Maiden Voyage (Libertador Bolivar – Ecuador)

We just had our car totally repainted at Salinas in Loja. The service we received was nothing short of exceptional. Angel Salinas completely disassembled out car, cleaned everything, put bolts and rivets where many were missing, and gave us back what looks and feels like a new car. The painting is superb and on top of all it was done on schedule (3 weeks total we were told upfront and 3 weeks total it was) and without breaking the bank account.
No wonder this man has won prizes.
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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja
Lyrics / Letra
I want a marriage like they had in the Bible, because the Bible tells me so.
Now, Abraham and Sarah had a marriage, but she could not bear him…a kid.
So Sarah gave Abraham a slave girl and pretty soon they did it and they did, Lord Lord. Pretty soon they did it and she did.
Now I know that slavery was banned. But a woman should be free to give a slave girl to her husband.
Quiero un matrimonio como el que tenían en la Biblia, porque la Biblia me lo dice.
Ahora bien, Abraham y Sarah se unieron en matrimonio, pero ella no le podía dar … un hijo [En ingles el verbo “bear” tiene doble sentido “soportar a alguien” y “tener un hijo”, por eso el largo silencio antes de decir “a kid” “un hijo”].
Así que Sarah dio a Abraham una esclava y muy pronto ellos lo hicieron y lo hicieron, Señor Señor como lo hicieron, y lo hicieron y lo hicieron y lo hicieron… Muy pronto lo hicieron y ella le dio.
Ahora sé que la esclavitud era prohibida. Sin embargo, una mujer debe ser libre de dar una esclava a su marido.
I want a marriage like they had in the Bible, because the Bible tells me so.
Now Othniel and Achsah had a marriage, because she was a battle prize he won.
Yes, he fought to win Caleb’s daughter. And he was Caleb’s brother and his son-in-law.
Yeah, he was Caleb’s brother and his son.
Now I know it sounds like incest, but a woman should be proud to be married off and princessed.
Quiero un matrimonio como el que tenían en la Biblia, porque la Biblia me lo dice.
Ahora bien, Othniel y Achsah se unieron en matrimonio, porque ella fue un premio de batalla que el se ganó. Y el luchó para ganarse la hija de Caleb. Y era hermano de Caleb y también su cuñado. Sí, era el hermano de Caleb y su cuñado.
Ahora sé que suena como incesto, pero una mujer debe sentirse orgullosa de estar casada y tratada como princesa.
I want a marriage like they had in the Bible, because the Bible tells me so.
Now if two brothers live together and one dies, the other one must marry his brother’s widow.
For this is pleasing in God’s eyes. And if he should refuse, then she should steal his shoes and spit right in his face. It’s right there in the Bible.
Quiero un matrimonio como el que tenían en la Biblia, porque la Biblia me lo dice.
Ahora bien, si dos hermanos viven juntos y uno de los dos muere, el otro tiene que casarse con la viuda de su hermano. Porque esto es agradable a los ojos de Dios.
Y si él llegara a negarse, se le deberá robar los zapatos y se le deberá escupir en la cara. Tal como lo digo esta escrito en la Biblia.
Now Jezebel and Ahab had a marriage. And she began usurping all his power.
She was wicked, of course, but he could not divorce her, so he had her thrown off a tower, Lord, Lord.
And sent the dogs her carcass to devour.
Now I know, it sounds excessive. But a woman should submit to her husband or be made a mess of.
Ahora Jezebel y Ahab se unieron en matrimonio. Y ella empezó a usurparle todo su poder.
Fue necia por supuesto, pero el no podía divorciarse de ella, así que la echó desde una torre, Señor, Señor.
Y mandó los perros a devorar su carcasa .
Ahora sé, suena excesivo. Sin embargo, una mujer debe someterse a su marido o sufrir las consecuencias.
I want a marriage like they had in the Bible, because the Bible tells me so.
Quiero un matrimonio como el que tenían en la Biblia, porque la Biblia me lo dice.
