Todoloja ayuda a los negocios Lojanos a superar la crisis económica

us English HERE NOT a human translation!
En las crisis mientras unos lloran otros venden pañuelos.

Si ustedes quieren “vender pañuelos” en lugar de llorar, ya es tiempo de dejar de quejarse de la crisis y ponerse en marcha.

No se olviden que es ahora que se están sembrando las semillas que harán florecer su negocio rentable mañana, en el próximo año y en la próxima década. En otras palabras:

Hoy es el mañana de ayer

¿No es verdad? Entonces es lo que hicimos o NO hicimos ayer que determina lo que estamos viviendo en este día. Y es lo que hacemos en este momento que determinará lo que viviremos mañana.

Nosotros, el equipo de, hemos decidido que no nos dejaremos aplastar por esta crisis económica que esta afectando a todos en este año 2016 en nuestro lindo país Ecuador. Mantenemos la sonrisa y tratamos de hacer las cosas con mas eficiencia para lograr mejores resultados con menos recursos. De esto se trata.

Nuestro mensaje – Nuestra Propuesta

Tu negocio ha bajado, no hay tantas ventas como antes, los clientes no vienen y si vienen no compran mucho.

¡Achachay! ¿Que vamos a hacer?

La respuesta que ofrecemos es sencilla y practica:

  • mejora tu imagen
  • hazte conocer de otra forma
  • saca tu negocio a relucir
  • se mejor y diferente de los que lloran

Y todo esto sin gastar mucha plata. ¿Es posible?

Si, es posible gracias a un buen marketing digital.

Todo el mundo puede hacer una “Paginita Facebook” con fotos de baja calidad y poca información útil. Hay miles y miles de estas páginas en el Internet. ¿Funcionan? Mas o menos. Es cierto que reciben “me gusta” de la gente, quizá reciben buenos comentarios … Y es bueno, no estamos diciendo que una página FB no sirva. Pero los posts en FB son muy efímeros especialmente en los grupos. Tu post pronto desaparece bajo un montón de otras publicaciones y la gente se olvida. Se necesita algo mas permanente.

Proponemos lo siguiente:

  • redacciones detalladas con fotos de buena calidad
  • redacciones en Español y en Inglés profesional
  • vídeos y entrevistas.
  • publicación efectiva en el Internet con técnicas de optimización de motores de búsqueda

Publicaremos la redacción de tu negocio en varias páginas web visitadas por gente Lojana y extranjera. Y por supuesto, una vez que un buen articulo bilingüe esta elaborado y publicado por nosotros, tu también puedes compartirlo en cualquier red social.

Y lo mejor de todo es que este tipo de promoción que ofrecemos no cuesta una fortuna y trabaja por ti todo el año.

Visita nuestra página para ver algunos ejemplos de nuestro trabajo. Te damos los enlaces a continuación.

Contactanos ahora !

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Todoloja ayuda a los negocios Lojanos a superar la crisis económica

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A continuación algunos ejemplos de nuestras redacciones


Tu farmacia en Vilcabamba – Tres generaciones de la mejor atención

Tu farmacia en Vilcabamba – Tres generaciones de la mejor atención

¿No es cierto que odiamos estar enfermos? La medicina natural, una buena dieta y una vida sana es seguramente la mejor manera de mantener una buena salud.

Sin embargo a veces necesitamos ayuda de la farmacia. En este caso es momento de hablar con Guicela Riofrío de la farmacia Reina del Cisne en Vilcabamba. Es una mujer competente, comprometida, dulce y muy paciente.

Para saber mas, lee nuestra redacción detallada en AQUÍ

AGAVEBLU – Comida Mexicana Autentica Orgánica en Vilcabamba

AGAVEBLU - Exquisite Organic Mexican Food in Vilcabamba

La comida mexicana toca todos los sentidos, y sin duda tocó todos los míos cuando tuve la oportunidad de probar una selección de algunos de los mejores platos del restaurante AgaveBlu. La presentación fue tan impresionante que me quedé observando por un momento la variedad de colores y de texturas de los diferentes platos….

Para saber mas, lee nuestra redacción detallada en AQUÍ

La Ramada de Noé – Jambeli Machala – Paraíso en Ecuador

La Ramada de Noé - Jambelí Machala Ecuador

Ubicada en la Provincia del Oro, Machala es la ciudad costera más cercana a Loja. Se tarda alrededor de 6 horas en autobús desde Loja para llegar hasta allí con la cooperativa Loja Internacional. Luego un corto paseo en taxi ($ 3) al puerto (Puerto Bolívar) y la verdadera diversión empieza. Una lancha pequeña pero cómoda le llevará desde el puerto hasta la isla de Jambeli. Solamente se tarda unos 20 minutos, pero querría que tome más tiempo porque el paisaje es realmente impresionante.

Para saber mas, lee nuestra redacción detallada en AQUÍ

Studio K Loja Iluminación – Que se hagan la luz y la música

Studio K Loja - Iluminacion Control Audio


¿No es verdad que a todos nos gusta que nuestra casa sea acogedora, un lugar donde podamos sentirnos bien y relajarnos? Si nos fijamos en la iluminación y audio de calidad en nuestro hogar, necesitamos a un experto con la capacidad de diseñar y ofrecer algo distinto, original, chévere, moderno, … Studio K en Loja es sin duda alguna un lugar a considerar.

Para saber mas, lee nuestra redacción detallada en AQUÍ

El – Dale a tu portátil 7 vidas mas

El Computadoras Loja

Informática – Mantenimiento y Servicio – Expertos en Reballing y Reprogramación de BIOS- Placas Madre – Discos duros – Redes


Y mas ejemplos de publicaciones en nuestro BLOG AQUÍ

todoloja BLOG


Studio K Loja Iluminación – Que se hagan la luz y la música

es Versión Español us
English HERE

Iluminación – Diseño – Automatización – Sonido – Ambiente acogedor – Control Remoto – Cine en Casa – Casa Inteligente

¿No es verdad que a todos nos gusta que nuestra casa sea acogedora, un lugar donde podamos sentirnos bien y relajarnos?

Por supuesto, los criterios varían muchísimo de una persona a otra con respecto a los detalles que hacen que uno se sienta bien en casa. Sin embargo yo creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que la iluminación es una parte de mucha importancia en nuestra vivienda. Hablando de iluminación existen diferentes y muy variadas formas de iluminar nuestros ambientes, eso ya es cuestión de gustos ya sea un sistema LED de alta tecnología con control remoto hasta unas lamparas de aceite o sal del Himalaya o simplemente velas. 

Como se puede ver en la foto del titulo, Studio K en Loja no vende velas ni lámparas de aceite. Ellos ofrecen una sorprendente variedad de opciones de iluminación moderna para todos los gustos y presupuestos. Además, sus sistemas de iluminación pueden ser automatizados y controlados a distancia desde cualquier teléfono inteligente (smartphone).


Una buena iluminación va estrechamente de la mano con un  sonido de calidad. Estudio K es la única empresa en Loja que ofrece soluciones de audio y cine en casa de alta fidelidad. No son los sistemas más caros del mundo, pero son excelentes.

Studio K Audio and Home Theaters
Studio K – cine en casa Marantz – modelo mas pequeño de la gama de 3 sistemas

“Tenemos Monitor Audio (parlantes, marca inglesa), Marantz (Estadounidense), Denon (mismo que Marantz, se unieron) y también tenemos SpeakerCraft (Estadounidense)”.


Para obtener los mejores resultados, no es una cuestión de colocar luces y parlantes por todos los rincones de la casa, pensando que cuantos más es mejor.

Es necesario elaborar un Diseño. Studio K realiza el diseño de forma gratuita, lo que significa que van a su casa, toman fotos, dibujan algunos bocetos, proponen ideas, escuchan sus  comentarios, cambian los bocetos las veces que sean necesarias  … hasta llegar a un diseño final de acuerdo con sus criterios y su presupuesto.

Lo que les acabo de contar es apenas un peñisco del pastel. Hay mucho mas. Es tiempo de presentarles a  Israel Reyes , el gerente propietario de Studio K Loja, y de escuchar lo que él tiene que contarnos.

