es bien densa y sana el monte no aparece.

Es en los lugares donde la tierra esta desnuda y expuesta al cielo sin hierba que aparecerá todo tipo de mala hierba.

Un pequeño juego
¿que existió primero, la basura o las cucarachas?
¿las cucarachas llevaron la basura para vivir ahí?

¿o la basura atrajo y propició la existencia y expansión de las cucarachas?

En esta misma lógica sigamos razonando,
¿Qué pasaría si limpiamos y lavamos el bote de basura en vez de atacar a las cucarachas con insecticidas?
¿si lavamos el bote, las cucarachas insistirían en vivir ahí…?
¿se mudarían llevando su propia basura?,
¡Por supuesto que no¡

Limpiar el terreno del cuerpo

El limpiar el terreno implica la no proliferación de los organismos patógenos que en exceso son nocivos en la salud humana, y lo que los campos magnéticos generan es que el terreno biológico recupere sus capacidades de auto regularse y recuperen su pH adecuado (±7.2) para la sangre, sudor, lagrimas, y el pH apropiado para cada uno de los órganos del cuerpo humano, un correcto funcionamiento del organismo.

Colocar pares de imanes en el cuerpo

QI Esencial Biomagnetismo Holistico Loja Ecuador
Se colocan pares de imanes en el cuerpo
El “Par-Biomagnetico” es un método que consiste en colocar pares de imanes de mediana intensidad para regular el Ph (potencial de hidrógeno) y de esta manera  estabilizar tu cuerpo porque elimina todo tipo de virus, bacterias, hongos o parásitos, ocasionando una recuperación excepcional. Y además aporta la energía que nuestro cuerpo requiere. Esta técnica terapéutica también actúa sobre las emociones.
Existe una probabilidad  de que el estrés y las emociones negativas, como la ira, la ansiedad, la depresión, los celos…ponen al cuerpo vulnerable y consecuentemente podrían ser la causa de que la persona enferme. También es conocido que las emociones positivas podrían ser muy favorables al momento de la recuperación de una enfermedad.
Mente/cuerpo están estrechamente relacionados. Es elemental conocer nuestra propias emociones. Reconocer cual es la emoción que estamos sintiendo nos permite conocernos mejor a nosotros mismos, también nos ayuda a dirigir  y manifestar esas emociones hacia los demás de una forma apropiada.
QI Esencial Biomagnetismo Holistico Loja Ecuador

Pienso que en la vida todos llegamos a un punto en el cual no sabemos qué rumbo tomar en cuanto a cómo recuperar la salud, yo he tenido una experiencia desagradable con los médicos y tratamientos occidentales, en realidad estaba sintiéndome desesperada por que mis dolencias no desaparecían a pesar de mis grandes esfuerzos. Sin embargo este fue mi gran día por que conocí a una hermosa persona la Dra. Ketty Vivanco quien con su gran experiencia y empeño me ayudo a salir de mis dificultades.

Dr. Raymond Hilu (left) y Dr. Isaac Goiz

Para saber mas sobre el tema del par biomagnetico, se puede mirar el video de una entrevista en Quito Ecuador del inventor de la terapia, el Dr. Goiz  AQUI

Ketty Vivanco

QI Esencial Biomagnetismo Holistico Loja Ecuador
Ketty es una persona carismática alegre y con un gran sentido del humor.

Ketty, terapeuta Biomagnetista ella fue una feliz docente de la Universidad Nacional de Loja durante 44 años, con un Doctorado y un Masterado en Pedagogía

Nos contó la historia de cómo a través de su trabajo conoció al creador del “Biomagnetismo” el Dr. Isaac Goiz.

En el año 2008 en un programa de masterados Ketty Vivanco realizó una gran convención donde el Dr.Isaac Goiz fue su invitado de honor en la ciudad de Guayaquil.

Posteriormente Ketty se interesó por este tipo de terapias y se capacitó directamente con el doctor.

Ketty es una persona carismática, muy alegre y dinámica que te transmite buena onda y confianza. Toda su vida ha practicado el deporte (basket) y a  participado en campeonatos ademas de ser docente de la universidad de Loja. Ella nos contó que las tres cosas que le han cambiado la vida son el biomagnetismo, la radiestesia y la kinesiología.

QI Esencial Biomagnetismo Holistico Loja Ecuador

QI Esencial Biomagnetismo Holistico Loja EcuadorNos explicó que hay diferentes maneras de comunicarse con el cuerpo. Ella utiliza las extremidades del cuerpo, brazos a través de las manos o piernas a través de los pies. Ella establece una conexión a través de los pies de su paciente.

El cuerpo no miente, la mente sí. Tu cuerpo me responde cuando le pregunto lo que necesita y de que órgano está padeciendo”.

De esta forma ella hace el diagnóstico y sabe exactamente que órgano de tu cuerpo está afectado. También identifica todo tipo de micro-organismos (bacterias, virus, hongos) que están afectando tu salud y donde se localizan.


En QI Esencial se encuentra un equipo de profesionales que trabajan juntos para brindar el mejor servicio de medicina holística moderna. Los tratamientos de Acupuntura, de Cupping y de Biomagnetismo son realmente complementarios. Encontrar profesionales tales como Leonardo y Ketty en el mismo lugar en una ciudad pequeña como Loja es algo maravilloso.

QI Esencial Terapias Orientales y Holisticas Acupuntura Biomagnetismo en Loja Ecuador
QI Esencial – Biomagnetismo Holístico en Loja Ecuador

Louis Pasteur se equivocó

A continuación, les proponemos una lectura interesante sobre el tema de la relación entre los patógenos y la enfermedad. No habla de magnetismo pero da un contexto histórico y científico que permite entender mejor los principios fundamentales sobre los cuales se basa el biomagnetismo.