Español AQUI NO es una traducción humana!
If you like big space, comfort, preferably on the flat, walking distance from the village and at the same time you’d like it quiet, almost secluded, this could be your dream spot.
By big space we mean 4000 sqm of totally flat (hence usable) land:
There is space for a soccer field on the left side of the photo and a volleyball field on the right side of the photo. These were the owner’s ideas though, you can do what you want, make an orchard, build a guest house, subdivide …
On that land a 370 sqm house has just been built. It is totally new, never used, with 4 bedrooms downstairs and a large bedroom/studio/art room upstairs. All have their own bathroom with hot water and shower.
The design is modern and the construction made to high standards. The foundation, the plumbing, the electrical work are faultless albeit not entirely finished.
Most impressive is the quality of the timber all around the house: pillars, ceilings, window frames…
The kitchen is basic at this point in time but there is plenty of room to make it to your tastes:
The living room is large and bright with ceramic (timber color) ceramic floor.
And looking at all the furniture on the photo makes us remember to mention that yes, the house comes fully furnished, what you see is what you get.
Outdoor living is great with unbeatable views of the Mandango that one can enjoy sipping a beer while the pizza is making itself in the wood oven.
So, if you feel like moving up to the next level, you can’t really go wrong with this one.
Not everything is finished but what is finished is of quality and most importantly everything is brand new.
All documents are in order and tax paid.
The owner looks straight and honest, a civil engineer who personally supervised the construction and brought quality timber from the jungle.
Location: Yamburara bajo Vilcabamba Ecuador
Land: 4000 sqm
House: 370 sqm
Service house: 57 sqm
Rooms: 4 downstairs and 1 large upstairs
Bathrooms: 5
TV Cable in all rooms, Internet, 110V (220V is available by the front door)
Asking Price: USD 310,000 negotiable
For further information please contact Pierre (English, French and Spanish) in confidence. He can give you the address so that you can go and have a look outside and possibly meet the owner’s wife. The owner himself is not often present. If you like the place then we can help you get in touch with the owner directly for a thorough visit. We can assist in negotiations. However we are not brokers.
No agencies please, the owner wants to sell privately !!
Click HERE and write your message.
You can also contact us through our Facebook page Facebook
“Pierre has found a blend of style and feel which any contemporary composer would envy. The recurring piano themes are generously sprinkled with tasty bits of masterful guitar. This is a superb recording of fresh ideas. The musicianship is faultless. This C.D. is a must for all lovers of intelligent artwork everywhere”
Harmony Aquarian – NZ
Pierre Volter, whose real birth name is Pierre Wauters, was born in Belgium but later spent 15 years of his life in New Zealand where he produced a few music CDs. His first piano album was released in 2002 and called Nouveau Piano. His second was release in 2003 and called When the Tide Turns.
Between songs and instrumental music, with interlaced French and English lyrics, jazzy, groovy, upbeat at the same time as classical, relaxing and soothing, passionate always, thought provoking and humorous often, different definitely, Pierre’s music resides in that uncrowded land between the ‘mainstream’ and the ‘alternative’. No conventional versus/chorus/bridge structure, no endless repetitions, but rather big long swells of unleashed inspiration. This is music for those gourmets who like BIG portions.
Broadly speaking, the first half of the CD is more modern and upbeat while the second half (except Frequency) is quieter, more classical and makes extensive use of orchestral strings and percussions. The instruments are mainly acoustic and electric pianos, a&e guitars and a&e bass, synthesisers, drums and percussions, with rich layers of lead vocals and harmonies. The music is easy to listen to at the same time as interesting and varied.
Please visit the Nadamasquebuscar web site to listen to the CD HERE
This CD is the culmination of one year of work in the studio. I compose the songs, write the lyrics, create the harmonies and play all the instruments. I am also the sound engineer and I fiddle for long hours with the recording gear. This is of course a bit of a challenge and also takes a lot more time than having other musicians doing all the hard work for me. It gives me more freedom to explore my ideas and fine tune them until I get things right.