Israel es un ingeniero joven e inteligente. Al escucharlo se siente inmediatamente que él ama lo que hace y sabe exactamente de lo que está hablando.  Tengo que decir que no escuche nada incorrecto o exagerado en lo que Israel me comentó. No se encuentran en Loja muchos lugares de tecnología donde te digan las cosas tal y como son.

Studio K Loja - Israel Reyes gerente propietario
Studio K Loja – Israel Reyes gerente propietario

“Studio K en Loja tiene tan sólo un año de vida” me contó. Es una franquicia de Studio K en Quito, creado por un alemán. La matriz en Quito funciona desde hace 33 años. También están operando desde hace 3 meses en Manta.


Studio K Lighting

Esta es su área principal de especialización. No voy a tratar de describir todo lo que está disponible. Los productos de iluminación son de colores modernos, ya sea blanco o negro, pocos colores, nada de diseños floridos, nada de rojos fuertes, nada de plástico, nada pop.

“Esto es lo que la gente pide” , explica Israel, es lo que los arquitectos y los diseñadores, que son sus principales clientes, buscan. Líneas rectas, algunas curvas suaves. No es barato, pero tampoco es extravagante. Por ejemplo, la luz que vemos en la foto de arriba cuesta $200. Es muy agradable y viene con un foco de luz LED cálida y dimerizable o regulable. Hay opciones más económicas y también más costosas.

Estudio K Loja - Iluminacion con control remoto

“Hay dos cosas que son exclusivamente nuestras, el diseño y la automatización . Proporcionamos el diseño gratis y nuestros sistemas de iluminación se pueden controlar a distancia”.


“Una casa muy acogedora tiene elementos de iluminación en el techo, en el piso, en las paredes. Con esta combinación de elementos dispuestos de la forma adecuada y desde diferentes ángulos, creamos un ambiente acogedor y con estilo“.

Luego, se combina la iluminación con el audio, ya sea un sistema de cine en casa, un sistema estéreo o un sistema estéreo multi-zona distribuido por toda la casa.

Con las opciones de automatización que ofrecen, y la complejidad de estos sistemas distribuidos de luces y sonido, es importante tener un equipo de instalación especializado en este tipo de trabajo.

Contamos con electricistas especializados en instalación de sistemas de iluminación, control y audio.
Contamos con electricistas especializados en instalación de sistemas de iluminación, control y audio.

Combinación con diseños clásicos o rústicos

Al decir que todo es moderno no significa que no se pueda combinar con los diseños más rústicos o incluso antiguos “Louis 15”.

Por ejemplo las personas que construyen sus quintas vacacionales en Vilcabamba, Catamayo, Landangui … fácilmente pueden incluir una iluminación moderna combinándola con un estilo  rustico de madera, adobe, piedras, tejas …

Casita de Adobe en Vilcabamba
Casita de Adobe en Vilcabamba
Hosteria Montesueños Vilcabamba
Hostería Montesueños en San José Vilcabamba

Todo es posible. Solo es cuestión de creatividad.

LED y focos ahorradores

En primer lugar, quiero hacer una breve mención del así llamado “foco ahorrador¨ omnipresente en Ecuador. Es un tubo fluorescente, que contiene vapor de mercurio, la luz que produce es fría, desagradable y perjudicial para la salud. Es verdad que ahorran energía eléctrica en comparación con los focos incandescentes de los antepasados, pero debido al mercurio que inevitablemente terminará en el medio ambiente, en realidad no debería ser llamado una solución ecológica. Me gustaría que las personas tomen conciencia de este factor y empiecen a buscar otras soluciones. El uso de estos ¨focos ahorradores¨se puede justificar en oficinas y fábricas pero no en las viviendas.

La LED (Light Emitting Diode) es precisamente la alternativa que estábamos esperando. Se trata de algo totalmente distinto. No es que la tecnología es tan nueva, sino que ha evolucionado mucho en los últimos años. Ya no son tan caros como antes ni emiten una luz tan blanca, fría y débil. Israel me enseño algunos modelos de focos pequeños que consumen solamente 5 vatios de energía y que emiten una luz fuerte, cálida, amarilla, acogedora casi como el foco de Thomas Edison.

Studio K LEDs

Studio K LEDs

Studio K incluso vende una serie de focos LED que se pueden regular (LED dimerizable) cosa que no es posible con los focos que se encuentran en cualquier ferretería. Duran mucho tiempo y se pagarán por sí mismos con la disminución  de consumo de sus planillas de luz.

De esta manera se puede crear ambientes románticos sin limites…

Dinner by the candleLED
Dinner by the candleLED

La sala de exposiciones

Es tiempo de un recorrido por el showroom, la sala de exposición, en la segunda planta del edificio que también pasa a ser la casa de la familia Reyes. ¡Que afortunados son! Una gran sala moderna y luminosa, con espacios abiertos, una cocina, una oficina, un comedor y una pequeña sala de cine.

Aquí, Israel me explica que él puede dar demostraciones de la iluminación controlada a distancia en conjunto con el cine en casa (audio). Las personas que deseen pueden incluso probar el control remoto en su propio teléfono. Israel instala en pocos segundos una app y la configura. Al controlar todas las luces desde su propio teléfono le da a las personas una verdadera emoción y la percepción que el sistema ya les pertenece.

Studio K Loja showroom

“El audio generalmente es de la parte masculina y es el hombre quien decide mientras que las exigencias sobre la iluminación lo maneja el lado femenino y es la mujer quien toma la batuta … Por razones de presupuesto puede ser que el  hombre tenga que sacrificar un subwoofer con el fin que ella pueda conseguir esta lampara de pie que le gusta tanto”.

Todo es cuestión de negociación entre la pareja.

Yo por supuesto, no pude resistir a la tentación y le pedí a Israel una demostración. Israel inmediatamente lanzó YouTube que apareció en su pantalla súper gigante y seleccionó una de mis propias canciones. Nos sentamos en el sofá reclinable y tardó medio segundo para que el perro salte en mis rodillas y se ponga cómodo.

 Disfrutando del cine en casa 7.2 de Studio K
Disfrutando del cine en casa 7.2 de Studio K

La vida puede ser muy buena 🙂


Hay mucho más que explorar. No he realizado una revisión exhaustiva de las ofertas de Studio K.  Más bien es un aperitivo. Seria mejor ver y escuchar por sí mismo. Israel es una persona muy tratable y estará encantado de mostrar todos sus maravillosos artilugios. Si nos fijamos en la iluminación y audio de calidad en nuestro hogar, necesitamos  a un experto con la capacidad de diseñar y ofrecer algo distinto, original, chévere, moderno,  … Studio K en Loja es sin duda alguna un lugar a considerar.


Juan José Peña 13-52 y Leopoldo Palacios

Tel: (+593 7) 2 580 816


Studio K Loja

Studio K Loja - Map


Studio K Loja Iluminación - Que se hagan la luz y la música
Studio K Loja Iluminación – Que se hagan la luz y la música

© 2016
All rights reserved
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#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

Studio K Loja – Let the light and the music be

us English version


Lighting – Design – Automation – Sound – Ambience – Remote Control – Home Theater – Intelligent Home

Don’t we all love our home to be nice, to be a place where we feel good and can relax?

Of course the criteria vary enormously from one person to another with respect to what exactly makes one feel good at home. Having said that, to a certain extend I believe that we all agree that lighting is an important part of it, being the latest hi-tech-state-of-the-art-remote-controlled-LED-system all the way down to oil or Himalaya salt lamps and candles.  It is all about lighting and the common denominator is to create the ambience that we love.

As you probably guess from the headline photo, Studio K in Loja does not sell candles and oil lamps. They do offer an astonishing range of modern lighting options for most tastes and budgets. Their lighting systems can be automated and remote controlled from any smartphone.


Once the light is good, it is no less important to think about the sound. Studio K is I believe the only company in Loja offering hifi audio solutions and mid to up-market home theaters, not the most expensive systems in the world but very good ones. “The best quality/price ratio on the market”.

Studio K Audio and Home Theaters
Studio K – Marantz entry level home theater (the smallest of 3)

“The brands that we have in audio are Monitor Audio (speakers from the UK, Marantz (Amplifiers USA), Denon (now fused with Marantz) and also SpeakerCraft (in-wall in-ceiling speaker systems, USA)”.