Louis Pasteur y la Pasteurizacion sinfín de nuestro mundo

(fuente : materialdenmg.com/para-acabar-con-pasteur/)

Acabar con Louis Pasteur

Decir que Pasteur se equivocó, y que todos los dogmas que erigió son falsos, obviamente, necesita justificación. Existe, por cierto, para numerosos terapeutas, así como para numerosos pacientes, la evidencia de que la medicina nacida de las ideas de Pasteur, del siglo de Pasteur, es una medicina metida en un callejón sin salida; una medicina que no llega, en absoluto, a la curación global de los seres humanos, es decir, a un bienestar que sea a la vez psíquico, emocional, físico y que permita a los seres humanos seguir evolucionando.

Más allá de este aspecto empírico, es decir, de la toma de conciencia de esta evidencia, esta medicina no cura, no curaba y nunca podrá curar la evidencia -como mucho, suprime síntomas. Es paliativa pero no sabe generar una auténtica curación, aunque sí producir sumas colosales para los laboratorios. Por encima de esta constatación de base, finalmente, poner en tela de juicio los dogmas pasteurianos es aceptar cambiar totalmente su visión del mundo. Este cambio radical de visión del mundo podemos exponerlo en varios puntos.

Por una parte, preguntarse: ¿por qué Pasteur?, ¿por qué en el siglo XIX pusieron a Pasteur por las nubes y lo consideraron como un salvador?, ¿por qué otros grandes sabios, como Antoine Béchamp, han sido totalmente ignorados?, ¿por qué este siglo XIX, profundamente traumatizado y emocionado, necesitó que un químico como Louis Pasteur se volviera un héroe nacional, un héroe en el sentido mítico, hasta el punto de que, incluso hoy, queda todavía una extraordinaria influencia proyectada? Psicológicamente hablando, es la imagen misma del sabio altruista y desinteresado, vencedor de la enfermedad y, por supuesto, de la muerte, sobre el cual cada uno puede proyectar desde entonces todos sus miedos y todas sus esperanzas.
Paralelamente a esta presentación de Pasteur como hombre, en este siglo XIX -rico en trastornos políticos, económicos y sociales-, habría que presentar, por supuesto, al microbio -y muy particularmente al virus- de manera diferente, con otro enfoque; no más como este ser microscópico extremadamente peligroso cuya única meta sería destruirnos. Presentarlo de manera un poco más neutra si es posible. Neutralidad en la relación, incluso ir hasta sugerir la simbiosis, es decir, exponer la teoría del virus útil.

Frente a estos microbios, a estos virus, se encuentra el sistema inmune. Este sistema siempre se nos ha presentado como un sistema de defensa que debe reaccionar de manera muy agresiva cuando un antígeno extraño para el organismo -como, por ejemplo, un microbio-, se presenta, y cuya sola respuesta posible sería el rechazo sistemático, la destrucción de lo que le es desconocido.

Personalmente, propongo otra versión; la de un sistema inmune como sistema de comunicación muy abierto a todas las informaciones que vienen del exterior, susceptibles de enriquecerlo, de completarlo y de sostener su evolución.

Leer articulo completo AQUI


Dirección: 10 de Agosto entre Juan José Peña y 24 de Mayo en el Edificio Plaza Murano

Tel : 07 – 2574907

Sitio web : www.qiesencial.com

qi esencial loja ecuador


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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

QI Esencial – Biomagnetismo Holístico en Loja Ecuador

Tags: Dr. Isaac Goiz, acupuntura, medicina oriental, terapia de cupping, biomagnetismo, chi kung, qigong, aceites esenciales, aromaterapia, masajes, spa, cosmetología, nutrición.

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QI Esencial – Oriental and Bioenergetic Therapies in Loja Ecuador

us English versiones
Español AQUI
Pierre Volter


Part 1 : Introduction – Acupuncture – Cupping

There are things in life that neither have a beginning nor an end. Trying to find some straight line is a waste of time and energy. This is what I felt when facing that blank page on which I was going to relate to our readers what we encountered at QI Esencial. I did not know where to start.

The word HOLISTIC came to my mind because soon after entering into this beautifully decorated space in the center of Loja, it becomes obvious that in this center, people look at health as a complete mind-body-spirituality thing. They don’t just provide “treatments”. It is about healing in the deep sense of the word.

QI Esencial - Orinental Therapies
The colors, the light, the Chinese paintings on the wall …

WHEN  I opened    the QI Esencial front door on this busy street of Loja (10 de Agosto), there was that beautiful smell, the colors, the light, the background music, the Chinese paintings on the wall,  the bamboo on the ceiling.

Clearly one feels entering another dimension, a dimension of peace and tranquility.






Leonardo Miguel Luzuriaga León
Leonardo Miguel Luzuriaga León

THEN   there is the incredibly charismatic  personality of the health center owner: Leonardo (Leonardo Miguel Luzuriaga Leon is his full name).

How do we begin describing him?

Gentle, soft-spoken, intelligent, calm and energetic at the same time, definitely passionate, experienced and wise, multi-faceted, extremely skinny are just a few words that come to my mind. Leonardo studied oriental medicine in Brazil with a Korean maestro.



Leonardo studied oriental medicine in Brazil
Leonardo studied oriental medicine in Brazil

WHILE UNDERTAKING    an acupuncture or cupping session, listening to Leonardo is a rich part of the experience. He will share with you his extensive knowledge of all things oriental, will enlighten and possibly amuse you with some Chinese parable, will tell you if you like about one of his favorite subject “the multi-orgasmic man”, about how people’s mental state deeply affect their physical health and how to let things in your life flow to achieve a better state of happiness.

What he won’t do is tell you what to do or give you a pill to cure the ailment that brings you there or even try to sell you some expensive supplement. His favorite phrase is to say: “simply take from what I say what you feel is right for you, no less and no more. As a patient you can then feel that he genuinely does not care whether you believe it all or not, whether you are going to do what he recommends or some part of it or not much at all. This way you can relax, be yourself, take what you want, leave the rest and feel absolutely no guilt. Quite different from a typical visit to the doctor I must admit.