I don’t improvise like jazz players. I play and practice every part to death until it is exactly the way I want it to be and that is what you get on the final cut. I usually get my inspiration on the piano, it can be just a few seconds, just an embryo and I think: hmm that’s good. Then I hop on the bass and the drums and I record a few bars of other instruments. I do it all on the computer, so anything can be changed afterwards and shifted back and forth. It may change in the future, but on this CD anyway, the vocals came last. I produced full instrumental tracks first and I added the vocals afterwards. I try to create music which is fun to listen to. That does not mean I won’t go for something really sad like Sweet Anniversary. That’s fun to listen to too. The important thing is to “listen”, not just play in the background. No talking please. Try to stop whatever you’re doing for one hour, sit down and play the CD, or play it in your mp3 while you’re on the run. Each track takes you to a different place and they are all worthwhile visiting.
My absolute favourite is Frequency, the last track. It’s 12 minute long but to me, it feels like 3 minutes and I can’t get tired of it. I would like the groove of the last 3 minutes to go on forever while I bounce on my swiss ball. I don’t use chairs. They’re bad for my back. “Extroduction” means “introduction” but at the end. Everything is a cycle. There is no begin, there is no end. You need to play the CD again, and again, until you understand. While I write these words, I’ve got a nice hot fire going and a glass of red and some great music to keep me warm.
Tags: Piano, Rock, Pop, Progressive Rock, New Zealand
A compilation of 15 original piano compositions performed by Pierre Volter and recorded in a quiet setting in the valley of Vilcabamba Loja Ecuador.
Some themes are piano solo, gentle, evocative, at times moody, others are layered with up to 3 pianos and at times quite upbeat and groovy, all the way to downright eccentric at the end of the CD.
Please visit the Nadamasquebuscar web site to listen to the CD HERE
Pierre Volter, whose real birth name is Pierre Wauters, was born in Belgium but later spent 15 years of his life in New Zealand where he produced a few music CDs. His first piano album was released in 2002 and called Nouveau Piano.
Nouveau Piano is an instrumental journey blending a classical background with modern influences, such as acid jazz and dance beats, to create a sound which is quite unique. Although complete with flourishes of guitars and percussion, this is a piano-led album. A drastic departure from more conventional piano like Clayderman or Piano by Candlelight, this album is attractive and undemanding and ample proof that, with a bit of imagination and skills, the piano can comfortably take centre stage in a contemporary setting.
It was well received in New Zealand. Below are a few reviews:
NZ Woman’s Weekly
Scene and Heard
October 7, 2002
p 43
The Nelson Mail, Verdict Music
Thursday, October 3, 2002, page 17
New Zealand Musician
fresh-cut Vol 10, No 6, Dec/Jan 2003 p 24
Tags: Piano, Soundtrack, Groovy, Relaxing, Atmosphere, Classical
(Gringo Al Sur – Nov 2016) Este es el primer relato de lo que espero serán muchos. Por favor, primero lea mi introducción AQUÍ para entender mejor el ángulo que deseo enseñar.
Puesto que soy una persona positiva, voy a empezar con lo positivo. Hay tantas cualidades positivas de este país que se podría escribir un libro sobre lo positivo. Este no es mi objetivo. Me gustaría dar algunos consejos y espero que la gente comente en la sección de abajo para compartir sus propias experiencias y puntos de vista.
Para aquellos que están buscando artículos de alta calidad recomiendo revisar los siguientes que contienen información sobre todos los aspectos de la cultura ecuatoriana. Visiten este sitio web mediante el siguiente enlace. Es el mejor análisis que he encontrado hasta ahora. Para las personas de habla hispana también se proporciona una traducción de Google.
En lugar de escribir una larga lista de todo lo que creo que es correcto y otra lista de lo que creo que no es tan correcto, voy a proceder de forma incremental y descomponerlo en partes. En cada parte me limitaré a hablar solamente sobre uno de los temas.
