UNRELATEDisimo – A collection of unrelated writings for the truth seekers

Let’s face it.

Most of what we are given to read on the internet is of little value. Let’s not even mention the mainstream media which is nothing more than distraction.

But even the so-called alternative media falls prey to sensationalism and superficial content.

From time to time there is some really good stuff though that makes you think “wow !”.

I am not interested in short term things and the latest of the latest. This web site is not a news web site.

I am usually not interested in politics especially not American politics.

I am interested in whatever point of view on whatever topic that makes you think outside of the square and stays with you for a long time.

I want to keep this material handy. The question is how and where? Do I just post it on FB like many others do. Sure I will get 2 or 3 likes, maybe one share, a couple of single line comments? Then what? It will soon be covered by some ad for cellular phones or some more tai-chi or yoga classes and disappear in the giant FB black hole…

One should never forget that FB does not belong to any of us. It belongs to the 1% or has it become the 0.1% ? So, one day, any day, without warning, this or that nice FB group with so many followers or even FB itself might just disappear. This or that youtube channel, same. I am amazed how people have come to trust and rely on these tools.

Ecuador is a country where most lawyers use a gmail account (gmail is Google remember?) to liaise with their clients !! They don’t even need the NSA spying on them. They spontaneously give their confidential client’s data away to Google. When I tell them, they have this look on their face, somewhere between a total lack of understanding of what I am talking about and a “so what?” . This baffles me.

Unlike FB, the internet won’t go away and it does not belong (yet?) to the 1% although they are trying hard to change that. So having your own domain and your own web site allows you to own your data. I am slowly and painfully creating a repository of information on bbxmusic.com and seekvilcabamba.com. There are videos too. These videos are on youtube for now. However unlike people who just put theirs on youtube an create a nice channel, mine can be moved at the speed of light to any other provider without affecting in any way the references that are in the search engines. For example a link like this one which points to a video of Chuquiribamba in Loja Ecuador https://bbxmusic.com/ecuador/en/tv/gas/chuq2 will not change and belongs to the owner of the bbxmusic.com domain whereas a link like https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLcgBJE2Q9WBLp2gWG3yLZ5U77hbmXuiMD&v=2kLsvbOWXvI which points to exactly the same video belongs to Google and may disappear or stop being valid any time without notice.

Anyway, this long ramble to say that I have decided to store this unrelated material that I am reading and that I want to keep and share with the world in my own web space and this is what you will find here.

Because in theory anyway it is totally unrelated with the rest of the web site, and because we live in Ecuador where people speak Spanish, I called this section :


or Finding the gem among the sh..t, hence the nice picture at the top of this article, all due credits given to its owner who is not me.

Happy reading !

Pierre Volter