Listening to Leonardo
Simply take from what I say what you feel is right for you

This total lack of pressure, this openness is something that makes you want to stay and come back. Not that you will necessarily need to go back either and that is OK by him. He confided that his main “problem” (if this could be called a problem) is that the treatments are so effective that often people don’t come back. He said that his Korean master used to treat 80 patients per day and then to “relax” he used to go to his other job which involved carrying 50kg sacs of coffee on his shoulders. He was a martial art penta champion which Leonardo said in Korea is something extremely serious and demanding. “It is quite complex. The training starts from a very early age. It is like being a basketball champion in the US or a soccer champion in Brazil


QI Esencial - Oriental Therapies on Loja Ecuador - Acupuncture
QI Esencial – Oriental Therapies on Loja Ecuador – Acupuncture

Obviously when referring to oriental medicine, the name acupuncture comes to mind first. This is one of Leonardo’s specialties. He has learned it not from some academic place but through years of living with his Korean master in Brazil.

A Korean acupuncturist inserting a needle into a leg
A Korean acupuncturist inserting a needle into a leg

I watched the session he gave to my wife Martha. He looked very concentrated, always observing the patient with deep attention.

Always observing the patient with deep attention
Always observing the patient with deep attention

Never hesitated with a needle. Some time they can hurt. This happens when the flow of energy is interrupted or disturbed in some part of the body. The purpose of acupuncture is to help restore the normal flow of energy along the meridians (well that is my no doubt oversimplified explanation of it).

QI Esencial - Oriental Therapies on Loja Ecuador - Acupuncture

There was one needle in particular that really bothered her in her left foot. No worries, after a little while, Leonardo took it off when the pain was too strong. One has to take time and allow the body to react. Things cannot always be achieved in one session.

In the following session she was more relaxed and instead of pain the needles were giving her tickles.

Qigong (Chi kung)


Qigong (Chi Kung)

Qigong (also spelled Ch’i Kung) is a powerful system of healing and energy medicine from China. It is the art and science of using breathing techniques, gentle movement, and meditation to cleanse, strengthen, and circulate the life energy (qi).

During the acupuncture session when the patient is peaceful an relaxed Leonardo moved around quietly and performs qigong movements to help circulate the energy in the  body.

I hadn’t heard the term Chi Kung before but I had attended some Tai Chi clases in New Zealand and it was very relaxing. Here is what they say on this infomative web site www.qigonghealing.com/qigong/whatis.html

Taiji Quan is a style of Qigong. It is graceful, relaxed, slow, and fluid, like a slow- motion dance. Unlike some Qigong methods that exercise specific systems or parts of the body– nervous system, endocrine system, heart, kidneys– Taiji Quan is a whole body, whole mind exercise. It treats health systemically, restoring the body to its original “program”, uncorrupted by stress, pollution, and disease. The Qigong Research & Practice Center offers training in all aspects and levels of Taiji Quan.

The true cause of disease – Somatizing

The key to really curing any disease is to understand the true cause of it. This is where the so-called “conventional” medicine fails miserably. This medicine only treats symptoms and more often than not is not even interested in the true causes of any disease. There is no time for that.

I asked Leonardo what he believed was in most cases the true cause of his patients’ health problems. He said that in most cases people somatize their mental problems. These can be from the plain vanilla every day variety of stress and anxiety for example all the way to some deep disorder that may stem from a past traumatic event or even from childhood. Somatizing means that when the mind has no way to “express” what it feels, it passes the dis-ease to the body. Then one gets an infection, some back pain, gastritis, migraines, you name it.

Addressing this situation with some pill of course does not really solve anything. Even addressing the problem with natural therapies is not the answer. A nice baño de cajon or a massage or a liver detox are certainly good things but when the root cause of a person’s disease is located in the unconscious or subconscious, these forms of natural medicine are also just treating  the symptoms rather than the cause albeit in a less dangerous and toxic way.

Cupping therapy

is another type of therapy that Leonardo provides at QI Esencial.

QI Esencial Loja - Cupping Therapy
QI Esencial Loja – Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.

Relatively unknown to most people living in the West until recently, cupping therapy is an alternative therapeutic method that has been popular in China since around 1000 B.C. Some records show that variations of cupping practices might actually be much older — possibly dating as far back as 3000 B.C.

An excellent summary of what cupping is about can be found in this article HERE

QI Esencial Loja Ecuador - Cupping Therapy

At the end of the day

We found that we left the center on that first day of acupuncture and cupping having made a new friend in Leonardo and looking forward to our next session which we will relate in one or more future article(s).

One thing that struck me is how relaxed my better half looked at the end of her session. I invited her and Leonardo to a photo session and they obliged.

Leonardo and her happy patient Martha after the session
Leonardo and her happy patient Martha after the session

Leonardo and her happy patient Martha after the session


QI Esencial in Loja Ecuador is a very special place indeed where you will feel good, relaxed and well attended. They provide holistic treatments which means that they work on the entire body including the mind and not just on the specific illness that brings you there.

QI Esencial - Oriental and Bioenergetic Therapies in Loja Ecuador
QI Esencial – Oriental and Bioenergetic Therapies in Loja Ecuador


Address: 10 de Agosto entre Juan José Peña y 24 de Mayo en el Edificio Plaza Murano

Tel: 07 – 2574907

Web site: www.qiesencial.com

qi esencial loja ecuador

QI Esencial – Oriental and Bioenergetic Therapies in Loja Ecuador

Tags: acupuncture, oriental medicine, cupping therapy, chi kung, qigong, bio magnetism, essential oils, aromatherapy, massages, spa, cosmetology.


Do you wish to comment or share some experience? Please leave your message in the section below. You can also contact us through our web page here.

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If you wish to be informed about what goes on at bbxmusic.com and receive quality information about Vilcabamba, the city of Loja and the entire Loja province in Ecuador, please do subscribe here.