Getting the best results is not a matter  of throwing lights and speakers all over the place, the more the merrier. Design is the name of the game. Studio K does the design free of charge, meaning that they go to your house, take photos, draw some sketches, get back to you with ideas, listen to your feedback, change the drawings … until getting to a final agreed design with a price that suits the family budget.

This is it in a nutshell but there is more to it. Time to to meet Israel Reyes, the owner of Studio K Loja, and listen to what he has to say. Israel is a young and clever engineer. Listening to him it becomes immediately obvious that he loves what he does and that he knows what he is talking about. I did no tell him that I am an engineer too. I played “middle of the road reasonably educated customer” and did not hear anything incorrect or exaggerated in what Israel told me. You won’t find a lot of that in tech shops around Loja.

Studio K Loja - Israel Reyes gerente/manager
Studio K Loja – Israel Reyes manager – a young dedicated and smart engineer

Studio K in Loja is only one year old. It is a franchise of Studio K in Quito, created by a German. The company in Quito has been operating for 33 years. There is another Studio K in Manta.


Studio K Lighting

This is their first and main area of expertise. I won’t attempt to describe all that is available. It is all modern, either white or black, some but few colors, no flowery designs, no strong reds, no plastic, nothing pop.

“That is what people want around here”, Israel explains, that is what the architects and the designers, their main customers, seek. Straight lines, some smooth curves. Nothing cheap but nothing horrendously expensive either. For example, the lamp that we see on the photo above costs $200. It is very nice and comes with a warm LED light bulb and of course it can be dimmed. There are cheaper and more expensive options.

Studio K Loja - Iluminacion with Remote Control

“There are two things that are exclusive to us, the design and the automation. We provide the design free of charge and our lighting systems can be remote controlled”.


“A cozy home has light elements in the ceiling, in the floor and inside the walls. With this combination of elements providing light from different angles, we can create really cozy and stylish ambiences.”

Then, it is a matter of combining lighting with sound. This can be a home theater, a stereo system or a multi-stereo system, one that is distributed throughout the entire house.

With the various possibilities of automation (in wall dimmers, remote control by phone) of both lights and sound, it is easy to understand that things can become rather complex indeed. This is why Studio K has a specialized installation team.

Studio K – Electricians specialized in installation of remote controlled lighting and audio systems
Studio K – Electricians specialized in installation of remote controlled lighting and audio systems

Combining with classic or rustic designs

Saying that what I have seen is all modern does not mean that it cannot be combined with more rustic or even antique “Louis 15” designs. This is important to mention for foreigners living in Cuenca or in Vilcabamba who seem to like more the type of natural rustic earthy and woody architecture.

San Joaquin Vilcabamba
Typical design at San Joaquin Vilcabamba

A few years ago, Joe Simoneta showed me his San Joaquin development in Vilcabamba. He is an architect and uses a lot of timber in his designs.

I revisited some old photos that I have and looked at the lighting.

It struck me that the type of house that is common there could readily benefit from the inclusion of some of what I saw in Studio K showroom.



Rustic adobe house in Vilcabamba
Rustic adobe house in Vilcabamba

Adobe blocks, rammed earth, guadua bamboo and other earthy type homes would not be hurt either. It is all a matter of creativity.

LEDs and energy saving light bulbs

First, a brief mention of the so called “energy saving light bulb” that is so widespread in Ecuador. It is a fluorescent tube, it contains mercury vapor, the light that it produces is cold, unpleasant and harmful to your health. It does save energy compared to the incandescent light but because of the mercury that inevitably always ends up in the environment it should not really be called a green solution. I hope it disappears soon from residential properties. Their use can still be justified in offices and factories.

LED (Light Emitting Diode) is another thing altogether. It is not really new but the world of LEDs has changed a lot over the past few years. They are no longer prohibitively expensive and no longer white, cold and weak. Israel showed me some rather good looking and small spots that consume 5 Watts of energy and give a strong yellow warm light just light the old Thomas Edison light bulb.

Studio K LEDS

Studio K LEDS
Studio K dimmable LEDs

Studio K even sells a range of LED lights that can be dimmed (dimmable LED light bulbs) which is not the case for those that can be found in the hardware shops. They last forever and pay for themselves on the reduced power bills.

Why not enjoy a nice romantic diner by the candle LED?

Dinner by the candleLED

The show room

Time for a tour of the showroom upstairs which also happens to be the Reyes family home, lucky them! A huge modern and bright room, all open, with a kitchen, an office, a dining room and a small cinema.

Here, Israel explains that they can demonstrate both the remote controlled lighting and the audio/home theater together. People can even try it out on their own phone. Israel rapidly installs the Lutron app and configures it. It gives people a real thrill and sense of ownership to drive all the lights and the sound from their own phone.

Studio K Loja showroom
Remote controlled lights

“The Audio is usually the masculine part and the man is the one who decides whereas the lighting appeals more to the female side and it is the woman who decides… For budget reason he may have to drop one sub woofer in order for her to get that foot lamp that she so much desires!”. It is all about negotiation !

Of course I could not help asking for a demo. Israel launched YouTube that popped up on his larger than life monitor and selected one of my own songs. We sat in the couches and it took half a second for the dog to jump on my knees and settle there. It was day time. I would love to go back once at night time. It must be even better.

Enjoying the Studio K 7.2 Home Theater
Enjoying the Studio K 7.2 Home Theater

Life can be good 🙂


There is so much more to say. This is by no mean an exhaustive review of what Studio K has on offer. More like a teaser. Better to see and hear for yourself. Israel is a very approachable person and will be delighted to show you all his wonderful gadgets. If you look for quality lighting, quality audio, need someone knowledgeable who can design and deliver something cool, trendy, modern, original, energy efficient … for your home, Studio K in Loja is definitely a place to consider.


Juan Jose Peña 13-52 y Leopoldo Palacios

Tel: (+593 7) 2 580 816


Studio K Loja

Studio K Loja - Map


Studio K Loja – Let the light and the music be
Studio K Loja – Let the light and the music be

© 2016
All rights reserved
Follow us on Facebook:

#HechoConAmor #TodoLoja

AGAVEBLU – Comida Mexicana Autentica Orgánica en Vilcabamba

es Versión Español us
English HERE



S a l u d a b l e


O r g a n i c o



“Hemos sido bendecidos por los dioses de los alimentos … Todo el mundo está tomando conciencia de las infinitas posibilidades que ofrece la cocina Mexicana”   Greg.

La comida mexicana toca todos los sentidos, y sin duda tocó todos los míos cuando tuve la oportunidad de probar una selección de algunos de los mejores platos del restaurante AgaveBlu. La presentación fue tan impresionante que me quedé observando por un momento la variedad de colores y de texturas de los diferentes platos.

Sirvieron una mesa para 3 y me senté allí solo por un corto tiempo, esperando a Isamar y Greg los propietarios del restaurante AgaveBlu, un poco abrumado debo admitir, mirando a toda esa deliciosa comida frente a mí.

Mexican bonanza in Vilcabamba

Me di cuenta de que no les tomó mucho tiempo para preparar toda esta comida. Esto es genial. Menos tiempo de espera es más tiempo para disfrutar de la comida.

Esto seguramente refleja la eficiencia del personal que trabaja en la cocina. Margarita es la encargada de que todo este en perfectas condiciones. Ella trabaja con mucha eficiencia y con una sonrisa.

AgaveBlu kitchen - Margarita
Margarita asando los medallones de pollo

La cocina mexicana va mucho más allá de los nachos, tortillas, tacos, burritos y guacamole. De hecho no existe una sola “comida mexicana” sino una gran variedad, explicó Isamar Vélez, la propietaria de nacionalidad mexicana que ha vivido en Vilcabamba desde hace 8 años. México es un lugar muy grande y cada región tiene sus propias tradiciones y utiliza diferentes ingredientes.

” El Mole “, por ejemplo es el curry de México, una pasta elaborada de 10 diferentes variedades de chiles (pimientos picantes). Hay mole verde, mole amarillo, mole rojo y dependiendo de lo que crece en una región en particular, la preparación será diferente. AgaveBlu sirve el “mole negro”, también llamada “mole de chocolate”, ya que también contiene una pequeña cantidad de chocolate negro.