Hoy hablare de la dulzura y la no agresividad.
Mi conclusión después de algunos años de haber estado inmerso en la cultura ecuatoriana es que hay un factor profundamente genético que hace que el pueblo ecuatoriano sea lo que es.
Mayoritariamente aquí las personas son “mestizas”, lo que significa (en Latina América) la mezcla de los españoles (europeos) con los indios (incas). No soy un experto en el tema pero creo que esto sería acertado acerca de los colombianos y los peruanos también. Sin embargo, debe haber algo específico sobre la mezcla ecuatoriana que hace que la gente sea muy linda.
Lo que quiero decir con “linda” es que son una raza gentil, amable, pacífica y fundamentalmente feliz. Por supuesto, la cultura juega un papel igualmente importante. Está más allá de mis habilidades hacer un análisis pertinente y preciso de cómo siglos de cultura podrían haber dirigido al pueblo Ecuatoriano a ser lo que hoy en día son. No soy más que un humilde observador, que hoy vive aquí y mi deseo es solamente compartir algunas de mis observaciones con otras personas que podrían considerar la posibilidad de vivir aquí y también con los propios ecuatorianos que a menudo no son conscientes de estos rasgos de su propia cultura.
Por supuesto, uno puede encontrar esta bondad natural con más facilidad en los pueblos que en las ciudades. Las ciudades son ciudades en cualquier parte del mundo, no se debe esperar la misma amabilidad de un taxista estresado en el centro de Quito o incluso de Loja que de un campesino tranquilo en medio de su huerto de bananos. La foto de abajo fue tomada recientemente en Mercadillo (Cantón Alamor – Provincia de Loja). Como habrá notado la dama no usa zapatos.
Para mejor comprensión, yo diría que en comparación con las personas de Norteamérica son totalmente lo opuesto y por las mismas razones, una combinación de la genética y la cultura. Son conflictivos, agresivos y generalmente infelices. Hablo en general, no hablo de nadie en particular. Uno sólo tiene que mirar la situación del mundo para ver quienes son los agresores. Una vez más, está más allá de mis habilidades y mi alcance para analizar las razones históricas de este fenómeno. Y antes de que la gente quiera estrangularme, permítanme decirles que los europeos y Australianos (Oz y NZ) no son mejores, sólo un poco diferente. De hecho, hay algo en el hombre blanco, en general, que lo hace fundamentalmente agresivo. Debe ser algo que ver con el ego.
Ecuador es un gran laboratorio de observación del comportamiento humano y Vilcabamba (o Cuenca) en particular debido a la alta presencia de personas emigrantes blancos. No puedo contar el número de historias en las cuales he sido involucrado, donde los expatriados simplemente no pueden llevarse bien. No tienden a luchar en las calles.
Ellos discuten mucho por mensajes de correo electrónico. En una ocasión fui lector de un grupo de yahoo llamado “ecuador expats”. Las conversaciones eran invariables y con facilidad los intercambios eran muy groseros. Hoy en día continua la misma situación a pesar de que ya no es muy activo parece ser que esta dando su último aliento, la mayoría de las personas se han trasladado a Facebook.
Facebook es lo mismo. Tenemos el Boletín Vilcabamba y Vilcabamba community. 99% de tiempo son tranquilos y educados, pero de vez en cuando estallan y la agresividad natural de la gente viene a plena luz. Nada es diferente.
Su cultura es verbal más que escrita. Incluso los abogados no se comunican bien a través de mensajes de correo electrónico. La mejor y única manera eficaz de comunicarse con la gente es cara a cara y verbalmente. Confía en mí Yo sé de lo que estoy hablando.
Cara a cara, se encuentra esta bondad, la no agresividad de la que estoy hablando. Por supuesto son latinos, lo que significa caliente. Pueden hablar mucho, pueden mirarte enojados, pueden gritar. Sin embargo, esto no significa mucho generalmente. Las cosas a menudo se suelen solucionar después de que la sangre latina se haya enfriado un poco.