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All rights reserved


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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja


Historia de arroz (arroz blanco vs arroz integral)

es Versión Español us
English HERE NOT a human translation!
Por Pierre Volter

Yo siempre he pensado que el arroz integral es mas saludable que el arroz blanco. De igual manera pensaba que harina integral es mejor que harina blanca etc…

En Ecuador es un tema bastante importante porque acá la gente consuma una cantidad industrial de arroz blanco. Conozco a gente que come arroz tres veces al día, desayuno, almuerzo y merienda. No todos hacen esto pero mucha gente.

En Ecuador se consuma arroz en cantidad industrial
En Ecuador se consume arroz en cantidad industrial

Recién decidí de hacer una pequeña investigación en el Internet y me di cuenta que es un tema con muchas contradicciones.

Historia de arroz (arroz blanco vs arroz integral)
Historia de arroz (arroz blanco vs arroz integral)


Cuando uno se embarca en una investigación sobre cualquier tema con una menta abierta, la primera etapa debe ser un poco de confusión. Me explico. Cuando tu tienes ideas preconcebidas sobre un tema es fácil encontrar en el Internet unas referencias que confirmarán tus ideas. Esto yo no lo  llamo investigación.

Pero cuando tienes una mente abierta, lo que te interesa es la verdad y no solamente lo que hasta ahora pensabas. En este caso tu tienes que realmente buscar y leer opiniones contradictorias: un articulo te dirá que el arroz integral es puro veneno, y el otro te dirá que el arroz blanco es muy malo y un tercero te dirá que depende. Pues tu no eres nutricionista, esto te confundirá.

Lo que yo digo es que una buena confusión no es algo que evitar. Todo lo contrario. Es a menudo una primera etapa importante.

Bueno entonces en pocos palabras a continuación es lo que se puede leer sobre el arroz integral versus el arroz blanco:

  • Arroz integral es mejor : los granos integrales contienen mas fibras y mas minerales y son menos procesados. Entonces son mejores que los granos blancos donde se ha eliminado todo lo bueno que se encontraba en la parte que se ha quitado (la cascara, el salvado como lo llaman en el caso del trigo). En los granos blancos se queda el almidón (puro carbohidrato que hace engordar) y no contiene casi nada de minerales o vitaminas.
  • Arroz blanco es mejor : los granos integrales contienen mucho mas ácido fítico que los granos refinados. El ácido fítico es lo que llaman un “antinutriente” porque impide la absorción  de minerales importantes tales como el calcio, el zinc y el hierro. Animales como caballos y vacas tienen un mecanismo para eliminar este ácido pero nosotros no. Como todos los granos, el arroz contiene considerables niveles de este antinutriente, aun mas que otros granos. Se puede decir que el arroz integral es un campeón del ácido fítico. Entonces el arroz blanco es mejor que el arroz integral porque la mayor parte de este antinutriente ha sido eliminado. También el arroz integral puede contener  mucho mas arsénico que el arroz blanco. (http://www.imujer.com/gourmet/8007/el-arroz-blanco-es-saludable-mito-o-realidad)
  • No ! Arroz integral es mejor porque el ácido fítico no es un problema. De hecho es un buen anti-oxidante que tiene una multitud de propiedades beneficiosas por la salud. A continuación una traducción automática de un articulo muy detallado en inglés: http://www.drcarney.com/topics/item/257-phytic-acid-in-grains-no-problem
  • Y así sucesivamente …


Historia de arroz (arroz blanco vs arroz integral)


El sentido común

Frente a las contradicciones, el sentido común es algo que ayuda bastante. No se explica científicamente, no es algo blanco y negro pero una persona con buen sentido común “siente” cuando algo tiene sentido. Y para mi no tiene sentido decir que productos naturales como el arroz integral, el trigo integral o hasta la quinua te haga daño por culpa de su alto contenido en ácido fítico. La naturaleza lo sabe mejor. Seria como decir que no te comas guineos porque te hacen daño mientras puedes comer pan de banano como quieras.

Ademas en el Internet, con tiempo y practica, uno se da cuenta de cuales son las paginas que contienen información mas correcta y cuales son las paginas que no son mas que ruido o propaganda. Por ejemplo la pagina de www.imujer.com (arroz blanco es mejor) es mucho mas superficial que la pagina de www.drcarney.com (arroz integral es mejor).

Hablo inglés y no dependo de la literatura en español que lastimosamente es mas limitada en el Internet.

A continuación les doy un enlace hacia una traducción automática de un articulo en inglés que lo resume muy bien todo :


Les invito a leerlo absolutamente porque aclara muchas cosas.

Por ejemplo habla de como reducir el ácido fítico en los alimentos con varias técnicas tales como remojar los granos durante la noche, germinar o fermentar.

Una ventaja mas de dejar el arroz a remojar durante la noche y lavarlo es que así se quita una buena parte del arsénico  que contiene el arroz (especialmente el arroz integral).

Parece que las costumbres ancestrales de lavar y remojar los granos integrales tiene mucho sentido.

Luego el articulo dice lo siguiente:

“Por lo tanto, las deficiencias de minerales provocadas por el ácido fítico rara vez son una preocupación entre los consumidores de carne.

Sin embargo, el ácido fítico puede ser un problema significativo cuando las dietas se componen en gran parte de los alimentos con alto contenido de fitatos, mientras que al mismo tiempo baja en carne u otros alimentos de origen animal.”

Parece que la tradición de comer una dieta completa con granos, carnes y lácteos no es tan mala.

Conclusión (por ahora)

La conclusión es que no hay conclusión definitiva ni verdad absoluta. De todas maneras el propósito de este articulo no era de llegar a una conclusión sino de hacer reflexionar sobre este tema.

Sin embargo y sin miedo de equivocarme, yo diría lo siguiente en forma de conclusión:

Si no has probado el arroz integral, tu te los pierdes. Es rico, fácil de preparar y a pesar de las contradicciones que se pueden leer en el Internet, es seguramente mejor.

Por el otro lado, comer arroz cada día o peor tres veces al día no puede ser la dieta perfecta, sea el arroz blanco o integral. Porque no tratas de variar tu dieta y por ejemplo comer un día arroz blanco, un día fideos, un día camote, un día yuca, un día papas, un día arroz integral, un día quinua… Hay una gran variedad de opciones.