Una pasión por la comida

Isamar Vélez García es una apasionada por la comida, le encanta cocinar y ha traído a nuestro pequeño pueblo ecuatoriano el conocimiento que ha heredado de sus padres y abuelos en la ciudad de México, donde solía vivir. Yo la escucho con mucho placer y atención …

Isamar Velez - Agaveblu Vilcabamba
Isamar Velez – Agaveblu Vilcabamba

En mi familia todos somos amantes de la cocina. Empecé a cocinar cuando tenía 6 años de edad. Yo pasaba mi tiempo en la cocina con mi madre, y también en la cocina con mi abuela mirando, haciendo preguntas y aprendiendo sus truquitos. La tradición de los domingos en nuestra familia era de preparar una sola comida al día que empezaba en la mañana  y terminaba en la noche. Aun  recuerdo el olor del aceite de oliva y ajo que me hace recordar a mi abuela”.

“Tomamos la calidad de los ingredientes muy en  serio. Tenemos clientes que son alérgicas a ciertas cosas. Utilizamos aceite de oliva y la verdadera mantequilla de vaca para cocinar. También preparamos alimentos crudos para las personas que son partidarios de los alimentos crudos, pero sólo bajo pedido debido a que se necesita más tiempo para preparar ya que la cocina mexicana llena mi día “.

Muchos ingredientes, me explica, no se pueden encontrar aca en Ecuador. La mayor parte de los ajíes son importados en forma seca de México (Chile ancho, Chile guajillo …). Algunos crecen en su propio huerto en Vilcabamba tales como el chile serrano o el chile jalapeño.

Y eso nos lleva a un aspecto esencial de la cocina AgaveBlu: casi todo es orgánico y casi exclusivamente cultivado localmente, en gran parte por los propietarios mismos.

Agaveblu - del huerto a tu plato
AgaveBlu – De nuestro huerto a tu paladar
Agaveblu - Locally grown and organic
AgaveBlu – Locally grown and organic

Directo del huerto a tu paladar. No puede ser más fresco que eso. Les pedí que me enseñen su huerto y un viaje de 5 minutos en un taxi nos llevó hasta las colinas de Mollepamba.

El huerto

A pesar de estar tan cerca del centro del pueblo, en este lugar uno se siente como si estuviera a millas de distancia. Este sitio sigue siendo tierra rural poco desarrollada y es ahí donde AgaveBlu siembra sus verduras. Comenzaron a desarrollar el huerto hace 8 años, esto supuso mucho trabajo, dice Isamar, y ha requerido un montón de compost. El compost se hace en parte de lo que se recicla desde el restaurante. Reciclan todo.

AgaveBlu veggie garden

Me di cuenta de la presencia de una gran cantidad de esta variedad de col risada que los extranjeros llaman “Kale”, una verdura milagrosa que tiene muchos beneficios para la salud, lastimosamente aún poco conocida en esta parte del mundo.

Kale - Col rizada
Col Risada – Kale

Isamar me enseñó las 3 variedades de ajíes que siembran allí, y luego el perejil y el culantro que son ingredientes importantes de la cocina mexicana. También tienen un huerto de hierbas aromáticas tales como el orégano, el romero y otras. Su huerto contiene un gran variedad de plantas.


Una de las plantas que ha traído de México y que se ha adaptado con éxito acá es el tomatillo verde que se utiliza para preparar la salsa verde que se sirve con las enchiladas y los huevos rancheros.

“Es acido y muy sabroso, pero tienes que probarlo tú mismo …”

A continuación vemos Isamar y Greg con Jorge, su muy amable jardinero ecuatoriano, que me ayuda a encontrar el primer tomatillo verde de mi vida.




Jorge me contó que le encanta su trabajo. Parece que se ha convertido en un  fan del cultivo orgánico.

Si te gusta el pescado, un punto importante que debes saber es que proviene de la pesca artesanal y consciente. Es traído directamente del Puerto Bolívar de Machala. Nuestro pescador hace todo lo posible para ofrecer siempre una variedad de pescado fresco de temporada.

La carne y el pollo también son orgánicos.

AgaveBlu Tilapia/Trucha al MojoAgaveBlu Tilapia/Trucha al Mojo

“A parte de algunos ingredientes tales como ciertas variedades de ajíes que sólo se encuentran en México, todos los demás productos provienen de la zona misma de Vilcabamba o de Loja o son cultivados por nosotros mismos.”

Isamar Velez Garcia

Full belly, happy heart

Pansa llena, corazón contento

El menú

AgaveBlu ofrece una selección extensa “a la carta”, con todo lo que uno desee de un restaurantes de comida mexicana (nachos, enchiladas, burritos, tortillas, guacamole…) y más. Por ejemplo también ofrece pizzas al estilo italiano con masa fina y crocante.

Probamos 4 platos que están entre los más populares:

  • Nachos (por lo general se sirve como aperitivo)
  • Medallon de pollo con mole negro, que es la salsa con 10 ajíes y chocolate
  • Tacos de cochinita – una especialidad de la casa – tortillas rellenas con carne de cerdo – servido con guacamole
  • pizza sambuca
AgaveBlu Pizza
Pizza Sambuca
Tacos de Conchinita
Tacos de Cochinita

Tacos de conchinita

Me gustó mucho todo, pero tengo que decir que los tacos de cochinita fueron mis favoritos, así como el pollo con salsa mole.





Las bebidas

Además de las marcas habituales de cervezas nacionales, AgaveBlu sirve la cerveza artesanal Zarza, fabricada en la ciudad de Loja, que la contienen en barriles.

Ofrecen una selección de jugos verdes y tropicales. Su café es cultivado y tostado por una familia de Vilcabamba. Sirven café filtrado, expresos y capuchinos.

Los postres

Después de toda esta bonanza sabrosa, nada mejor que un buen postre. Muchos restaurantes te desilusionan en el campo de los postres. No es así en AgaveBlu. En pocos minutos la mesa volvió a llenarse, esta vez con un surtido de 3 postres diferentes, capuchinos y un café expreso para mí.

AgaveBlu Desets

Mientras disfrutábamos de los postres que eran absolutamente deliciosos los tres, conversamos un poco más sobre la vida en México, la vida en general y lo que significa para ellos ser los gerentes de este restaurante.
Blessed by the food gods

Quiero dejar la última palabra a Greg que lo resumió todo de esta manera:

“Hemos sido bendecidos por los dioses de los alimentos y estamos muy orgullosos de poder traer la comida mexicana, el patrimonio de México, a esta parte del mundo. Porque la comida es deliciosa, y es fresca,  es saludable y colorida y sabrosa. Todo el mundo se está despertando a las infinitas posibilidades que existen en la cocina Mexicana. Estoy muy bendecido de ser parte de esta presentación “.

Comentarios de los clientes

Alan Kales vive en Vilcabamba desde hace nueve meses. Él es un cliente regular de AgaveBlu.

La comida aquí es siempre excelente. Nunca he tenido una mala experiencia.”

The food is always superb
The food is always superb

Otro de sus clientes regulares es Joseph Connelly, mas conocido como “Joe”, de Nueva Zelanda y residente en Vilcabamba desde hace muchos años. El estaba pasando por allí. Él me comentó que visita el restaurante por lo menos 3 veces por semana, no necesariamente para comer, pero también a veces para tomar una bebida, conversar con la gente, mirar a las chicas (eso dijo el)…. Le pedí su opinión sobre el lugar.

“La comida es sumamente excelente … Tiene sabor y textura y el servicio es excelente”.

Joe - the food is supremely excellent
Joe – the food is supremely excellent


Un agradecimiento especial para el buen sentido del humor de Greg que vemos en la foto de arriba dando un billete de $5 dólares a Joe por sus buenos comentarios. ”

“Esto te costará mucho más que eso! ” dice Joe.

Esta es la actitud ! Este es el espíritu  🙂


Si te gusta la comida sabrosa, sana, orgánica, si te gusta la comida un poco picante, si te gusta la comida mexicana, si te gustan las buenas pizzas o si sólo quieres pasar un buen rato mirando la variedad de gente pasar mientras disfrutas de un café expreso o de una rica cerveza artesanal y de un servicio de calidad, este lugar quizá es exactamente lo que has estado buscando.