Yo personalmente prefiero esto a un rencor reprimido a sangre fría que las personas de diferentes culturas pueden exhibir. Naturalmente, es más saludable dejar salir el vapor y luego empezar de cero.
Tal vez nada revela más a cerca de un pueblo que la actitud de las autoridades del orden, en particular de la policía. Podría escribir muchas cosas positivas sobre la policía, otras negativas estoy seguro. Alguna persona que lea esto podría haber tenido alguna no muy buena experiencia.
Mi experiencia después de años de vivir aquí, y de nuevo resaltar mi tema principal, que es la no agresividad de la población ecuatoriana, es que todavía no he visto a un policía agrediendo a alguien. El otro día, tuvimos la oportunidad de charlar sobre este tema con dos policías y el teniente político de San Pedro mientras disfrutábamos de un jugo natural de maracuyá en el corredor delantero de mi casa.
Los tres fueron en todo momento muy amables, tranquilos y realmente tratan de ayudar. Parece que su lema “Proteger y Servir” no son sólo palabras vacías. Me explicaron que pueden portar armas, pero solamente se les permite utilizarlas en casos extremos. Compare esto con lo que leemos acerca de la policía norteamericana: disparar primero – hablar después.
Cuando los acompañamos a la salida espontáneamente sin que nadie se lo diga nuestra hija de 4 años agarró la mano del oficial para caminar. Los niños sienten y los niños no mienten.
Les pedí que me dieran una entrevista y parecieron contentos de tener la oportunidad de explicar la forma en que operan. Esto será muy pronto en
¿Cómo conducen los ecuatorianos? Conducen rápido, no toman las señales muy en serio, pasan en la línea amarilla sólida, rebasan el vehículo en marcha rebasan otro vehículo en marcha, crean el tercer carril cuando hay sólo dos etc …
Sin embargo, a pesar de eso, no son conductores agresivos.
He visto un montón de conductores agresivos, en Europa, de donde soy y también en la tranquila Nueva Zelanda. La gente conduce lentamente a causa de las restricciones de velocidad y las cámaras ocultas. Sin embargo dada la oportunidad, pueden llegar a ser agresivos.
Solía conducir una motocicleta de 150cc en Nueva Zelanda y cada luz roja del semáforo era un estrés, porque como motociclista estaba haciendo lo que todos los motociclistas hacen trataba de ponerme en la parte delantera. Casi siempre en cuanto el semáforo cambiaba al verde, el primer coche arrancaba tan rápido como podía para evitar que yo vaya en primer lugar. Esta actitud era generalizada. Resolví el problema cambiando mi 150cc por una 900cc de Kawasaki y a partir de entonces ya me dejaron en paz 😉
En Ecuador, conduzco una moto de 250 cc, no es para nada rápida y lo que les mencionaba anteriormente nunca me ha pasado acá y cuando digo nunca me refiero a que ni una sola vez. La gente siempre me deja pasar. Es mucho más seguro para una moto estar en frente de los carros o alternativamente detrás de los carros, pero nunca en el medio de los carros.
Con respecto a los accidentes, no estoy en condiciones de proporcionar estadísticas, pero puedo decir que no he visto más accidentes en Ecuador que en los “límites de velocidad obsesionados” de Nueva Zelanda. Creo que la no agresividad inherente de la población ecuatoriana es un factor importante. Conducir rápido es una cosa, la conducción agresiva y enojada es otra.
Existe la agresión en la sociedad ecuatoriana. La mayoría de ellos son delitos menores, robos. Vilcabamba ha tenido su parte. Todos somos conscientes de algunos ataques bastante brutales que tuvieron lugar aquí.
para más información sobre este tema
Sin embargo esto no es una reflexión sobre la cultura general. Son eventos aislados. Una vez es necesario mantener las cosas en perspectiva y comparar con el número de ataques mortales en sus países respectivos.