Receta de zucchini (calabacin) relleno (con carne molida de res) al horno servido con arroz integral y ensalada de lechuga, espinaca y tomates.

Historia de arroz (arroz blanco vs arroz integral)
Historia de arroz (arroz blanco vs arroz integral)

Bon appetit !


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Historia de arroz (arroz blanco vs arroz integral)

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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

Sweet Potato – Living Healthy in Vilcabamba and Loja Ecuador

Español AQUI NO es una traducción humana!

Todoloja researches the topics of health and longevity in this part of the world (Loja Ecuador).

Good health starts with good nutrition.


Sweet potatoes are native to Central and South America and are one of the oldest vegetables known to man. They have been consumed since prehistoric times as evidenced by sweet potato relics dating back 10,000 years that have been discovered in Peruvian caves.

Sweet Potato - Living Healthy in Vilcabamba and Loja
Camote – sweet potato

Sweet potatoes belong to an entirely different food family than either yams or the common potato that is (unfortunately) such a large part of the common diet.

One difficulty in describing the health benefits of sweet potatoes is knowing where to begin. There are a surprising number of nutrient categories responsible for the health benefits of this underappreciated tuber. Among these categories are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and blood sugar-regulating nutrients. Each category brings with it valuable health benefits.

Here in Vilcabamba they grow like weed. On our land, we don’t pay too much attention to them and let them go wild and out of control most of the time but we should give them more care. They deserve it. Despite of that, today we extracted this monster from our ground in Sacapo, San Pedro de Vilcabamba.

Camote - sweet potato - Vilcabamba Ecuador

I want to add that there is nothing healthier and more fun apparently for a young child than spending time outside in the “huerto”. This is one of the things that people living in cities have lost. The children are weaker and get sick more often.

One of the factors of longevity is certainly :

More time outside and better food.
Sweet Potato - Living Healthy in Vilcabamba and Loja
Sweet Potato – Living Healthy in Vilcabamba and Loja


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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

Salud y Vida SPA – Natural therapies in Vilcabamba

us English version esEspañol AQUI

Relaxation therapies – Body Massage – Steam Baths – Reflexology – Clay exfoliation – Hair removal – Facial care …

Health is a pervasive topic in the so-called “Valley of Longevity”, Vilcabamba, a small town in the Ecuadorian Andes mountains. Many people have come from abroad and have settled in Vilcabamba precisely to seek a better quality of life. In fact many of them are professionals engaged in one or another form of natural therapy: massage, reflexology, acupuncture, osteopathy, yoga, bio-magnetism, Rolf therapy and more … Vilcabamba has it all.

Mariana Avila is a native of Vilcabamba. We visited her center of natural treatments called “Salud y Vida SPA“.

Salud y Vida SPA - Tratamientos Naturales en Vilcabamba Ecuador


Martha Jaramillo
By Martha Jaramillo

Many of you living here in Vilcabamba already know Mariana and perhaps already felt her magic hands … I met her when she had a vegetarian restaurant. I must confess that was my favorite at that time.

However, we have now discovered other qualities and skills that she possesses. Mariana is a sweet and spontaneous person, inspires confidence, she carries within herself what I would call “the angel”, something that I immediately felt when I saw her. The persons who possess “the angel” have something special that other people don’t have, the true vocation of caring for others and do it with love, patience and sweetness. Mariana has that and it makes you want to stay there forever in a never ending massage.

She told us that her attraction for alternative therapies and natural medicine was born when she was still very young. It is something genetic in the Avila Cabrera family. She explained that several close family members favored the branch of medicine both eastern and western. She also has an uncle who is a shaman and her daughter Ruth is studying child psychology at the university. They are a long chain of guardians of health …

And before you ask, her prices are very affordable too.

The place is simple without fuss and quite cozy indeed, adorned with many beautiful plants and flowers of various colors. Every corner is well designed so that when one enters this place, one feels comfortable and relaxed.

Salud y Vida SPA Vilcabamba - The place is cozy and well decorated
The place is cozy and well decorated

Mariana told us that her customers usually ask for suggestions on which therapy to attend and she advises them depending on their ailments. However, the “baño de cajón” (in English literally “the bath in a drawer”) is always the recommended first step in order to detoxify the body and at the same time get the person to relax. She then continues with either a massage or an exfoliation, a mud bath, a reflexology etc …

Mariana has been trained through workshops, courses etc … about therapies that she performs in its SPA. It is evident that she loves doing these activities and this makes it different.

To let go in Mariana’s hands

By Pierre Volter

As is our custom at bbxmusic.com, we want as much as possible to only talk from experience. For the purpose of this article, Mariana offered me to do me a treatment and I asked her which one she would recommend. We talked a little about my health and my ailments, she asked me a few things about my life. I have a tendency to be a little over stressed and nervous which in my case manifests itself in the skin. Because of this she recommended a steam bath and a clay exfoliation.

It is something that Martha has already mentioned above in her introduction but I wish to reiterate it because it is important. The therapist’s personality, her “energy”, her “aura” is an essential part of the patient’s experience, is it not? This is something that cannot be explained but rather felt. I felt immediately relaxed with Mariana and had no issue surrendering myself to her capable hands.

Baño de cajón (steam box)

Salud y Vida Vilcabamba - Baños de cajón
Salud y Vida Vilcabamba – Baños de cajón

This is basically a steam bath, similar to a Turkish bath but performed in a custom designed cupboard or “drawer” (hence the name “cajon” in Spanish which means drawer) inside which the person sits leaving only the head outside. I read that it is inspired from Ayurvedic medicine. The advantage of leaving the head outside is that one can still breathe comfortably “up here” despite the heat and heavy body sweating “down there”.


Salud y Vida Vilcabamba - Baños de cajón
Getting ready for the steam box (Baño de cajón)
The body is the body
The body is the body

So I took off my clothes, put my belongings in a cane basket that she gave me and put on a white dressing gown.