Deseo agradecer a Isamar y Greg por el tiempo maravilloso que pasamos juntos. No sólo la comida fue excelente, sino también sus personalidades, su carisma y pasión por lo que hacen, a mi me hicieron sentir de maravilla y sin duda hacen lo mismo con todos sus clientes.


AGAVEBLU Vilcabamba - Exquisite Mexican Food in Ecuador

AGAVEBLU – Comida Mexicana Autentica Orgánica en Vilcabamba


Dirección: Calle Bolívar (parque central) – Vilcabamba
Tel: +593 (0)980881035  +593 (0)959057384
Redes sociales:





© 2016
Todos Derechos Reservados
Síganos en Facebook:

#HechoConAmor  #TodoLoja

AGAVEBLU – Exquisite Organic Mexican Food in Vilcabamba

us English version






O r g a n i c


“We are blessed by the food gods … The whole world is waking up to the infinite possibilities that are inhered in the cuisine of Mexico”   Greg.

Mexican food touches all your senses and it certainly touched all of mine when I was given the opportunity to sample a selection of some of AgaveBlu best dishes. The presentation was impeccable, it was as much something that I wanted to look at as something that I wanted to taste and eat.

We set the table for 3 and I sat there alone for a short while, a bit overwhelmed I must admit looking at all that colorful food in front of me while waiting for Isamar and Greg, the AgaveBlu owners to join me.

Mexican bonanza in Vilcabamba

I noticed that it took them virtually no time to prepare the meals. This is great. Less time waiting is more time enjoying the food.

An efficient well run kitchen is part of what makes a good restaurant. Margarita is the person in charge, she is fast, loves what she does and does it with a smile.

AgaveBlu kitchen - Margarita
Margarita preparing the chicken

Mexican cuisine goes way beyond nachos, tortillas, tacos and burritos. Actually there is no such thing really as “Mexican food” explained Isamar Velez, the Mexican owner who has lived in Vilcabamba for 8 years. Mexico is a big place and each region has its own traditions and uses different ingredients.

Mole” for example (pronounce “moley”) is the Mexican curry, a paste made out of as many as 10 different varieties of chiles (chili peppers). There is green mole, yellow mole, red mole and depending on what grows in a particular region, the mole will be different. AgaveBlu serves the “dark mole” also called “chocolate mole” because it also contains a small quantity of dark chocolate.

A passion for food

Isamar Velez Garcia is passionate for food, loves cooking and has brought to our small Ecuadorian village the knowledge that she inherited from her parents and grand parents in Mexico city where she used to live. I listen to her with pleasure and attention…

Isamar Velez - Agaveblu Vilcabamba
Isamar Velez – Agaveblu Vilcabamba

We are all foodies in the family. I started cooking when I was 6 years old. I was in the kitchen with my mum, I was in the kitchen with my grandmother. On Sundays we had a day with just one meal that started in the morning and lasted the whole day. I do recall the smell of olive oil and garlic that brings me back to my grandmother all the time“.

“We take the quality of our ingredients most seriously. We have clients who are allergic to certain things. We use olive oil and real farm butter to cook. I also prepare raw food for people who are raw foodists but only on order because it takes more time to prepare and just the Mexican cooking fills my day”.

Many ingredients she explained cannot be found here in Ecuador. Most of the chiles are sourced in their dry form from Mexico (chile ancho, chile guajillo…). Some she grows in her own veggie garden in Vilcabamba (chile serrano, chile jalapeño).

And that brings us to an essential aspect of the AgaveBlu cuisine: it is almost all organic and almost exclusively locally grown, much of it by the owners themselves.

Agaveblu - del huerto a tu plato
Agaveblu – From the garden to your plate
Agaveblu - Locally grown and organic
AgaveBlu – Locally grown and organic

It does not get fresher than that. I asked to take a look at the garden and we went for a 5 minute drive in a taxi up the hills to Mollepamba.

The garden

Despite being so close to the center of the village, it feels like being miles away. This is still largely undeveloped rural land and that is where AgaveBlu grows its vegetables. They started the garden 8 years ago, it has been a lot of work, Isamar says, and has required a lot of compost. The compost is partly made from what is recycled from the restaurant. We recycle everything.

AgaveBlu veggie garden

I noticed a lot of this hardy cabbage variety called “Kale”, a miraculous green that has so many health benefits, still poorly known in this part of the world.

Kale - Col rizada
Kale – Col rizada

Isamar showed me the 3 varieties of chiles that she grows there, then the parsley and cilantro which are important ingredients of Mexican cuisine, then the herb garden with oregano, rosemary and others, and much much more. Her garden is well developed.


One species that she brought from Mexico and has successfully adapted here is the green tomatillo which is used to make green sauce (salsa verde) that is served with enchiladas and eggs.

“Tart and very savory, but you have to try it for yourself…”

Here they are, Isamar and Greg, with Jorge, their friendly Ecuadorian gardener, showing me what a tomatillo looks like.



Jorge told me that he likes his job very much there and has become a big fan of organic gardening.

If you like fish, you won’t be disappointed either.

All seafood is wild caught and comes from a fisherman in Puerto Bolivar (port of Machala). They strive to offer a variety of fresh fish depending on the season.

Meet and chicken are also organic.

AgaveBlu Tilapia/Trucha al Mojo
AgaveBlu Tilapia/Trucha al Mojo

“Apart from the hot peppers and some items that can only be sourced from Mexico, all our ingredients are sourced locally from Vilcabamba or Loja or grown by ourselves.”

Isamar Velez Garcia

Full belly, happy heart

Pansa llena, corazón contento

The menu

AgaveBlu has an extensive “a la carte” menu with everything one expects from a Mexican restaurants and more. For example they have a large selection of Italian style crispy thin based pizzas.

The 4 dishes that we tried were among the most popular ones:

  • Nachos (usually served as entree)
  • Medallon de pollo con mole – chicken medallions in mole sauce – that is the sauce with 10 chiles and chocolate
  • Tacos de cochinita – a specialty of the house – tortillas filled with pork – served with guacamole
  • Pizza Sambuca
AgaveBlu Pizza
Pizza Sambuca
Tacos de Cochinita
Tacos de Cochinita
Tacos de conchinita
Enjoying the tacos de conchinita

I really enjoyed everything but I must say that the tacos were my favorites as well as the chicken with the mole sauce.






In addition to the usual Ecuadorian brands, AgaveBlu serves the Zarza craft beer from Loja which they have on tap.

They have a good selection of juices, tropical and green. Their coffee is grown and toasted by a local Vilcabamba family. They serve filter coffee, espressos and cappuccinos.

The deserts

After all this savory bonanza, nothing better than a perfect desert. Many restaurants let you down in the desert department. Not so at AgaveBlu. In no less than a few minutes the table was full again, this time with an assortment of 3 different deserts, cappuccinos and a black espresso for me.

AgaveBlu Desets

While enjoying the deserts which were all three absolutely delicious, we conversed a little more about life in Mexico, life in general and what it meant to them to run this restaurant.

Blessed by the food gods

I wish to leave the last word to Greg who summed it all this way:

“We have been blessed by the food gods and we are very proud to be able to bring Mexican food, the patrimony of Mexico, to this part of the world. Because the food is delicious, and it’s fresh, and it’s healthy, and it’s colorful and tasty. The whole world is waking up to the infinite possibilities that are inhered in the cuisine of Mexico. I am just really fortunate to be part of this presentation.”

Customer Feedback

Alan Kales has been in Vilcabamba for nine months. He is an AgaveBlu  regular.

The food here is always superb. I have never had a bad meal.

The food is always superb
Alan Kales “The food is always superb”

Another one of their regulars, Joseph Connelly, aka “Joe”, from New Zealand and long time resident of Vilcabamba, walks by. He says to me that he comes at least 3 times a week to the restaurant, not necessarily to eat but sometimes just to have a drink, chat with people, watch life goes by. I ask him his opinion about the place.

“The food is supremely excellent… It has taste, texture and flavor and the service is excellent”.

Joe - the food is supremely excellent
Joe – the food is supremely excellent


A special thanks for Greg’s wonderful sense of humor who we see on the photo above handing a $5 dollar note to Joe for his good comments.

This will cost you much more than that !” says Joe.