En pocas palabras, la gente es gente. Los seres humanos han sido siempre una especie agresiva. Ecuatorianos apenas parecen estar en la parte inferior de la escala. Yo nunca he estado en nuestro país vecino del norte, Colombia, pero me han contado que tienden a reaccionar de manera más agresiva ante los mismos estímulos. He estado en Perú dos veces y he observado la misma tendencia.
Como siempre, mi conclusión es que no existe una conclusión y no hay necesidad de una. Me encanta vivir entre gente amable no agresiva. Si eres como yo y odias cualquier forma de agresividad, Ecuador puede ser tu lugar de elección. Este tipo de rasgo ecuatoriano yo diría que es el que más me gusta. Hay otros rasgos positivos que voy a revisar en las próximas partes de esta colección de artículos.
Manténganse al tanto.
© 2016
All rights reserved
Tags: Ecuador Loja Vilcabamba Cultura Extranjero Gringo
(Gringo al SUR – Nov 2016) This is the first write-up of what I hope will be many. Please do read my introduction first HERE to understand where I am coming from.
Since I am a positive kind of guy, let’s start with the positive. There is so much positive about this country that a book could be written on the positive alone. This is not my goal. I wish to give a few pointers and I hope that people will comment in the section below to share their own views and experience.
For those who want a high quality in-depth article about all aspects of the Ecuadorian culture I recommend to read this one from the web site using the link below. It is the best analysis that I have found so far. For Spanish speaking people a Google translation is also provided.
Instead of writing a lengthy list of all that I believe is right and another list of what I believe is wrong, I will proceed incrementally and break it down in parts. In each part I will restrict myself to one and only one topic.
Today we talk about gentleness and non-aggressiveness.
My conclusion after years of being exposed to the Ecuadorian culture is that there is something deeply genetic that makes the Ecuadorian people who they are.
Most people here are “mestizos”, meaning (in Latin America) people of mixed race, especially the offspring of a Spaniard and an American Indian. I am no expert but I guess this would be true about the Colombians and the Peruvians as well. However, there must be something about the specific Ecuadorian mix that makes the people so nice.
What I mean by “nice” is that they are a gentle, non-confrontational, non-aggressive and fundamentally happy race. Of course the culture plays an equally important role. It is beyond my skills to make a relevant and accurate analysis of how centuries of culture might have lead the people of Ecuador to be who they are today. I am only a humble observant, living here today and my scope is only to share some of my observations with others who might consider living here and also with the Ecuadorians themselves who often are not aware of these traits of their own culture.
Of course, one will find this natural kindness more easily in the villages than in the cities. Cities being cities all over the world, one should not expect the same kindness from a stressed out taxi driver in the middle of Quito or even Loja than from a tranquil campesino in the middle of his banana plantation. The photo below was taken recently in Mercadillo (Canton Alamor – Provincia de Loja). As a side note the lady never ever wears shoes.
To bring things more into scope, I would say in comparison that the North Americans people are essentially the opposite and for the same reasons, a combination of genetics and culture. They are confrontational, aggressive and generally unhappy. I speak in general, I don’t speak about you in particular. One only has to look at the world situation to see who the aggressors are. Again it is beyond my skills and my scope to analyses the historical reasons for this. And before people get at my throat, let me say that Europeans and Australasians (Oz and NZ) are not any better, just slightly different. In fact, there is something about the white man in general that makes him fundamentally aggressive. Must be something to do with the ego.
Ecuador is a great human behavior observation laboratory and Vilcabamba (or Cuenca) in particular due to the high presence of white people expats. I cannot count the number of stories that I have been exposed to where expats can simply not get along. They don’t tend to fight in the streets. They fight by emails. Once upon a time, I was a reader of this yahoo group called “ecuador_expats”. Conversations would invariably turn into beside topic rude and some times very rude exchanges. It is still the case today although this once very active group appears to be now on its last breath, most people having moved to Facebook.
Facebook is the same. We have the Vilcabamba boletin and the Vilcabamba community. 99% of the time things are quiet and polite but from time to time they explode and the natural aggressiveness of the people comes to full light. Nothing is different.