It was then time to sit in the steam box that I distractedly was about to walk into with the gown still on. Mariana gently told me to take it off. “Of course“, I thought, “Silly me, I am not going to get in there with the dressing gown on, am I?

However, I felt a little shy I confess. I heard myself saying, “What? I have to take it all off?“.

She laughed and replied:

That’s right. The body is the body.”

I sat in the steam box and slowly felt the heat all over my body and the nice scent of the plants while I started to sweat a lot, which is good because the objective is for the heat to open the pores and allow the body toxins out. I had to stay 15 minutes inside the box.

Salud y Vida Vilcabamba - Baños de cajón
I sat in the steam box and slowly felt the heat all over my body

From time to time Mariana approached to ask how I feel, wipe my face and put a wet towel on my head. Also when the heat became unbearable, we opened the lid a little to have a pause. I must say that she did the whole process very sweetly, nothing by force, nothing uncomfortable. After the treatment, looking at the photo below and remembering the heat and the cool “life saving towel” that Mariana put on my head, I had to laugh while thinking about those famous biblical words:

Salud y Vida Vilcabamba - Baños de cajón
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Clay Exfoliation

Salud y Vida SPA Vilcabamba - Exfoliacion con arcilla caliente
A sheet of plastic and a good blanket to continue perspiring

Fifteen minutes later I felt totally relaxed. Mariana then covered my whole body with warm clay including the face and wrapped me in a sheet of plastic and a good blanket to continue perspiring for about 20 minutes.

Mariana then covered my whole body with warm clay including the face
Mariana then covered my whole body with warm clay including the face

In this process I felt quite hot and thirsty, Mariana gave me to drink a refreshing mint tea, then she made an exfoliation with a glove to remove the wet clay, gently massaging the whole body.

Salud y Vida SPA Vilcabamba - Exfoliation
Salud y Vida SPA Vilcabamba – Exfoliation

Finally I took a shower, not too cold not too hot. Perfect ! And it was easy to take the clay off my body because the clay had not been allowed to dry out. I then leaned back in a long chair and felt like a fresh lettuce … well actually I wish I could have stayed right there to sleep overnight since I felt so comfortable and relaxed.


Salud y Vida SPA Vilcabamba - Reflexología

“Reflexology is the application of appropriate pressure to specific points and areas on the feet, hands, or ears. Reflexologists believe that these areas and reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them has a beneficial effect on the organs and person’s general health.” Wikipedia.

We did not do a reflexology session. While she was briefly explaining us how it works, Mariana took my feet and applied pressure to different points. When she made me cringe or even jump she explained that the pain was not something normal but rather the reflection of a problem in some area of my body.

Salud y Vida SPA Vilcabamba - Reflexology mat
Reflexology mat

Talking about reflexology, Mariana had something interesting. She showed us a mat made in such a way that it stimulates the reflexology points of the feet, allowing to reach excellent therapeutic results.

My feet are very sensitive so I could not even stand for a minute on the carpet. It is like walking on pebbles but worse. Martha, who is native from here had no problem at all standing on it. “She is a river girl” I thought.

Actually, Mariana recommended me to take shoe-less walks on the river bank.


We did not have time for a massage. It must surely be excellent and we’ll try to include information on this topic some time on the bbxmusic.com web site.

In the mean time, if you are reading this article and have already experienced a massage at “Salud y Vida”, please leave your comment in the section below.


In her Vilcabamba natural treatment center, Salud y Vida SPA, Mariana knows her subject. She has a lot of experience dealing with both locals and foreigners. She works with sweetness, love and respect. The place is cozy and has good energy. We recommend it to anyone who wants to relax, relieve stress and improve his or her physical and psychological health.

Salud y Vida SPA - Natural therapies in Vilcabamba - Mariana Avila
Salud y Vida SPA – Natural therapies in Vilcabamba – Mariana Avila

Visit the center of natural treatments Health and Life the next time you are in Vilcabamba.



Address: Valle Sagrado y Diego Vaca de Vega, Vilcabamba Ecuador (opposite to restaurant Mexibamba)
Tel: +593 (0)9 86782084
Email: marianaavilac@gmail.com
Opening hours: please call for an appointment

Salud y Vida SPA Vilcabamba - Mapa


Do you wish to comment or share some experience? Please leave your message in the section below. You can also contact us through our web page here.

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If you wish to be informed about what goes on at bbxmusic.com and receive quality information about Vilcabamba, the city of Loja and the entire Loja province in Ecuador, please do subscribe here.

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All rights reserved


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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

Pharmacy in Loja – By the people and for the people

us English version
Español AQUI

Only a few meters from the “centro comercial” main entrance in Loja, there is a pharmacy. The place is small indeed, so small that you may never have noticed it but his owner is not small and I don’t mean size-wise. Ramiro Delgado is what I would not hesitate to call a “great man”. On this beautiful sunny day I truly enjoyed spending a couple of  hours with him.

Ramiro has done many things in his life and occupied important functions. For example, he was involved in writing the Ecuadorian constitution in 2008 in Montecristi and he has been the owner of a 5 floor business in central Loja with an ice cream parlor, a restaurant, a children playground, a dance club…  but this place, this small pharmacy is truly his and he explains that it is in this place that he can truly be himself.

Why own 10 businesses? To live with a level of stress of 500% ? No. It is better to be able to freely say hello to a friend, lend a hand to an elderly to help him cross the road. And be the person I have always been“.

Pharmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador - Ramiro Delgado
Farmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador – Ramiro Delgado

My father was a wise man and he used to say that money only has two virtues: it poisons the soul and kills the feelings. Because when you have money you think that you can buy it all, you lose the capacity to love, you lose the capacity to respect and fell compassion.

So once again in this small third-world country called Ecuador, I found myself exchanging profound ideas with a great and wise man in the middle of a nothing place next to a popular market where people go to buy their potatoes and their chicken. How amazing!