That’s the spirit  🙂


If you like tasty, healthy, organic food, if you like it a little spicy, if you like Mexican food, if you like pizzas or if you want to just spend some time watching life goes by while sipping a good espresso coffee, a good craft beer, this place maybe exactly what you have been looking for.

I wish to thank Isamar and Greg for the wonderful time that we spent together. Not only was the food excellent but their personalities, their charisma and passion for what they do, made me and no doubt makes their customers feel great.

AGAVEBLU - Exquisite Organic Mexican Food in Vilcabamba
AGAVEBLU – Exquisite Organic Mexican Food in Vilcabamba


Address: Calle Bolivar (parque central) – Vilcabamba
Tel: +593 (0)980881035  +593 (0)959057384
Social networks:


Opening Hours



© 2016
All rights reserved
Follow us on Facebook:

#HechoConAmor  #TodoLoja

EcuadorVIDA – Your friendly legal expert in Loja Ecuador

es Español AQUI

(traducción es generada por google translate, no nos responsabilizamos por los errores encontrados)

Immigration and Visas,
Container of Personal Items
Import / Export
Real Estate

If you are looking for a friendly, relaxed, low key, highly experienced lawyer in Loja Ecuador to take care of your legal affairs, whether personal or business, look no further than EcuadorVIDA.

You will be attended by Dr. Ramiro Carrión, a professional lawyer with over 20 years of experience with the Ecuadorian legal system. As a person who has filled several positions in public institutions including the High Court, Ramiro knows the system inside out and has a wide network of contacts. It is my observation as an immigrant who has lived a number of years in this country that here in Ecuador a good network of relationships is as important as knowledge and experience.

Dr. Ramiro Carrión - EcuadorVIDA - Loja Ecuador
Dr. Ramiro Carrión – EcuadorVIDA – Loja Ecuador


The man is busy, answering calls, attending people, running to and from hearings and still manages to keep a relaxed attitude and a smile. I interviewed him in his office of Calle Sucre in the heart of the city of Loja. I need to mention straight away that Ramiro frequently travels to Vilcabamba where he can attend his clients too.


Ramiro works in one of these beautiful historic homes in Loja made out of natural materials like rammed earth and tropical woods. This house has some history as it belongs to his grandfather Clodoveo Jaramillo Alvarado, a great historian whose brother was none less than Pio Jaramillo Alvarado, a symbolic icon in this country.

In this beautiful home, you will find an atmosphere of tranquility, suitable to discuss the issues that bring you there.

And I have to admit that I enjoyed for once to be looking at a painting of a woman reading a book rather than the usual blindfolded woman holding the scale.


Immigration and Visas



“My main focus is everything that relates to immigration: obtaining visas and residency, shipping your belongings from overseas, buying, selling and developing property and sorting out any type of real estate issue … “


Ramiro Carrion - Highly experienced lawyer in Immigration and Visas
Ramiro Carrion – Highly experienced lawyer in Immigration and Visas

“I have many many friends in Loja and in Vilcabamba, many foreigners too, from all countries, and I have helped many who found their new home in Ecuador sorting out the problems they had with regard to the immigration legal process. I am providing a legal advice that is just and intelligent to make their new life in Ecuador as easy and trouble free as possible”.

English, French, German and now more recently Chinese and Japanese are the most common languages that Ramiro deals with. The man himself is not a polyglot but thanks to his extended network of collaborators and friends,  communication has never been an issue irrespective of the spoken language.

Isamar Velez
Isamar Velez

When it comes to do a proper legal translation of some document from or to English, Isamar Velez, a commercial engineer from Mexico, who has lived in Vilcabamba for over 10 years, takes care of it. She has a lot of experience and is very professional.




“Migration is not complicated but is has to be done step by step and done right and that requires an experienced lawyer…”

“What we aim for is to give our clients peace of mind, the reassurance that things are under control and well managed.”

“Some transactions must be done with the client because they might require a photo for example but in most cases we handle the process independently and will deliver the visa to the client when ready. Our service is all comprehensive including the very final step of the residency process which is to obtain the identity card, the cedula as it is called here, which requires a trip to Cuenca.”

Personal belongings



We take care of making sure that your belongings get delivered to your door in the minimum amount of time.

Another important step in the immigration process is the shipment of one’s personal belongings to Ecuador, something that can be done totally tax free within the 6 months following issuance of the residency visa. EcuadorVIDA has in depth knowledge and experience in this area.

Real Estate

Real Estate Loja Ecuador
“In general my clients are people from Loja who want to sell a piece of property in Loja, Vilcabamba, Malacatos, Yangana, Quinara and nearby places We put them in touch with prospective purchasers.”


As an expat in Ecuador, especially if you barely speak any Spanish, the process of acquiring a piece of property, which could be the very first thing you have to do in order to obtain your visa in the case of an investment type visa, is tricky and can lead to unpleasant surprises. This is why it is of uttermost importance to work with a law firm that knows the ropes and will carry out all due diligence on your behalf.

Ramiro insists that he is not a real estate agency but rather acts as a facilitator between the seller and the buyer. He uses Facebook and mouth to mouth to bring people in contact. For example, you as a potential buyer let him know your criteria and he will tap into his extensive network of contacts to find the right property for you.

“We are lawyers of many people and companies here in Loja and that puts us in a good position to know about what is available. We have a portfolio of about sixty properties from Malacatos to Yangana, in Taxiche, on the Malacatos high grounds, occidental and oriental : El Carmen, El Sauce, San Francisco, La Granja, El Prado and then going to Vilcabamba, in San Pedro, Sacapo, Quinara, Yangana Cucanama…”

At this point of the interview I notice that Ramiro gets quite enthusiastic. It is obviously something that he enjoys very much doing.

EcuadorVIDA Real Estate

“After we help the purchaser to identify the right property, we then give him/her the legal advice and assistance to go through the entire process, we deal with the city council, the property register, we issue the documents … basically to avoid the buyer any possible pitfall during the process.”


Ramiro Carrión is a dedicated person, intelligent and well articulated. He puts a strong emphasis on friendships and collaborations. He mentioned in the course of the interview that many of his clients have become friends and in turn contribute to the services he provide. This is something important in a cosmopolitan place like Vilcabamba when one suddenly has a requirement for a translation of a German, French or Japanese document.

We invite you to contact him for an assessment of your legal requirements and we welcome any feedback.

EcuadorVIDA - Your friendly legal expert in Loja Ecuador
EcuadorVIDA – Your friendly legal expert in Loja Ecuador


Address: Sucre 06-79 between José Antonio Eguiguren y Colon, Loja Ecuador
Tel: +593 (0)997967639
Social networks:

EcuadorVIDA Map

EcuadorVIDA - Calle Sucre Loja
EcuadorVIDA – Calle Sucre Loja

EcuadorVIDA - Your friendly legal expert in Loja Ecuador

© 2016
All rights reserved
Follow us on Facebook:

#HechoConAmor  #TodoLoja

UNRELATEDisimo – A collection of unrelated writings for the truth seekers

Let’s face it.

Most of what we are given to read on the internet is of little value. Let’s not even mention the mainstream media which is nothing more than distraction.

But even the so-called alternative media falls prey to sensationalism and superficial content.

From time to time there is some really good stuff though that makes you think “wow !”.

I am not interested in short term things and the latest of the latest. This web site is not a news web site.

I am usually not interested in politics especially not American politics.

I am interested in whatever point of view on whatever topic that makes you think outside of the square and stays with you for a long time.

I want to keep this material handy. The question is how and where? Do I just post it on FB like many others do. Sure I will get 2 or 3 likes, maybe one share, a couple of single line comments? Then what? It will soon be covered by some ad for cellular phones or some more tai-chi or yoga classes and disappear in the giant FB black hole…

One should never forget that FB does not belong to any of us. It belongs to the 1% or has it become the 0.1% ? So, one day, any day, without warning, this or that nice FB group with so many followers or even FB itself might just disappear. This or that youtube channel, same. I am amazed how people have come to trust and rely on these tools.

Ecuador is a country where most lawyers use a gmail account (gmail is Google remember?) to liaise with their clients !! They don’t even need the NSA spying on them. They spontaneously give their confidential client’s data away to Google. When I tell them, they have this look on their face, somewhere between a total lack of understanding of what I am talking about and a “so what?” . This baffles me.