They have a verbal rather than written culture. Even lawyers don’t communicate well at all through emails. The best and only effective way to communicate with people is face to face and verbally. Trust me I know what I am talking about.
Face to face, you will find this kindness, non aggressiveness that I am talking about. Of course they are Latinos, meaning hot. They can talk a lot, they can look angry, they can yell. However, this does not generally mean much. Things can most often be sorted out after the Latin blood has settled a bit.
I personally prefer this to a bottled up cold blooded rancor that people from different cultures can exhibit. It is naturally healthier to let the steam out and then move on.
Maybe nothing reveals more about a people that the attitude of its law enforcement authorities, in particular, the police. We could write many things about the police, some negative I am sure. People who read this might have had some not too good experience.
My experience after years of living here, and again sticking to my main topic which is the non-aggressiveness of the Ecuadorian people, is that I have yet to see a confrontational policeman. The other day, we had the opportunity to chat about that very topic with two sergeants and the San Pedro teniente politico while enjoying a natural jugo de maracuya on our front porch.
All three of them were at all time extremely courteous, calm and genuinely trying to help. It seems that their slogan “proteger y servir” is not just empty words. They explained to me that they do bear arms but are not even allowed to pull them let alone use them unless in extreme cases. Compare this with what we read about the north American police: shoot first – talk last.
I asked them to give me an interview and they seemed happy about being given the opportunity to explain how they operate. This will come soon on
When they left, we walked them out to our gate and spontaneously without anyone saying anything our 4 year old daughter grabbed one of the officer’s hand. Kids feel and kids don’t lie.
How do Ecuadorian drive? They drive fast, they don’t take the rules very seriously, they pass on the solid yellow line, they pass the car passing the car passing the car, they create the third lane when there are only two etc…
However, despite of that, they are not aggressive drivers.
I have seen plenty of aggressive drivers, in Europe where I am from and also in peaceful New Zealand. People drive slowly because of the speed restrictions and the zillion cameras. However given the opportunity, they will become aggressive.
I used to drive a 150cc motorcycle in NZ and each red traffic light was a stress because as a motorcyclist, I was doing what all motorcyclists do which is to move to the front. Almost always, as soon as the light turned green, the first car took off as fast it could to not allow me to go first. This attitude was widespread. I solved the problem by swapping my 150cc for a Kawasaki 900cc and they left me alone from then on 😉
In Ecuador, I drive a 250 cc bike, not fast by any mean and this has never and I mean never happened to me once. People always let me pass. It is much safer for a motorbike to be in front of the cars or alternatively behind the cars but never in the middle of the cars.
With regard to accidents, I am not in a position to provide statistics but I can say that I have not seen more accidents in Ecuador that in “speed limit obsessed” New Zealand. I believe the inherent non aggressiveness of the Ecuadorian people is an important factor. Driving fast is one thing, driving angry and aggressively is another.
There is aggression in the Ecuadorian society though. Most of it is petty crime, robberies. Vilcabamba has had its fare share. We are all aware of some pretty brutal assaults that occurred here.
See for more on this topic
However this is no reflection on the general culture. They are isolated events. Again one needs to keep things in perspective and compare with the number deadly assaults in their own respective countries.
Bottom line, people are people. Humans have always been an aggressive species. Ecuadorian just seem to be on the lower part of the scale. I have never been to our northern neighbor country Colombia but I was told that they tend to react more aggressively to the same stimuli. I have been to Peru twice and have observed the same tendency.
As always, my conclusion is that there is no conclusion and no need for one. I just love living among gentle non aggressive people. If you are like me and hate any form of aggressiveness, Ecuador may be your place of choice. This is the one Ecuadorian trait that I would say I love the most. There are other positive traits that I will review in the next parts of this collection of articles.
Stay tuned.
© 2016
All rights reserved
Tags: Ecuador Loja Vilcabamba Culture Expat Gringo