I found myself exchanging profound ideas with a great and wise man
I found myself exchanging profound ideas with a great and wise man

Let’s take a look at the place this man is running, shall we? It is a pharmacy, “the people’s pharmacy” is its name, la “farmacia del pueblo”, but we shall see that it is much more than just a pharmacy. It has all the expected pharmaceuticals for sure but also a range of natural products. We don’t have the space to list them all here and I strongly advise the reader to pay Ramiro a visit and check him out. Below is an example of a popular plant-based products that help people sleep better.

Farmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador - Pharmacueticals and Natural Products
Farmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador – Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products

Secondly,  it is a small bank, two banks more precisely: Banco de Guayaquil and Banco de Pinchincha. In this pharmacy people come to make deposits and perform other types of transactions without having to queue in a main branch and with the possibility to talk to a real flesh-bone-and-heart human being instead of a human-like robot.

Farmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador - Banco de Guayaquil y Banco de Pinchincha
Farmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador – Banco de Guayaquil y Banco de Pinchincha

Thirdly, Ramiro makes copies of most types of keys with an automatic machine.

Farmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador - Key cutting
Farmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador – Key cutting

Finally and just as importantly, it is a place where everybody smiles and just that is a therapy that no medicine in the world can beat !

Farmacia del Pueblo Loja Ecuador
Pharmacy in Loja – By the people and for the people

So check him out next time you go to the market or have a need for medicinal products. His English is not great he does admit but he can understand you if you speak slowly.


Do you wish to comment or share some experience? Please leave your message in the section below. You can also contact us through our web page here.

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If you wish to be informed about what goes on at bbxmusic.com and receive quality information about Vilcabamba, the city of Loja and the entire Loja province in Ecuador, please do subscribe here.


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All rights reserved


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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

Living healthy in Vilcabamba and Loja Ecuador

us English version
Español AQUI
By Pierre Volter
Martha Jaramillo
and Martha Jaramillo

19 July 2016

With our sympathy and our love to our neighbor, Balbina Camacho, who died the 18th of July 2016.

“You are not wealthy until you have something that money can’t buy” .

Garth Brooks

If there is something that I have learned living in Vilcabamba since 2008 it is that health is not something that money usually buys.

This statement requires a little bit of clarification.

What is the secret of health?

Sure money can buy better medical care. With money, one can go to a private clinic like San Agustin in Loja instead of relying on the free public system (and get his prostate taken out to treat kidney stones as happened to an Ecuadorian friend of mine).

Money can also buy expensive supplements available from the Juice Factory in Vilcabamba or on line or get a full set of essential oils. Money can buy everything organic, usually at double or triple the price of the non organic equivalent.

But does health really depend on good private healthcare and on supplements ?

I live in a small village a few kilometers from the “buzzing metropolis of Vilcabamba” (:-)) and there one can still witness some people, not so many unfortunately, living the old way, wandering around on their donkeys, eating their traditional diet which they do not call “organic”, and certainly not “raw”, they don’t even know  the word “organic” and have never heard of “raw diets”.

Life and Health in San Pedro de Vilcabamba
Living healthy in Vilcabamba and Loja Ecuador

These people look very healthy, they are skinny, they are fitter and stronger than 30 year younger typical westerners. Most are not rich and some are really poor.

These people represent what to me is the real “secret of longevity” that nobody will find in the Vilcabamba water or in the air or in the Iniger lab.

Old man in Vilcabamba
Old man in Vilcabamba – Every single day he goes really slow but still does his own shopping – Must be well over 90

The secret of longevity

The secret is a complex. multi-dimensional combination of factors involving lifestyle, diet, exercise, water, air, emotional state, stress, possibly genes and certainly others that I forget to mention or am unaware of.

What is certain is that money is not one of them.

Balbina harvesting yuca in Sacapo - San Pedro de Vilcabamba
Balbina harvesting yuca in Sacapo – San Pedro de Vilcabamba
Christmas Present
Christmas Present

Balbina is well known in Sacapo. I never remember her age although I have asked her several times. Is it 95? or is it more? It does not really matter in the end. She is skinny, too skinny now because she is getting old and won’t probably last many more years. She was a midwife and a reputable one.

Balbina Camacho y Pierre Volter
Balbina Camacho y Pierre Volter
Lily, Balbina Camacho y Martha Jaramillo
Lily, Balbina Camacho y Martha Jaramillo

We asked her to be our midwife for our now 3 year old daughter but she declined saying that she could no longer handle it and no longer had the strength.

But ten years ago when she was “only 85”, she was very active, always out, walking along the river, always doing some physical work. She still managed to help my wife a lot during pregnancy, alleviating the back pain for example and putting the baby back in a good position with gentle movements and massages. She obviously knew what she was doing. She was very sweet and I will never forget her.

The point I am making is that her health, she does not owe it to money but rather to her lifestyle.

Balbina harvesting yuca
Balbina harvesting yuca

When foreigners come to settle here, my very first piece of advice is for them to keep a low profile, watch and learn and not come here to teach the people of Ecuador about their own beliefs. Everything is relative. I am sure that there is value in raw food diets and in gluten free diets and in vegetarian or vegan diets. However let’s not forget that we are here in the “Valley of Longevity” and that our hosts were here well before we had even heard about the place.

18 July 2016



Reina del Cisne – Pharmacy with a heart in Vilcabamba Ecuador

us English version


Do pharmacies have a heart? Or are they just pill pushers? Most modern pharmacies appear to be in the business of selling as many drugs as they can per unit of time.

Not so at Reina del Cisne in Vilcabamba. This is family business since 4 generations and its current owner, Guicela Riofrio, is definitely a lady with a heart who runs her business with a gentle hand.

Where indeed, more than in a pharmacy, does one need good friendly and discrete attention?  You go there with your boo-boos, your ailments, your intimate problems. Are you expected to spit it all out to some hurried employee dressed in white overall in the middle of a crowd?