Unlike FB, the internet won’t go away and it does not belong (yet?) to the 1% although they are trying hard to change that. So having your own domain and your own web site allows you to own your data. I am slowly and painfully creating a repository of information on and There are videos too. These videos are on youtube for now. However unlike people who just put theirs on youtube an create a nice channel, mine can be moved at the speed of light to any other provider without affecting in any way the references that are in the search engines. For example a link like this one which points to a video of Chuquiribamba in Loja Ecuador will not change and belongs to the owner of the domain whereas a link like which points to exactly the same video belongs to Google and may disappear or stop being valid any time without notice.

Anyway, this long ramble to say that I have decided to store this unrelated material that I am reading and that I want to keep and share with the world in my own web space and this is what you will find here.

Because in theory anyway it is totally unrelated with the rest of the web site, and because we live in Ecuador where people speak Spanish, I called this section :


or Finding the gem among the sh..t, hence the nice picture at the top of this article, all due credits given to its owner who is not me.

Happy reading !

Pierre Volter

La Ramada de Noé – Jambeli Machala – Paraíso en Ecuador

Ubicada en la Provincia del Oro, Machala es la ciudad costera más cercana a Loja. Se tarda alrededor de 6 horas en autobús desde Loja para llegar hasta allí con la cooperativa Loja Internacional. Luego un corto paseo en taxi ($ 3) al puerto (Puerto Bolívar) y la verdadera diversión empieza.

Una lancha pequeña pero cómoda le llevará desde el puerto hasta la isla. Solamente se tarda unos 20 minutos, pero querría que tome más tiempo porque el paisaje es realmente impresionante.

La Ramada de Noé - Jambelí Machala - Paradise in Ecuador
La Ramada de Noé – Jambelí Machala – Paraíso en Ecuador

Después de 5 minutos desde el puerto de Machala el barco entra en el manglar de Jambelí y de ahí en adelante usted está en un lugar mágico, tranquilo y protegido, donde se puede observar un poco de la vida silvestre (especialmente aves) desde el barco.

Jambeli Machala

Jambeli Machala
Manglar de Jambelí

A su llegada a la isla, sólo tendrá que dar un muy corto paseo por una bonita calle pavimentada para encontrar hoteles y restaurantes…

Jambeli Machala

… y luego para tocar arena!

Playa de Jambeli Machala

La Ramada de Noé

Para aquellos que están con un presupuesto un poco apretado y no son demasiado exigentes en términos de confort y lujo, recomendamos “La Ramada de Noé”. Es un hostal básico pero al mismo tiempo cómodo y limpio. Además serán atendidos con mucha amabilidad y cortesía por sus dueños y tan sólo cobran una modesta suma de $ 10 por persona. Se encuentra en la calle principal a pocos pasos del muelle a la izquierda.

Los propietarios, Luis Eras y su esposa Norma, nos recibieron con un delicioso y 100% natural “granizado de coco”, su especialidad. También hemos probado sus empanadas de queso que son ricas.

La Ramada de Noe

Granizado de coco

Charlamos con ellos y también con algunos turistas de México, Bélgica y Finlandia. Todos estaban muy contentos con el ambiente tranquilo de la isla. Al contrario de Montañita por ejemplo, Jambelí es visitado principalmente por los ecuatorianos de Machala, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Loja… Los turistas internacionales están presentes pero siguen siendo una minoría, lo que es una ventaja para aquellos que buscan la autenticidad.

Visitantes Ecuatorianos en Jambeli

Visitors in Jambeli

Este hombre negociante de México se alojaba en la Ramada de Noé por algunas noches y su mayor deseo era hacer nada, solamente tener un buen descanso y descubrir los deliciosos sabores de los mariscos frescos. El estaba encantado de haber encontrado este lugar y la cálida bienvenida que había recibido de los propietarios.

Turista de Mexico en Jambeli

Por $ 10 por persona se obtiene habitaciones sencillas y limpias. Tienen televisión por cable y también Internet wi-fi. Algunas habitaciones cuentan con aire acondicionado.

La Ramada de Noe - Jambeli

La Ramada de Noe - Jambeli

Las camas son muy cómodas y los baños limpios.


Por el módico precio de tan sólo $ 10 por persona, La Ramada de Noé es un ganador. Les deseamos a Luis y Norma todo lo mejor y será un placer para nosotros volver a visitarlos.

La Ramada de Noé - Jambeli Machala - Paraíso en Ecuador
La Ramada de Noé – Jambeli Machala – Paraíso en Ecuador


Para llegar: Machala -> Puerto Bolivar (bus numero 13 o taxi) -> Jambeli (lancha)

La Ramada de Noe - Jambeli

Para más información comuníquese con ellos a los números mencionados en el flyer o también el 0999 507 667

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Abril del año 2016
Todos los derechos reservados

Loja Ecuador – Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad (fotos)

Fotos del evento

Ver articulo AQUI – See article in English HERE

Loja Ecuador - Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad
Loja Ecuador – Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad

“Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad” se llamaba el evento organizado por la Prefectura de Loja, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Ministerio de Industrias y Productividad y Swisscontact, contando con el apoyo del Municipio, Ministerio de Cultura y Organización de Restaurantes de Loja.

A continuación una fotos que el equipo de tomo del evento

Loja Ecuador - Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad - hablando con Swisscontact
Loja Ecuador – Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad – Rafael Dávila hablando con Frank Engler de Swisscontact
Loja Ecuador - Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad - Prefecto y Gobernadora - El café es un tema que brinda pasión
Loja Ecuador – Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad – Prefecto y Gobernadora – El café es un tema que brinda pasión
Genny Campoverde - Prefectura de Loja
Genny Campoverde – Coordinadora Turismo – Prefectura de Loja
Barismo en Loja Ecuador
Barismo en Loja Ecuador
Exclusividad de Loja : Manjar de cafe
Don Félix – Manjar de Café y Aliños
Papa Café - Olmedo
Papá Café – Olmedo
Cafe Mazita - Cariamanga
Café Mazita – Cariamanga
Café Señor - Gonzanama
Café Señor – Gonzanama
Cafe Typikka (Puyango)
Café Typikka (Puyango)
Café Dagadá Loja
Café Dagadá Loja
Café Alonso Galvez (Zaruma)
Café Alonso Galvez (Zaruma)
Cafe Saritama (Olmedo)
Cafe Saritama (Olmedo)
Café Gran Puyango
Café Gran Puyango
Chaguarcafe Chaguarpamba
Chaguarcafe Chaguarpamba
Cefe Rangelito
Cefe Rangelito
Mónica León - Café Uchima - Vilcabamba
Mónica León – Café Uchima – Vilcabamba
Del Paramo - Vilcabamba Ecuador
Del Páramo – Chocolate y Cafe – Vilcabamba Ecuador

Ramiro Lopez - Catador - ProcafeqRamiro López – Gerente de Procafeq

Café de mala calidad, mezclado y contaminado
Café de mala calidad, mezclado y contaminado
Café Las Aradas - Quilanga - Asociación Procafeq
Café Orgánico Las Aradas – Quilanga – Asociación Procafeq

Los jovenes Lojanos toman cafe tambien

Los jóvenes Lojanos toman café también

Gringo al SUR en el evento Cultura de consumo de un cafe de calidad en Loja Ecuador - Con el equipo de Papa Cafe

Gringo al SUR en el evento Cultura de consumo de un cafe de calidad en Loja Ecuador - Con el equipo de Papa Cafe
Gringo al SUR en el evento Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad en Loja Ecuador – Con el equipo de Papa Café


Gringo al SUR en el evento Cultura de consumo de un cafe de calidad en Loja Ecuador

Gringo al SUR en el evento
Gringo al SUR en el evento

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Loja Ecuador – Culture of consumption of quality coffee (part 1)

us English version



Coffee production is the industrial process of converting the raw fruit of the coffee plant into the finished coffee. However, it is not what one would call a processed product. The cherry has the fruit or pulp removed leaving the seed or bean which is then dried. While all green coffee is processed, the method that is used varies and can have a significant effect on the flavor of roasted and brewed coffee. Coffee production is a major source of income, especially for developing countries where coffee is grown. By adding value, processing the coffee locally, coffee farmers and countries can increase the revenue from coffee. (source: Wikipedia)

Loja is one of the most important coffee producing regions in Ecuador with coffee at 1000–2000 meters. It produces 20% of the Arabica in the country and also has great quality potential. A great deal of the top coffees from Taza Dorada have been produced in this region with multiple first places as well. Varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Caturra. Microregions: Olmedo, Quilanga, Vilcabamba, Chaguarpamba, Puyango, Celica, Paltas  (source:

Loja Ecuador - Culture of consumption of quality coffee
Loja Ecuador – Culture of consumption of quality coffee

On Friday March 18 2016, in the San Sebastián square of Loja, took place an important event for the entire province of Loja.