At the pharmacy Reina del Cisne you will be attended by the owner herself. She has plenty of experience, plenty of patience and will do her best to make you feel that you are in good hands. As per my usual way of collecting information for a write-up, I gave her a live interview with the camera and invited her to tell me about her story and her day to day professional life.

Farmacia Reina del Cisne, VilcabambaGuicela Riofrio

Guicela is Nelly Toledo’s daughter, the person we see on the right side of the photo below. Mrs. Toledo has dedicated her life to pharmacy as well and so had her own mother. Today, Nelly’s daughter has taken that role with the help of her own eldest daughter who we see on the left. Her youngest, also on the photo, albeit still too young to participate is no doubt watching, listening and learning.

Farmacia Reina del Cisne, Vilcabamba
Three generations working together to provide the best service

I spent a few hours in the pharmacy watching people coming in and out. It was entertaining I must say.  I was amused to watch one of two young guys who were sitting drinking beer on the pavement opposite to the pharmacy stand up, walk to the pharmacy and ask for “two pills for the liver”. One lady popped out of a car to buy two “pills for the flu” (whatever that might be)… There is a pill for everything. Then an old lady, “Luchita” was her name, needed new rubber gloves for her kitchen but had trouble remembering her size. So Guicela spent about 15 minutes assessing whether a number 7 or a number 8 was best putting the lady’s hand on top of the shrink wrapped gloves.

Paciencia y cortesia
Trying out the rubber gloves

Privacy is important, she told me. “Many times, people only want to talk to me. We move a little to a corner so that no one can hear. Some times they want to show me a pimp, a lesion, some rash and that is not something people want to do in public of course”.

Watching these people I mentioned above buying “liver pills” or “flu pills” didn’t sound too good to my natural medicine oriented ears and made me want to ask Guicela about the status of health in general around Vilcabamba. She told me that it was not very good. Constipation, fatty liver, parasites in children, psychological problems as well, there is a whole range of ailments in this small paradise of Vilcabamba.

Natural medicine and pharmaceuticals, are they compatible ?

I asked here whether in her opinion there was a contradiction between natural medicine and the use of pharmaceuticals. She said no, they go hand in hand.

“Normally, people here go for natural remedies first and when it does not work  they go to see the doctor”.

“In the case of fatty liver for example, if they don’t eat less fatty food and fried stuff they won’t get better fast. They can take silimarin and B complex tablets and it will help but it is a slow process…”

I wish to make a small parenthesis here. I am not Ecuadorian, I am from Belgium and I liaise with expats in Vilcabamba and Loja, some of whom are knowledgeable in the field of natural health. These people would absolutely not agree that natural medicine and pharmaceuticals go hand in hand. On one hand, strictly speaking and in an absolute world I don’t agree either. We know that tablets interfere with the body and make natural medicine less effective.

On the other hand we don’t live in an absolute world. Now that I have observed Guicela’s world, I understand it better. It is a relative world made of real people and made out of compromises. She knows that it would be better to tell people to stop smoking, stop drinking, eat less bad fatty acids and fried stuff, eat less white rice and white bread, turn the cellphone off, go for a walk, just to give a few examples. Less pills would be necessary. She knows that and certainly does advise people about these things day in day out. It is hard though to change people’s habits. In this context of relativity, what she says about natural medicine and drugs being complementary makes sense.

“Many people come to me because they know that I try to give them other options, not just drugs”.

Medicina natural en la farmacia Reina del Cisne
A few natural products available at the pharmacy Reina del Cisne

To me this pragmatic, realistic attitude that takes into account people’s bad habits, while at the same time advising them of the other options they might have, is really what is needed in a place like Vilcabamba. That is the attitude that I witnessed. Sometime you have to give people the pill that they’re asking.

What? Anxiety and depression in Vilcabamba?

“There are many people with depression here… Family problems … Economical problems … the husband drinks … no help is available … children don’t do well at school …. “.

“Normally I try to give people something natural like valerian passionflower and chamomile… Mind altering drugs no! I almost don’t work with these.”

She surprised me when she said:

“… it is not so much the locals but more the foreigners that seem to suffer of anxiety and depression … It saddens me to watch some people getting worse over the years… There is a problem with alcohol as well”.

One in the morning and one at night
One in the morning and one at night

I asked her about her English. She laughed and told that she does understand most of what people say and can speak enough to explain a posology for example: “one tablet in the morning with breakfast and one at night”.


Enemas – Colon cleanse kit

A product that the pharmacy has sold a lot albeit almost exclusively to foreigners is the enema kit.

Kit de limpieza colonica
Colon cleanse or Enema Kit

With this kit, one can do a coffee enema. This is an ancient therapy that can be dated as far back as the Egyptian Pharaohs. Enemas are not a new fad or something that’s only performed by those obsessed with their health. It wasn’t that long ago that enemas were routinely prescribed by doctors as part of a normal cure for illness.

The enema can safely be done at home. It bears no risk whatsoever and in many cases can be very effective almost immediately. Suzy Cohen, also known as “America’s Pharmacist,” declares that coffee enemas are safe when performed by holistic physicians and even at home in her Ask The Pharmacist column. Cohen goes on to say that coffee enemas can be used as therapeutic treatment for a number of conditions, like constipation, fatigue, liver detoxification, and even cancer. Research has confirmed the effectiveness of administering therapeutic agents through the colon instead of the mouth.

If you haven’t tried before and are interested to give it a try, please contact us or contact Guicela who will contact us.


Farmacia Reina del Cisne, Vilcabamba
Guicela Riofrio – Reina del Cisne – Pharmacy with a heart in Vilcabamba Ecuador

At pharmacy Reina del Cisne, you will find something special that has become rare in our modern world: quality service and professionalism delivered by a real human being with a heart who can listen to you and give you sensible advice.

Atendiendo a "Mama Silivia"
“Mama Silivia” at Reina del Cisne Pharmacy


Guicela Riofrio
Cell: 09 80700666

Calle Bolivar Vilcabamba (near the police)

Farmacia Reina del Cisne, Vilcabamba


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