Culture of consumption of quality coffee” was the name of the event. It was organized by the Prefecture of Loja , Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry and Productivity and Swisscontact, with the support of the Municipality, Ministry of Culture and Restaurants in Loja.

Loja Ecuador - Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad - hablando con Swisscontact
Loja Ecuador – Cultura de consumo de un café de calidad – Rafael Dávila hablando con Frank Engler de Swisscontact

A brief presentation of the event can be found on the prefecture web page here (in Spanish).

The team was present with Miguel Ortiz’ cameras to take photos and shoot some videos (Mundo Digital). Our first aim was to discover the vast world of Loja coffee, interview participants, especially producers and associations.

Genny Campoverde, coordinator of Tourism at the Prefecture, seemed a little tense at the time of the opening ceremony in the morning but in the afternoon she could be seen flying from one side to the other with a large grin on her face. By then and just like us she must have had too many cups of espresso coffee 🙂 The event was a great success. The preparation of this type of event is not as easy as it sounds, there are many people involved and good coordination is essential.

Genny Campoverde - Prefectura de Loja
Genny Campoverde – Prefectura de Loja

As usual, priority as well as the so-called “Gringo al SUR” ‘s  was to interview producers, specialists and visitors to tell us their stories, their experience and a little bit about their daily lives. This time, as many times before, we were not disappointed. Exhibitors impressed us with their kindness, professionalism and high level of commitment, we could even say “pure passion” for what they do.

Exclusividad de Loja : Manjar de cafe
Don Félix – Manjar de Café y Aliños
Papa Café - Olmedo
Papá Café – Olmedo
Cafe Mazita - Cariamanga
Café Mazita – Cariamanga
Café Señor - Gonzanama
Café Señor – Gonzanama
Cafe Typikka (Puyango)
Café Typikka (Puyango)

Culture of consumption of quality coffee

One must ask the basic question: What does it mean exactly : “a culture of consumption of quality coffee”?

It is a complex topic. As the title says there is a cultural aspect. Not every country in the world has the same ideas and standards when it comes to how they like their coffee. Some like it strong, some like it weak, with or without milk and/or sugar, or even with cream or liquor, Turkish or mixed with cacao (macachino) to mention just a few examples.

There is the word “consumption “. Ecuador has been a producer and exporter (of mostly green coffee) for a long time. Consumer not that much. It goes the same with cacao by the way.  The espresso machine is a new phenomenon and is found in very few places, basically the urban centers (not all of them) and nowhere else. The availability of a good espresso helps tourism because many foreigners, especially Europeans and North Americans are used to consuming this type of high quality coffee. It is good news that Loja, the first coffee producer in Ecuador, develops an interest for the consumption aspect and not only production and sales.

Then there is the word “quality“. Here it is a bit easier to define objectively. Let’s try. Note that that we (the authors) are consumers, coffee lovers but certainly no experts. Forgive any oversimplification.

Coffee is a big world . Good coffee is the result of many factors and they are all important. Between the tree and the coffee mug in your hands, the coffee has gone through many transformations. If only one of these steps is not executed properly, the coffee will not reach its full potential.

Consequently, if Loja wants to be a benchmark of quality coffee production, and this is not to say that Loja is not but rather that Loja has not yet reached its full potential, Loja has to continue to improve all stages of production. Hence the idea of this type of event: provide an exchange forum between all parties involved: coffee growers, producers, roasters, tasters, baristas, associations, retailers, exporters, consumers … Only together can they be successful.

… And it  is not just pure coffee but also derivatives or related products. For example, Jose, Belgian chocolatier resident in Vilcabamba (chocolate boutique Del Paramo), gave us to try one of his chocolate pralines with coffee and it left me speechless.

Del Paramo - Vilcabamba Ecuador
Del Páramo – Vilcabamba Ecuador

Coffee and chocolate are two products that blend very well. Ecuador is a producer of both. The Del Páramo products combine coffee and cocoa and are excellent. Also the coffee delicacy Don Felix (manjar de cafe, see photos above) is delicious.

Ramiro Lopez, expert taster and manager of the association PROCAFEQ (Quilanga) explained that for example many green coffees are mixed and contaminated. He told us that sometimes the cherries are left to dry on dirt instead of cement. So to rescue the product, they roast it more than necessary in the naive hope that this way the “badness” will go away. It’s like putting too much salt on poor quality meat. When the meat is good it is not necessary. Likewise a good quality coffee does not need to be over-roasted.

Ramiro Lopez - Catador - Procafeq
Ramiro López – Gerente de Procafeq
Café de mala calidad, mezclado y contaminado
Café de mala calidad, mezclado y contaminado

Roasting without burning is an absolute requirement for good coffee but there are many other criteria.

To begin with, there are two different methods for preparing green coffee before toasting it: the dry process and the wet process. The dry process, where the cherries are just left to dry in the sun usually on cement, is the traditional way in Ecuador, the most economical but does not produce the “gourmet” coffee which is what the export market requires most.

Piladora Leon Vilcabamba Coffee Dry Process
Piladora Leon Vilcabamba – Green Coffee – Dry Process

For this type of premium coffee one needs to remove the pulp of the coffee cherries and wash the seeds before drying them. This method is called “wet” or “Pergamino” and requires more time, more manpower and more equipment and is of course more expensive.

Gringo al SUR

In our  story video on the Piladora Leon in Vilcabamba we have presented the dry process. In a future article we hope to present the other method.

After the preparation of the green coffee, comes roasting and this process also has its own requirements and criteria: roasting temperature and time, type of machine, etc … All these parameters influence the quality and taste of the final product.

Various stages of coffee production
Various stages of coffee production

A perfectly roasted coffee in our home still does not mean that it will be good in our jug. We must learn to brew it well. Here are cultural and subjective factors involved. In the Ecuadorian culture it is common to take it mild with sugar and/or milk. When we asked some young people visiting the event whether they drank coffee we were told “yes” and when we asked them how they prepared it, they looked surprised by the question and answered: “normally”. People at large are not aware that coffee can be brewed many different ways.
Los jovenes Lojanos toman cafe tambien

Los jóvenes Lojanos toman café también

In Europe, people have learned to take good strong espresso with little or no sugar. For milk lovers, cappuccinos are a modern “cool” version of the traditional “cafe con leche”.

Short or long, with or without milk, which one is better is a subject that we don’t want to discuss at length here. Suffice to say that, in the personal opinion of the author of this article, good coffee is taken pure, without sugar and without milk (however a cappuccino from time to time is not a bad thing at all). Even more important, good coffee is prepared fresh and not kept at high temperature. In many places, people here let the coffee sit for hours in the coffee dispenser and this gives you a taste of boiled coffee that is really unpleasant.

“In Belgium, my country of birth, the taste for espresso is so great that many people have espresso machines at home. In 2013 I stayed a few days at my sister’s in Brussels and took these photos in her kitchen”  Editor.

Cafe Expresso

Capsulas de cafe

This machine uses capsules of different colors that are purchased in a box. Each color has an Italian sounding name: Capriccio, Volluto, Cosi etc … Each capsule contains a single dose of coffee. The names represent a flavor, a roast, an emotion, a country of origin. This is marketing!


The result is an espresso ready in 1 minute flat without even having to open a package, measuring spoons or messing around with filters (or the traditional Ecuadorian sock).

It’s a bit exaggerated in our opinion but that’s the modern world and if we are to make Loja better at producing, exporting and consuming top quality coffee it is important to know what the customers want and what sells.

Barismo en Loja Ecuador

More photos HERE

To be continued …

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